Hey friends. Its your exhausted, yet wired blogger friend! I don't really have much to say except that you should avoid steroids at all costs because they make you a totally different person than you actually are. I'm completely amped up! BUT, they're also turning out to be a really awesome anxiety-fix! I've not been nervous all day! I'm pretty sure that's because I can't focus on one thing long enough to be nervous about it, but I'll take what I can get. Somehow I managed to completely dominate my A&P test (grace of God, that's how) and I'm really praying He'll give me the same help on the micro test tomorrow. I'm even more lost on that one than I was on A&P.
Talked to my advisor for approximately 5 minutes today and that was pretty useless. I think I'm finished until the program starts, but she told me I could take American Literature "if I want to." What? Of course I dont WANT to. So I have to go to the admissions office and see if they'll take one of my humanities or Englishes from UGA or not...I'm so whacked out I'll probably straight up beg. Not too proud!
In other news, I registered (late) for the GACE today & decided to just take Middle Grades Language Arts. Mainly because I've got finals the week before and the HESI exam 2 weeks after, so I really don't have time to study for Middle Grades Science as much as I would need to. Unless I continue these steroids...
Otherwise, I have a rash and can't stop singing Little Bitty Pretty One (I only know about 2 lines so its getting quite old). My calf muscles won't stop twitching and my movements are a little jerky. I begged my teacher to let me leave class early, but I was afraid I would miss something, so I snuck into the bathroom to take my steroid pill in case I gagged. I didn't! I ate supper and TWO desserts (one to wash down the bitter taste of the pill) and I'm still hungry. Go 'roids go. I'm also feeling quite nostalgic about old dance routines and sweet old dance friends that are too far away.
I hope this makes sense and I've got no clue how its so long. Story of my life.
This message brought to you in part by Prednisone and shrimp pasta.
Hannah, the roid queen extraordinaire

Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Beach Weekend 2011
Hi friends! We just got back from BEAUTIFUL Mexico Beach, where we had a [mostly] wonderful and relaxing time. The beach was great, but it was too windy to lay out for more than hour...it is February after all. Still, we were able to sit up on the fantastic balcony and look at the water which was good enough for us! It was stunning! Here's a picture to give you an idea of how the weekend started out. (I didn't get many due to a teensy distraction...more on that later)
After a beautiful day at the beach where we inevitably ran into 2 of Tyler's students, we decided to go to Toucan's for a beachy dinner. I wanted pasta and being the Picky Peggy that I am, I wanted the shrimp pasta even though I don't like shrimp--I'd just eat around it. The shrimp pasta suited my needs better, it had mushrooms (maybe my favorite food even though they don't have much of a taste) and yummy alfredo sauce. I got the pasta, and after fishing out the giant, veiny, yucky shrimp, I ate about 3/4 of it. DELICIOUS. If you ever go to Mexico Beach, try Toucans. It's expensive ($17 for my shrimp pasta), but its really good. I digress. Afterwards, my throat was hurting and I thought the only way to remedy it would be ice cream, so we got some and sat down to watch 3+ hours of Sybil. And then I couldn't finish my ice cream (HUGE red flag). My throat was swelling up and closing at a regular pace. I started drinking as much cool water as possible (felt better, anyway) and took advil (stupid). After about an hour, we knew there was no reason to be waiting.
Unfortunately, the closest hospital was in Panama City and we had to drive 30+ minutes to get there. I was panicked. Tyler was scared to death, he didn't admit that of course, but his white knuckles said it all. Having never been to the ER before, you already know how cautious and nervous I am so this shouldn't surprise you, I was a real basketcase. Shaking like a leaf and needing to use the potty REALLY bad. We made it to the hospital and by the grace of God, we were the only people in the ER--thank you off-season!
By this point, I am gagging if I try to say a word, so Tyler (and his super-sensitive gag reflex) is doing all of the talking for me. I'm assuming the ER staff thought I was either insane or spoke another language, because they all looked so confused. We got checked in and 30 minutes later I'm talking to a PA. The PA was AMAZING by the way--very thorough and very sweet. She immediately recognized my symptoms(closed throat and rash) as a severe allergic reaction..we quickly put together that shrimp was the culprit. She hurriedly got a nurse and set up an IV for me with a nice little benadryl/pepsid/steroid cocktail. Now the steroid got me all kinds of wired and one of the side effects makes you "feel like you have ants in your pants." I thought that meant I'd be antsy. NO. It felt like I'd pulled my pants down and sat on a fire ant bed. I was squirming and wishing I could just let my throat close on up because that was awful. If anyone ever warns you of such a side effect you get down on your knees and beg for something else. I wanted some ice water poured straight down my pants. Luckily it was short-lived and I was blessed with Benadryl...which made me woozy and sleepy. Sweet PA was talking to me and I have no clue what she said. I just wanted to hug her and fall asleep. Then the steroids had me wide awake again. Then the Benadryl knocked me out again. I was up and down and feeling crazy and "experiencing every unfortunate side effect you could possibly experience" STORY OF MY LIFE! Here I am feeling groovy during a Benadryl phase...
After the IV cocktail we had to wait. So, inappropriate drugged Hannah came out and did some texting. Mostly I just sent things like "at the hospiatl apprently have shellfigh allergie. dont get your girl prego" Hahaha, it was so much fun reading that this morning! I also had some great things to say, so Tyler wrote them down. I'll add that at the end. After some waiting and watching the wooziness not wear off, the nurse brought in a giant bag of saline to give me, and took me to a room with a bed. I had to document my first wheelchair ride. I also tried to impress the bored/annoyed nurse with my sweet A&P knowledge. I let her know that I was aware what was happening with haptens and the "first line of defense" of my immune system, and that I knew the definition of a uvula (mine was swollen--its that punching bag in the back of your throat). She told me I would get bored with wheelchairs if I stuck with nursing even though I thought this one was cool. This picture must've been taken when I accidentally fell asleep.
Once in the room we got to watch TV, which was conveniently turned to WCW or some other "wrasslin" show. I was awake and asleep in cycles, and when I was waking I was watching the bag of IV fluid drain, all while saying hilarious things I can't remember. Here are the intelligent quotes Tyler recorded:
"I hate peanut butter, especially on bagels."
"My teeth are happy"
"You know what I need? A smartphone. Hannah is...(dozes off)...in the hospital"
T: "Would you please say more hilarious things to me?" Me: "I don't have time. I'm TRYING to heal!"
"Oftentimes I feel a disconnect from my body"
"Just write it down while I lay here and SUFFER."
So, if you ever want to hear me be hilarious on command, feed me shrimp. Also, I have to note that this was all funnier because the swollen throat gave me a speech impediment. To avoid gagging, I didn't say R's. So it was all "suffa" and "smat phone" and "TWYING to heal" I'm guessing I sounded like Bahhhbra from Teen Mom 2. Maybe I should get one of her signature blue shirts.
Ok, this is too long, but I'm still shocked that I've spent time in the ER and I had to record it. I'm on steroids ALL week and taking 2 tests + working 2 jobs, so please pray for me (and mainly Tyler!)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wow! I am incredibly humbled and overwhelmed by all of the support and suggestions you have given me! You are all wonderful and I honestly feel blessed to have YOU reading my blog and taking YOUR time to share with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much encouragement you bring or how uplifting you are. I love you all and intend to reply individually, I've just got a whole lot to do this evening.
While I have some to thank, others were not impressed by my consideration of medication, so I suppose I owe you more of an explanation. For starters, this is not a decision I would ever take lightly. If it were, I would be on all kinds of medication and feeling AWESOME right now. You should know that those (like me) who are full of anxiety tend to try to control and over-analyze everything and taking medication would be no exception. Additionally, this is something I fight with everyday. Heavy sweating, chest pain and gray hair at 23! No that's not all, but this consideration didn't come from a solitary panic attack. Also, as this has been suggested for well over 2 years, it should be easy to see that I'm avoiding it. I don't want to be medicated. But I do want to be educated. (I'm silently applauding myself for that new little mantra!) I need to know what potential help exists and make an educated decision with the resources I have. Please remember that its not just me that my anxiety affects--my Tyler has to attempt to calm and console me and that's not always easy.
So here's what I'm asking for now, would you pray with me? I don't know all these answers, in fact I know none of the answers I'm begging for right now, but God's known them all along. He'll lead me down the right career path and the right anxiety-management path and take care of me the whole way. It sure does help to have yall in my corner though!
On a much lighter note, I am looking frump-tastic today. So much so that two of my dearest friends have offered to completely make me over! Haha! Somehow my favorite khaki pants have turned into the most incredible pair of high-waters you've ever seen, and I can't find my brown flats so I'm suddenly wearing Sperrys with everything. I'm lookin' rough, basically. Of course I've already mentioned the gray hair, which doesn't help matters. I'll take this moment to rant a little bit about the lack of affordable, cute clothes for my age group. We're not ready for middle aged clothes yet, but we're just a bit too old for the Forever 21s and Charlotte Russe we used to wear. Difficulties! Anybody have any suggestions for the awkward 20-something in the office?? One of the perks of nursing has always been the scrubs for me! What an easy wardrobe!
Well, I've got a test, a lab and some packing to do before Grey's (the highlight of my week) so I must be going! I seriously love you all and thank you for keeping up with all of my insanity!
While I have some to thank, others were not impressed by my consideration of medication, so I suppose I owe you more of an explanation. For starters, this is not a decision I would ever take lightly. If it were, I would be on all kinds of medication and feeling AWESOME right now. You should know that those (like me) who are full of anxiety tend to try to control and over-analyze everything and taking medication would be no exception. Additionally, this is something I fight with everyday. Heavy sweating, chest pain and gray hair at 23! No that's not all, but this consideration didn't come from a solitary panic attack. Also, as this has been suggested for well over 2 years, it should be easy to see that I'm avoiding it. I don't want to be medicated. But I do want to be educated. (I'm silently applauding myself for that new little mantra!) I need to know what potential help exists and make an educated decision with the resources I have. Please remember that its not just me that my anxiety affects--my Tyler has to attempt to calm and console me and that's not always easy.
So here's what I'm asking for now, would you pray with me? I don't know all these answers, in fact I know none of the answers I'm begging for right now, but God's known them all along. He'll lead me down the right career path and the right anxiety-management path and take care of me the whole way. It sure does help to have yall in my corner though!
On a much lighter note, I am looking frump-tastic today. So much so that two of my dearest friends have offered to completely make me over! Haha! Somehow my favorite khaki pants have turned into the most incredible pair of high-waters you've ever seen, and I can't find my brown flats so I'm suddenly wearing Sperrys with everything. I'm lookin' rough, basically. Of course I've already mentioned the gray hair, which doesn't help matters. I'll take this moment to rant a little bit about the lack of affordable, cute clothes for my age group. We're not ready for middle aged clothes yet, but we're just a bit too old for the Forever 21s and Charlotte Russe we used to wear. Difficulties! Anybody have any suggestions for the awkward 20-something in the office?? One of the perks of nursing has always been the scrubs for me! What an easy wardrobe!
Well, I've got a test, a lab and some packing to do before Grey's (the highlight of my week) so I must be going! I seriously love you all and thank you for keeping up with all of my insanity!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hey hey! Its your favorite mouse hunter! Still losing the epic mouse battle, of course, but excitedly preparing for a little beach weekend.
Serious subject tonight, though. If you've been reading this blog very long you're aware that pre-Tyler (my incredible, supportive, loving, amazing, better than I deserve husband) I was involved in an abusive relationship. Tonight, a friend posted a link on facebook to a song by Sarah Bareilles called Gravity. This happens to be the third time I've heard of this song this week, so I decided to take a listen. Turns out, its basically a description of her struggle with getting out of an abusive relationship. Now, I have no idea what her story is, or even if the song details her story, but its an excellent depiction of what its really like. So, for all of you who have asked what its like and "why can't you just get out?" check it out. Maybe it'll help you to understand. Or maybe it won't, but if that's the case I hope nothing ever happens to make you understand. Honestly. Please don't think by posting this that I am stuck in the past or refusing to heal. I have healed, I've spent a ton of time healing, but I also made a promise to myself to raise awareness and prove this situation occurred for the greater good, so this is just one attempt to keep that promise to myself. Plus its just an incredible song, regardless of what its about.
To read my story click here. To listen to the song click here.
Lastly, and this may or may not be related, every doctor I've been to in the past couple of years has recommended I start anxiety medication. Yes, I'm a worrier, and yes, I'm constantly nervous about something, but I'm not sure all of this is necessary. Basically, I'm asking for your take on it if you have one. If you're on medication and wouldn't mind sharing, please do! You can send me a private email or a facebook message. If you're a doctor/nurse/shrink, your opinion matters a lot and I would love to hear it as well. I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday, and I want to have some kind of response formulated to give her when she inevitably mentions it.
Heavy topics tonight folks, and I apologize. I do value your opinions and recommend the song, though! Hope to hear from you!
Serious subject tonight, though. If you've been reading this blog very long you're aware that pre-Tyler (my incredible, supportive, loving, amazing, better than I deserve husband) I was involved in an abusive relationship. Tonight, a friend posted a link on facebook to a song by Sarah Bareilles called Gravity. This happens to be the third time I've heard of this song this week, so I decided to take a listen. Turns out, its basically a description of her struggle with getting out of an abusive relationship. Now, I have no idea what her story is, or even if the song details her story, but its an excellent depiction of what its really like. So, for all of you who have asked what its like and "why can't you just get out?" check it out. Maybe it'll help you to understand. Or maybe it won't, but if that's the case I hope nothing ever happens to make you understand. Honestly. Please don't think by posting this that I am stuck in the past or refusing to heal. I have healed, I've spent a ton of time healing, but I also made a promise to myself to raise awareness and prove this situation occurred for the greater good, so this is just one attempt to keep that promise to myself. Plus its just an incredible song, regardless of what its about.
To read my story click here. To listen to the song click here.
Lastly, and this may or may not be related, every doctor I've been to in the past couple of years has recommended I start anxiety medication. Yes, I'm a worrier, and yes, I'm constantly nervous about something, but I'm not sure all of this is necessary. Basically, I'm asking for your take on it if you have one. If you're on medication and wouldn't mind sharing, please do! You can send me a private email or a facebook message. If you're a doctor/nurse/shrink, your opinion matters a lot and I would love to hear it as well. I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday, and I want to have some kind of response formulated to give her when she inevitably mentions it.
Heavy topics tonight folks, and I apologize. I do value your opinions and recommend the song, though! Hope to hear from you!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ranty Rant.
Hello strangers! Been busy, as usual, and to be honest, I couldn't blog last night because I was straight up mad. Mad enough to cry. Being afraid of cussing on the internet or something far worse, I kept it to myself and let my husband make me happy with a little mouse chase. Seriously.
Yesterday was a pretty good day on the whole, I aced my respiratory test (just in case you need to know the parts of your respiratory system, I'm your girl) and the day went by quickly even though Tyler has hijacked my kindle (to read the Hunger Games I've been raving about). It was for the best, of course, otherwise I couldn't tell you all that you ever wanted to know about mucus. I digress. However I should've expected a rough day as I was greeted by a baby mouse while sitting on the porcelain throne first thing yesterday morning, and due to this scare, not all contents made it where they were supposed to. More on little mouse later.
Let me start with the fact that I've been emailing my advisor for approximately 2 wks in a desperate attempt to set up an advising appointment. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and I go to school full-time, so its necessary for me to complete such tasks as early as possible. After calls and emails, I get no response. Monday (Feb. 28) is our early registration day for spring AND summer, and all students will be on campus fighting to see their advisor and register on that day. Sound like a nightmare? It does to me. Early bird gets the worm. Unless said bird is a student at my college where all of those who are not currently employed eat up all of the worms while we're stuck with the maggots or plague-infested fleas. No, I am not bitter. All that to say, I emailed another advisor literally pleading for help, only to get a one-liner back telling me to show up on Monday. Does this plan sound at all efficient to you?!?! Oh how I miss UGA where I could be advised 3 months ahead of time if my studious heart so desired! The worst part is I don't even know if I have any classes left to take (thanks to the overall lack of access to my own transcripts and transfer credits), so meeting with me would take approximately 5 minutes. However, if I try to go on my lunch break Monday I can assure you there will be a line out the door just like there was when I went to pay my bill that was already paid but they hadn't recorded before this quarter started. BOO INEFFICIENCY! I think they should hire me and my wealth of organizational skills so I can put together a sensible advising/registration plan. Anyway, Bitter Betty will just have to get advised after my anatomy class that ends at 8:30pm on Monday. Pray for me, and whatever poor soul does end up getting stuck advising me, because I'm sure I'll be epically pleasant after an 8 hour work day and 3.5 hour class period. They should be so glad that I've already completed and submitted my "student satisfaction survey!"
On to the mouse. When I got home, there appeared my slightly disheveled knight in shining armor with a broom in hand, rubber gloves and plastic bags. Why? Mouse hunt. Poor Tyler chased that baby mouse all over the living room, into corner after corner, only to get him to places where Tyler couldn't reach. It really was a valiant effort, but to no avail. Little mouse had one last night of fun-filled house-roaming (and pooping, says Tyler).
This morning, Tyler woke me to inform me that I needed to stay in bed a little longer (oh darn) because he had something to take care of. This would've been nice had he left the last part out and let me go back to sleep. Thanks to baby mousey's overall lack of cognitive ability, he managed to scale the toilet brush and take a dive into the trash can. Unfortunately for him, he had no way out of said can. Tyler found him trapped and jumping this morning--victory was our's! But what do you do with a live mouse jumping around in a trash can?? We knew we couldn't let him live; we'd done that once before and the mouse we spared came back. So Tyler filled a tiny recycling trash can 1/2 way with water and plopped the worn-out-from-jumping baby mouse inside. He promptly drowned.
When the mouse debacle had ended, Tyler also informed me that we are going to the beach this weekend!! Best husband ever! Unfortunately I have a test Monday and a test Tuesday, but I've already done a lot of studying for this very reason! I cannot wait and hope to have pictures for you.
Well friends, the time has come to choreograph for my sweet dance babies in preparation for tomorrow's classes. I'll be a better blogger from now on, I hope. Keep praying for us and my future job situation please!
Yesterday was a pretty good day on the whole, I aced my respiratory test (just in case you need to know the parts of your respiratory system, I'm your girl) and the day went by quickly even though Tyler has hijacked my kindle (to read the Hunger Games I've been raving about). It was for the best, of course, otherwise I couldn't tell you all that you ever wanted to know about mucus. I digress. However I should've expected a rough day as I was greeted by a baby mouse while sitting on the porcelain throne first thing yesterday morning, and due to this scare, not all contents made it where they were supposed to. More on little mouse later.
Let me start with the fact that I've been emailing my advisor for approximately 2 wks in a desperate attempt to set up an advising appointment. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and I go to school full-time, so its necessary for me to complete such tasks as early as possible. After calls and emails, I get no response. Monday (Feb. 28) is our early registration day for spring AND summer, and all students will be on campus fighting to see their advisor and register on that day. Sound like a nightmare? It does to me. Early bird gets the worm. Unless said bird is a student at my college where all of those who are not currently employed eat up all of the worms while we're stuck with the maggots or plague-infested fleas. No, I am not bitter. All that to say, I emailed another advisor literally pleading for help, only to get a one-liner back telling me to show up on Monday. Does this plan sound at all efficient to you?!?! Oh how I miss UGA where I could be advised 3 months ahead of time if my studious heart so desired! The worst part is I don't even know if I have any classes left to take (thanks to the overall lack of access to my own transcripts and transfer credits), so meeting with me would take approximately 5 minutes. However, if I try to go on my lunch break Monday I can assure you there will be a line out the door just like there was when I went to pay my bill that was already paid but they hadn't recorded before this quarter started. BOO INEFFICIENCY! I think they should hire me and my wealth of organizational skills so I can put together a sensible advising/registration plan. Anyway, Bitter Betty will just have to get advised after my anatomy class that ends at 8:30pm on Monday. Pray for me, and whatever poor soul does end up getting stuck advising me, because I'm sure I'll be epically pleasant after an 8 hour work day and 3.5 hour class period. They should be so glad that I've already completed and submitted my "student satisfaction survey!"
On to the mouse. When I got home, there appeared my slightly disheveled knight in shining armor with a broom in hand, rubber gloves and plastic bags. Why? Mouse hunt. Poor Tyler chased that baby mouse all over the living room, into corner after corner, only to get him to places where Tyler couldn't reach. It really was a valiant effort, but to no avail. Little mouse had one last night of fun-filled house-roaming (and pooping, says Tyler).
This morning, Tyler woke me to inform me that I needed to stay in bed a little longer (oh darn) because he had something to take care of. This would've been nice had he left the last part out and let me go back to sleep. Thanks to baby mousey's overall lack of cognitive ability, he managed to scale the toilet brush and take a dive into the trash can. Unfortunately for him, he had no way out of said can. Tyler found him trapped and jumping this morning--victory was our's! But what do you do with a live mouse jumping around in a trash can?? We knew we couldn't let him live; we'd done that once before and the mouse we spared came back. So Tyler filled a tiny recycling trash can 1/2 way with water and plopped the worn-out-from-jumping baby mouse inside. He promptly drowned.
When the mouse debacle had ended, Tyler also informed me that we are going to the beach this weekend!! Best husband ever! Unfortunately I have a test Monday and a test Tuesday, but I've already done a lot of studying for this very reason! I cannot wait and hope to have pictures for you.
Well friends, the time has come to choreograph for my sweet dance babies in preparation for tomorrow's classes. I'll be a better blogger from now on, I hope. Keep praying for us and my future job situation please!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Given up.
Well folks, I'm giving up on the 30 day photo challenge, because it bored me to tears. It wasn't all that interesting and in order to avoid searching for pictures to post on here I just quit blogging altogether. Not cool. So I'm back, but the dumb picture game is not. Boo hoo.
I'd like you to know that I'm blogging away from the front porch because it is a gorgeous 77 degree day here in Thomasville! BEAUTIFUL! I spent my entire day yesterday and so far today chillin out in the sunshine--YES! That does fantastic things for my mood, and horrible things for my studies. I suppose I should catch you up on the goings on as of late...not sure where to begin, but we'll see.
Thursday night I spent my first night alone in almost a year. I stayed at Granny Jan's, but slept alone of course, if you can even call it sleeping. I hate being away from my love so much that I hardly slept at all. He was in Norman Park (aka middle of nowhere, GA) at District Honor Band with some kids. Rather than stay alone Friday night, I packed up my things and drove the 50 minutes to spend time with him. That night we had a blast hanging out with other band directors and my favorite band nurse while the kids were in rehearsals. Saturday we hung out all day as well, just rocking in the rocking chairs and catching up on gossip. Perfect, relaxing Saturday! I did not want to come home, but all things must come to an end! I have been wishing I could turn back time and join my high school band so I could've gone on trips like that one!
Right now my in-laws are here (Tyler's mom & step-dad), so we've been spending time with them, between studying & online quizzes. Lots of time outside in the sunshine and its been spectacular. Boo for the real world starting back tomorrow, while all my teacher friends get a furlough day. I MISS FURLOUGH DAYS!! Bad. Which brings me to my next point.
I'm taking 2 GACES (for sure) and hoping/praying/wishing for a teaching job next year. I want to keep coaching my sweet Dazzlers, I miss being around kids/teens, and I miss being on the same schedule with my hubby. But, since I've been straight-up begging God to show me His plan for me, I'm also going to start nursing school in the fall if I'm accepted and there are no available teaching jobs. I feel like He will open and close the doors necessary to set me on the right track. Please pray with me! I can be quite stubborn and emotional, so I need to prayer to be able to accept what happens and go with it.
Well darlings, its quiz time (EW!), so I must get going. I'll try to be a better blogger this week since I'm not so caught up in the picture thing.
I'd like you to know that I'm blogging away from the front porch because it is a gorgeous 77 degree day here in Thomasville! BEAUTIFUL! I spent my entire day yesterday and so far today chillin out in the sunshine--YES! That does fantastic things for my mood, and horrible things for my studies. I suppose I should catch you up on the goings on as of late...not sure where to begin, but we'll see.
Thursday night I spent my first night alone in almost a year. I stayed at Granny Jan's, but slept alone of course, if you can even call it sleeping. I hate being away from my love so much that I hardly slept at all. He was in Norman Park (aka middle of nowhere, GA) at District Honor Band with some kids. Rather than stay alone Friday night, I packed up my things and drove the 50 minutes to spend time with him. That night we had a blast hanging out with other band directors and my favorite band nurse while the kids were in rehearsals. Saturday we hung out all day as well, just rocking in the rocking chairs and catching up on gossip. Perfect, relaxing Saturday! I did not want to come home, but all things must come to an end! I have been wishing I could turn back time and join my high school band so I could've gone on trips like that one!
Right now my in-laws are here (Tyler's mom & step-dad), so we've been spending time with them, between studying & online quizzes. Lots of time outside in the sunshine and its been spectacular. Boo for the real world starting back tomorrow, while all my teacher friends get a furlough day. I MISS FURLOUGH DAYS!! Bad. Which brings me to my next point.
I'm taking 2 GACES (for sure) and hoping/praying/wishing for a teaching job next year. I want to keep coaching my sweet Dazzlers, I miss being around kids/teens, and I miss being on the same schedule with my hubby. But, since I've been straight-up begging God to show me His plan for me, I'm also going to start nursing school in the fall if I'm accepted and there are no available teaching jobs. I feel like He will open and close the doors necessary to set me on the right track. Please pray with me! I can be quite stubborn and emotional, so I need to prayer to be able to accept what happens and go with it.
Well darlings, its quiz time (EW!), so I must get going. I'll try to be a better blogger this week since I'm not so caught up in the picture thing.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 9
First of all, I am reporting live from my brand spankin' new computer!! YES! I love it and its already 293487293487 times better than my last one:) I'm going back to my "30 day challenge" and pretending I'm just now on day 9, which should've been Sunday. I've had a test, a midterm, and million other things going on, so you'll just have to forgive me for my indiscretion. Now, I give you: The person who has gotten me through the most: Tiffany Tippy TK Keys Brubaker.
I love this picture of us, because its quite typical of our friendship: me doing something senseless/stupid/ridiculous and TK looking at me like the dummy I am but jumping in anyway. I believe we were at the Dalton fair in this one. Tiffany is my best friend. When I met her I didn't really want to be her friend, she scared me a little because she was SO HAPPY/PEPPY/EXCITED, but I needed a ride. We met the first day of band camp our freshman year, and have been inseperable (emotionally, anyway) ever since. Despite our living 4 hours apart, we manage to talk almost everyday and spend time together whenever possible. Given that I'm claiming her as the person who has helped me make it through the most, here's a list of things she helped me with:
1. Adjusting to college--first friend away from home & I definitely needed her then. We spent HOURS chatting it up, shopping (retail therapy, of course), walking/riding to practice together and "studying." We've also had about 30,000 sleepovers throughout our friendship. Tyler & I have been married 8 months, and I'm still not sure I've spent more nights with him than TK.
2. Abusive boyfriend--she was an escape & certainly played a GIANT role in the healing process. Though I swore nothing was going on, she always knew better & was always checking in on me. She also snuck over to my apartment for much needed girl time when he wasn't around. Afterwards, she stuck around to help clean up the mess & help me get as close to "normal" as I could.
3. Accountability--post abusive boyfriend I was mad at God & she helped me get my life back on track. She's never been subtle, but she would burn me CDs and casually slip praise & worship songs in the mix. On Halloween night (2007?) I completely broke down & she took care of me, despite other plans that she had. I have never doubted that she's always praying for me, and I for her.
4. Meeting the love of my life--she was the first person to know that I knew Tyler was the one. I called her immediately following our first real day and confessed that I'd marry him someday. We celebrated with a slumber party so I could re-tell all details involving our anti-climactic night.
5. Wedding/Honeymoon--my matron of honor and she shared details of honeymoon activities with me that I was clueless about; I could never be thankful enough for that!
I know there are about 5000 other little things she helped me through too, but those are the big ones. She gets me through the day to day now with her encouraging words, even when I want to sulk and not hear them. Due to said abusive ex boyfriend (see #2), I have an intense red rose phobia, leading me to hate Valentine's day. Precious TK just told me to shoot the flower delivery man with a nerf gun (which was so absurd I couldn't not laugh in spite of myself) and reminded me the day would be over soon. She is the absolute portrait of a best friend, and I hope you have one just like her. I love you, TK, and I hope you realize just how thankful I am for your years of friendship!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hey old friends! I've got much to say and a short time to say it (2 quizzes, a test, 2 tests to study for, 1 lab, and 1 paper to do), but I'm devoted so here I sit. I'm going to start with the photo challenge of the day and give you a picture that makes me laugh. I have no doubts, if you know the person in the picture especially, that you'll literally LOL too:) I give you...Sarah "Hot Rod" Rodriguez!
Are you laughing? NO ONE can dance like Hot Rod. She is perfect--just look at Tiffany in the background! This was one of my favorite moments on my wedding day, we were all in a circle taking turns dancing in the middle at our reception. Sarah & I met when we lived in a tiny room together, with 6 other people, one phenomenal summer in Washington, DC. If I remember correctly, we got a good start with several dance-offs, and some rounds of the game "family." What a blessing she has been ever since. Last June, Sarah flew in from Boston on Thursday for a quick mini-reunion before the wedding on Saturday. We hadn't seen each other in two years but picked up right where we left off. I will forever be thankful for her friendship and the fact that she travelled so far for my special day. She kept us laughing the whole time, and helped keep the mood light and stress-free. Sarah is such an uplifting person in all circumstances, a true woman of God, and definitely somebody I look up to. Just last week she sent me an email that renewed my faith! What more could I ask for? Only that she move to Boston, GA with us instead of living in Boston, MA! I love you Hodface Sassafras, and I hope its ok that I plastered you all over my blog in a dance-off moment!
After much prayer and consideration (plus a long, teary-eyed talk with the hubby in Zaxbys), I think I'm going to take the Middle Grades Language Arts and Science GACE tests. English/LA was a given for me, but I think science could be a good fit too. I've always enjoyed it, and I've got several good ideas for teaching it, so hopefully I will find an opportunity. KEEP PRAYING! There are currently no jobs regardless of whether I pass the tests or not, this is just the first step. Don't worry, I'll keep posting updates--when have I kept you in the dark before??
I had intended to post about church tonight, but I get to hear the message two more times, so I think I'll wait until tomorrow when I should have more to say. Study, study, study time! Then off to read some more young adult sci fi (nerd)!
Friday, February 11, 2011
TGIF!!! Today's challenge is a picture of your most treasured item. I find my hubby to be my most treasured item, but I decided to go with something more materialistic, though its still related to him. My most treasured item is my engagement ring, because its perfect and from my perfect man. Tyler designed this ring (or at least chose a design option), and had it made from diamonds from each of our parents' engagement rings. The center stone and smallest stones are from the engagement ring his dad gave his mom, and the corner stones are from the engagement ring my dad gave my mom. Given that all are now divorced (bad luck? statistically, yes) he was able to get both rings and make them into something wonderful. How lucky am I that I can get to look at my ring and think of 5 different people that I love? Pretty lucky. I love it and if someone broke into our house, would defend it at all costs. To me, its worth much more than anything else I own.
In other news, my dad informed me today that he's been reading my blog (hey Dad!), and he's impressed. He might've given me the ultimate compliment when he said, "You should've been a writer. You're very articulate and should write a vampire book." Love it. Even though I'm afraid vampire romances have run their course...however, it does provide excellent segue into what book I'm currently reading, and of course I appreciated the compliment.
Today I started (and finished) the first book of another young adult science fiction novel (because I'm a teenager at heart). The series is called My Blood Approves by Amanda Hocking. She wrote the Trylle Trilogy that I mentioned a few blogs back. So far its good. Similar to Twilight in some aspects (human girl loves really old teenage boy), but its pretty good on its own. I'll let you know more after I finish the last 4 books, I'd hate to make a recommendation without reading all of it myself. On a very positive note, none of Amanda Hocking's books are more than $2.99 on kindle, so even if you don't like them you've not invested too much.
Tonight hubs and I are going to eat Mexican because its our favorite, its Friday, its V-day weekend, and tomorrow we have been married for 8 months! Whoa! Time sure flies! It's been a better than fantastic 8 months, and I'd prefer to stretch out forever as long as possible. On that note, its go time.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Real or Not Real?
Greetings friends and foes! Kidding. Though I feel like I must respond to the backlash I got from my last blog. I felt a little Peeta'ish myself when I started getting defensive emails...is this real or not real? Here are a few things you should know that will help you sort out your new feelings on me, Twilight, and The Hunger Games:
1. Nearly every time I read a book it becomes my new favorite. This is normal for me. I will admit that I'm slightly more in love with The Hunger Games than I typically am with a newly finished series, but this is still average crazy/neurotic/nerdy Hannah behavior.
2. I still love the Twilight series. I really do!
3. I'm no legit literary critic, so my words should not be taken for fact anyhow. Just an old home economics teacher turned secretary who loves to read!
No harsh feelings, friends, I appreciate your opinions! But since I gave you mine, I obviously think I'm right regardless.
Moving along...for today's challenge I'm supposed to post a picture of someone I'd like to be for a day (or switch places with? or something?), but I can't think of anybody. I thought of finding some sort of Katniss Everdeen interpretation, but given that she's not a real person I decided against it. I'll keep thinking of people I'd like to switch places with and try to post a picture soon.
That's all I've got for today, folks. Though I did finish another book, it wasn't anywhere near as good as the one I wrote about yesterday, and I can't even remember the name of it. Kindle freebie. Keep praying about our career decisions, the last day to register for the GACE is tomorrow, so I'll have to decide which test(s) I'm taking then!
1. Nearly every time I read a book it becomes my new favorite. This is normal for me. I will admit that I'm slightly more in love with The Hunger Games than I typically am with a newly finished series, but this is still average crazy/neurotic/nerdy Hannah behavior.
2. I still love the Twilight series. I really do!
3. I'm no legit literary critic, so my words should not be taken for fact anyhow. Just an old home economics teacher turned secretary who loves to read!
No harsh feelings, friends, I appreciate your opinions! But since I gave you mine, I obviously think I'm right regardless.
Moving along...for today's challenge I'm supposed to post a picture of someone I'd like to be for a day (or switch places with? or something?), but I can't think of anybody. I thought of finding some sort of Katniss Everdeen interpretation, but given that she's not a real person I decided against it. I'll keep thinking of people I'd like to switch places with and try to post a picture soon.
That's all I've got for today, folks. Though I did finish another book, it wasn't anywhere near as good as the one I wrote about yesterday, and I can't even remember the name of it. Kindle freebie. Keep praying about our career decisions, the last day to register for the GACE is tomorrow, so I'll have to decide which test(s) I'm taking then!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
"May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor"
Hi friends! First off, I have to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the tremendous amount of support + love I've gotten from you about this blog recently! How precious and uplifting you are! You are all magnificent!
Now to head on in to said challenge, I regretfully admit that I cannot give you a picture today. Why? Because day 4 is "a picture of your favorite memory." Luck would have it that my favorite memory is of my wedding day (duh) and my favorite picture from the day is prominently displayed on the top of my blog. Go ahead and look, it really is a marvelous picture of me and my love ending out our fairy tale day.
Now for what I really want to say. I finished The Hunger Games trilogy. It is fabulous. From start to finish, each of the three books are excellent, and I promise once you start you'll be sucked in completely. I definitely was. Let me set the scene for you:
The first novel takes place in futuristic North America which has now become Panem. Panem consists of 12 districts and a powerful capitol appropriately called "the Capitol." Each year, for punishment over an uprising of the districts against the Capitol years ago, each district holds a lottery which chooses 2 of its teenage citizens (one male, one female) to go to the Hunger Games. What are the Hunger Games? A gladiatorial competition where each competitor must fight to the death--with the last one standing as victor.
Here's something that might sway a few more of you--I would easily say it dominates the Twilight series. Yes, I said that. I loved Twilight, but I loved The Hunger Games much more. Plus the heroine, Katniss Everdeen, makes a much better role model for the "young adult" target audience than did Bella Swan Cullen. Not to mention the classic love triangle that's involved has a lot more depth. Move over, Edward Cullen, there's a new sheriff in town and he bakes...need I say more?
My only problem is that I'm left trying to follow up that trilogy, when nothing compares. Most certainly open for reading suggestions, folks!
Please keep praying for me on the teaching thing, I'm still unsure of what's best.
Now to head on in to said challenge, I regretfully admit that I cannot give you a picture today. Why? Because day 4 is "a picture of your favorite memory." Luck would have it that my favorite memory is of my wedding day (duh) and my favorite picture from the day is prominently displayed on the top of my blog. Go ahead and look, it really is a marvelous picture of me and my love ending out our fairy tale day.
Now for what I really want to say. I finished The Hunger Games trilogy. It is fabulous. From start to finish, each of the three books are excellent, and I promise once you start you'll be sucked in completely. I definitely was. Let me set the scene for you:
The first novel takes place in futuristic North America which has now become Panem. Panem consists of 12 districts and a powerful capitol appropriately called "the Capitol." Each year, for punishment over an uprising of the districts against the Capitol years ago, each district holds a lottery which chooses 2 of its teenage citizens (one male, one female) to go to the Hunger Games. What are the Hunger Games? A gladiatorial competition where each competitor must fight to the death--with the last one standing as victor.
And that's all I'm going to tell you.
Except that its much better than I can make it sound. Suzanne Collins is absolutely brilliant and terribly captivating. Her characters are vivid enough that I feel like I'm right there with them, and as I've mentioned earlier, have caught myself both dreaming about them and praying for them. Here's something that might sway a few more of you--I would easily say it dominates the Twilight series. Yes, I said that. I loved Twilight, but I loved The Hunger Games much more. Plus the heroine, Katniss Everdeen, makes a much better role model for the "young adult" target audience than did Bella Swan Cullen. Not to mention the classic love triangle that's involved has a lot more depth. Move over, Edward Cullen, there's a new sheriff in town and he bakes...need I say more?
My only problem is that I'm left trying to follow up that trilogy, when nothing compares. Most certainly open for reading suggestions, folks!
Please keep praying for me on the teaching thing, I'm still unsure of what's best.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Hi! It has come to my attention as of late that people are still reading! YES! So, for you, I will continue to post. And a little for me, of course. Because I've already mentioned I'm slightly narcissistic and enjoy talking about myself. For starters, its day 4 of my "photo challenge" and time to post a picture of my worst habit (or something like that)...I bet several of you share it...
Ahh the ever-present silent killer. I do a lot of stressing. If I have nothing to stress about, that's ok, I'll just create something. I am honestly always stressing about something...a test, something in a book (yes, I'm serious), not answering the phone fast enough, not getting my routines choreographed on time, money (duh), the list goes on and on and on. I'm about to laugh because I currently feel like I've got nothing to stress about. And then I remember: I'm trying to decide whether to take another GACE and which one to take, and Peeta has been hijacked (book), and I have a test Monday + a midterm Tuesday that I've not begun to study for...all of these things come flooding back and the heart rate rises. Typical. Don't worry-I've already calmed back down for now. Not much else to say about that, its just part of the "challenge" so I had to do it.
In other news, I'm currently considering a teaching come back. Why? Because the proverbial grass is not necessarily greener on the other side...sometimes its a dull shade of brown. That was a bit too dramatic; I like my job, don't get me wrong, but it pays less and I get significantly less holiday time (no more furloughs though!). Doesn't matter much now, but when the little Lipseys arrive things like that will be important! I'll probably not make my return as a FACS teacher (though I'm not turning my back to that altogether), but I would really like to be some sort of English/Language Arts/Reading teacher. Given my revulsion for poor grammar/spelling + love affair with literature/reading, I think it could be a marvelous match. But it requires much prayer and consideration before acting impulsively. Granted I can't be too impulsive given that no jobs will open until August anyway, right? Still, it will affect all nursing plans if I decide to seek a teaching job and will also affect plans at my current place of employment...and I'm not sure I don't want to just stick around and see what happens there! See that stress I was talking about?! It causes me to want all the answers NOW even though none of this regarding teaching or nursing school can happen until August. What I am asking for are your prayers/input. I got a precious fbook message today from a teacher-friend I taught with last year, and it was exactly what I needed to hear. Your opinions matter and really help me weigh pros and cons for my decision(s). Of course I need your prayers too. Though He already knows the decision I will make, I most certainly need him to reveal it to me--I didn't listen last time I was career-choosing, and I know that will make all the difference. Just a little faith.
So people at work think I'm a giant book nerd. Which is 1/2 true. I have been a giant book nerd as of late. I suppose there are worse things I could be though, right? Last night, without thinking, I found myself praying for one of the characters in my book because he was in danger (can't tell more in case someone has taken my cue and decided to read it.) Ridiculous! Given my difficulty separating novels from reality, I should probably practice self control and not read quite so much. When hubby readjusted me in my sleep last night I told him to "share the bread" because I was dreaming I was in the arena in the Hunger Games. Ha! It cracks me up and scares me a little...if I'm not careful I turn into a complete hermit with characters from books as my only friends!
Well, the time has come to close up shop for the day...go to bed early and save Teen Mom 2 for tomorrow. Have a good hump day, friends!
Monday, February 7, 2011
TV blog
Hi, friends. I'm exhausted or I would write more, but keeping with the photo challenge theme, I am at least bringing you pictures from my 2 favorite shows. It technically asked for a picture of the cast from my favorite show, but I only watch 2 and they're both my favorites.
Grey's Anatomy
I put the original cast up, because the show was best then. However, I have to admit that I'm loving new Cristina, and I do love Lexi+Mark & the new Callie-Mark-Arizona baby thing. But I really, really, really miss Izzie...and George a little. Mainly Izzie, because she was a hot doctor version of my neurotic-emotional self.
Teen Mom 2
I loved Teen Mom 1 and 16 & Pregnant, but I think this season is my favorite! I love watching how family dynamics shift (nerdy FACS point of view) when the babies come home from the hospital and real life continues. If you're curious, Leah is my favorite.
Best blog ever, right? Sorry for the brevity, I'm really sleepy and more than that I'm really absorbed in Catching Fire (2nd in The Hunger Games trilogy--I still say you should read it!). On another note, I'm/we're currently entertaining other potential career paths for me, and I would appreciate if you'd pray with us! I'd also appreciate any input you might have on the GACE English (7-12) test, Middle Grades Language Arts, and Middle Grades Reading. If you haven't guessed, I may head back to the education world. More on that later, I promise, I just want your feedback and your prayers!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Study Break? Please.
Its me again. No pictures this time, but I needed a mini study break and facebook is all Super Bowl-related, so I'm not really interested in that. What I am interested in, though, is reading, and since I finished 5 really good books this week, I thought I'd share. The first book I read was The Justice Game, and while it was good, it was your run of the mill court room/crime drama, and paled in comparison to the other 4 I enjoyed.
Next, I read a Amanda Hocking's Trylle Trilogy, and I'm a bit ashamed of this. Why? Because it's about Trylle, which is a nice word for trolls. Now, fantasy books are usually not my style, and had I known this trilogy was in fact about trolls, I wouldn't have bought it. However, I bought book #1, Switched, and fell in love with the characters. The trilogy is categorized as young adult fiction, but there are some steamy scenes that I'm not sure I'd want a "young adult" of mine to be reading! All this to say Amanda Hocking is good. She has to be to keep me engaged in a book about a secret troll community, which convinces me to buy both the second and third parts of the series. The best part is the books are only $2.99 each on Kindle/Nook, so you can enjoy them for cheap. For more info on the trilogy and the author, click here. She has several other books out, including a zombie romance, but I'm not quite bold enough to venture into that yet.
Now, I'm working on The Hunger Games trilogy. I read the first installment (The Hunger Games) and fell in love with Peeta and Katniss-the main characters-instantly. Suzanne Collins (author) is a genius! The Hunger Games was incredible and I was easily persuaded to buy the 2nd and 3rd books. I'm currently reading Catching Fire (the second book) and on the edge of my seat to see what happens! Once I finish this test tomorrow I'm sure I'll be fully engaged and hopefully finish both the 2nd and 3rd books this week. I'll give you more details once I do--I hate to recommend them blindly even though I've heard nothing but good things.
I've been so engaged in these books this week that I'm having dreams about them. Not always a good thing, but I say that to let you know that each of the authors/books I mentioned above are good enough to suck you straight into the story...what more could a reader ask for??
Next, I read a Amanda Hocking's Trylle Trilogy, and I'm a bit ashamed of this. Why? Because it's about Trylle, which is a nice word for trolls. Now, fantasy books are usually not my style, and had I known this trilogy was in fact about trolls, I wouldn't have bought it. However, I bought book #1, Switched, and fell in love with the characters. The trilogy is categorized as young adult fiction, but there are some steamy scenes that I'm not sure I'd want a "young adult" of mine to be reading! All this to say Amanda Hocking is good. She has to be to keep me engaged in a book about a secret troll community, which convinces me to buy both the second and third parts of the series. The best part is the books are only $2.99 each on Kindle/Nook, so you can enjoy them for cheap. For more info on the trilogy and the author, click here. She has several other books out, including a zombie romance, but I'm not quite bold enough to venture into that yet.
Now, I'm working on The Hunger Games trilogy. I read the first installment (The Hunger Games) and fell in love with Peeta and Katniss-the main characters-instantly. Suzanne Collins (author) is a genius! The Hunger Games was incredible and I was easily persuaded to buy the 2nd and 3rd books. I'm currently reading Catching Fire (the second book) and on the edge of my seat to see what happens! Once I finish this test tomorrow I'm sure I'll be fully engaged and hopefully finish both the 2nd and 3rd books this week. I'll give you more details once I do--I hate to recommend them blindly even though I've heard nothing but good things.
I've been so engaged in these books this week that I'm having dreams about them. Not always a good thing, but I say that to let you know that each of the authors/books I mentioned above are good enough to suck you straight into the story...what more could a reader ask for??
Day 2
Hi, again! I've got a loooooooooooong day of nothing but studying ahead, so you get a morning blog. I really have too much to do, so I give you Day 2: A picture of a person you have been close with for awhile.
Alex and I, Edward Cullen-faced on my wedding day. Totally inappropriate. Do you know how hard it is to limit "a person you have been close with for awhile" down to just one person? Also, I'm trying not to use the same pictures over and over again, so I had to check through all of the other days and make sure I wouldn't need to pull this out again. So, Alex and I have been close for "awhile." Awhile being since her freshman year/my senior year at UGA, but we got a lot closer once I graduated and left. Not sure why/how that is. If you don't have one, you need a BFFAEAEAE (thats short for best friend forever and ever and ever and ever) like Alex. Our friendship is terribly low maintenance and easy, and exactly how friendships should be. We see each other when we see each other, and we only talk when we want to. There's no need to have "life updates" or talk for 2.5 hours on the phone every week, and we both like it that way. Guilt-less, easy friends. Additionally, Alex is the straight shooter of straight shooters, which is exactly what I need in my life. Tell me like it is! Perhaps one of my favorite things about my dear friend is the fact that she's from Thomasville and intends to move back. "We get to be friends for the rest of our lives!" That's perfect! Fortunately/unfortunately she's got quite a few years of pharmacy school before she does make it back, but I'll take what I can get and start a countdown the day she starts pharmacy school! That being said, she is very dedicated to her school/future and would want me to hush the rambling and study like her all day. Love you, BFFAEAEAE!
Alex and I, Edward Cullen-faced on my wedding day. Totally inappropriate. Do you know how hard it is to limit "a person you have been close with for awhile" down to just one person? Also, I'm trying not to use the same pictures over and over again, so I had to check through all of the other days and make sure I wouldn't need to pull this out again. So, Alex and I have been close for "awhile." Awhile being since her freshman year/my senior year at UGA, but we got a lot closer once I graduated and left. Not sure why/how that is. If you don't have one, you need a BFFAEAEAE (thats short for best friend forever and ever and ever and ever) like Alex. Our friendship is terribly low maintenance and easy, and exactly how friendships should be. We see each other when we see each other, and we only talk when we want to. There's no need to have "life updates" or talk for 2.5 hours on the phone every week, and we both like it that way. Guilt-less, easy friends. Additionally, Alex is the straight shooter of straight shooters, which is exactly what I need in my life. Tell me like it is! Perhaps one of my favorite things about my dear friend is the fact that she's from Thomasville and intends to move back. "We get to be friends for the rest of our lives!" That's perfect! Fortunately/unfortunately she's got quite a few years of pharmacy school before she does make it back, but I'll take what I can get and start a countdown the day she starts pharmacy school! That being said, she is very dedicated to her school/future and would want me to hush the rambling and study like her all day. Love you, BFFAEAEAE!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Hey friends...if any of you are still out there reading this?? I'm past the point of exhaustion. I am, for the first time, working a full-time job + full-time school + part-time job + wife, and its hard to handle. Three cheers for folks who can manage to balance all of these things at one time on a regular basis! For those of us who can't, we just muddle through one day at a time and pray for March to come bringing A's and a 5 month break from school to sort our lives out. I miss ranting to you and expressing myself to you, but I'm struggling to have time. Really struggling. My body has straight up shut down this weekend, I'm sick (sinus nonsense, for the 4th time this season), and I have zero time to study the entire cardiovascular system and get the required amount of sleep. All that to say, blogging has taken a back-seat. Now I realize this is justified, but I'm not ready to give up my blog-adventure yet, so I've found a much simpler way to blog everyday without much thought (kind of) and keep it, hopefully, some what interesting. Holy run-on sentence! I found this little facebook photo challenge on a friend and fellow-blogger's facebook, and decided to bring it to the old Life Exaggerated blog. Of course I can't get the picture for said challenge to load, so here's a list of what's on it, day-by-day. Feel free to tell me if this is a stupid idea, you won't hurt my feelings, because I'm here to entertain myself, but also you, and if you hate said photo challenge then my job is unfinished. And I don't like unfinished business. Even at the one job I don't get paid for!:)
Facebook Photo Challenge
1. A picture of yourself with 15 facts.
2. A picture of you and a person you have been close with for awhile.
3. A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
4. A picture of a habit you wish you didn't have.
5. A picture of your favorite memory.
6. A picture of the person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
7. A picture of your most treasured item.
8. A picture that makes you laugh.
9. A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
10. A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
11. A picture of something you hate.
12. A picture of something you love.
13. A picture of your favorite band or artist.
14. A picture of someone you couldn't imagine living your life without.
15. A picture of something you want to do before you die.
16. A picture of someone who inspires you.
17. A picture of someone that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
18. A picture of your biggest insecurity.
19. A picture of you when you were little.
20. A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
21. A picture of something you'd like to forget.
22. A picture of something you wish you were better at.
23. A picture of your favorite book.
24. A picture of something you wish you could change.
25. A picture of your day.
26. A picture that means a lot to you.
27. A picture of yourself and a family member.
28. A picture of something you're afraid of.
29. A picture that can always make you smile.
30. A picture of someone you miss.
It's going to be a long, photo-tastic 30 days, folks! Without further rambling, I give you Day 1!
A picture of me & 15 facts. Now, I know this isn't just me, but I feel like its the whole me, because without that little cutie to my right, I'm not me. And why would I put a picture of myself on any day except the absolute best day of my life? Without him that day wouldn't have been the absolute best, so there was no way I would cut him out of the picture. So that's the picture of me.
- I have absolutely no idea what I want to be when I grow up. As usual, I'm always up for suggestions, and maybe after reading this list you'll know me better and have some.
- Despite what I said in numero uno, I have a bachelors of science in education & am currently working on my associates in registered nursing. I'll probably end up doing something random, totally unrelated to either.
- I am, without a doubt, completely addicted to my kindle. I'll need some sort of 12-step program should it ever cease to exist. Think I'm kidding? I've read 5 entire books since Monday.
- I'm constantly nervous and nearly every doctor I've ever seen (including 2 gynecologists) have suggested I take anxiety medication. Too bad I'm too stubborn.
- I am completely obsessed and in awe of the human body. I could read about it and especially see pictures (of the inside, of course) all day long. I am also continuously frustrated by how science-y people deny the existence of God. The intricacies of your body alone should be enough proof.
- I, along with my hubby, love listening to National Public Radio. We're self-proclaimed nerds.
- I love lists! This blog contains two, and that fact alone is almost enough to give me the boost I need to start studying. Almost. Of course, the best part of having a list is crossing things off, which is more difficult on here.
- I also love calendars, which are kind of another type of list. Filling in our calendar at the start of every month is definitely a highlight of mine!
- I grew up terrified of dogs, and I'm still a little jumpy around them. I don't want to be, but I can't help it.
- I'm a terrible communicator with children. Even though I work with young ones at dance and tutored kindergarteners, I tend to talk to them like they're much older than they really are. I've gotten better since working in kindergarten, but I'm still not awesome. I'm hoping if we ever have babies they're 12 years old when they're born. Hubby agrees.
- I think band directors and band programs are under-appreciated. Yes, I realize this is because I married an ultimate band nerd, but I had no idea how much time and effort those teachers and students put in. I'm so proud.
- I/we want to have little Lipseys running around one day, but definitely not yet. We're still children ourselves and have a lot we want/need to do before we bring them into the world. I know they say there's "never a good time," but I know there's a better time than now. I've said it before though, I want boys.
- I love teaching dance, but I really miss performing myself. There's nothing better than being on stage or on the field and at least getting to pretend everybody's watching you.
- I have the best support system I could ever ask for. By that I mean my friends, my old family, my new family (in-laws), and especially my beloved. I could not ask for more...except that they all move a wee bit closer to us!
- I love my Lord and the church He brought us to be a part of. I've said it before, but please visit us! Its truly a remarkable place and God is there in every service!
I'm sure that was thrilling, and I don't blame you if you shut-down and quit reading. The cardio system awaits!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Forgive me
Slacker blogger becomes more of a slacker every single day! First and foremost:
I got a job!! For more than 3 days! Apparently my phone voice is supreme and I got hired on! I'm excited and happy to be a contributing member of both society and my household again. Praise the Lord! Unfortunately, though, my body is hating my new schedule. Here's what it looks like: Monday & Tuesday: work 8am-5pm, then school 5pm-8:30pm, Wednesday work 8am-3:30pm, then dance 3:45-6pm...WHOA! Thursday and Friday are average workdays, 8am-5pm. Its surely not unmanageable, but it is a huge adjustment considering that last week I was sleeping in until 10am and not doing anything all day until class. I am happy, though! I was busy busy all day at work today and I love to be busy--makes time FLY by. Better still, since I'm working downtown and get an hour lunch break (so much better than working in the public school system!) I got to have lunch with one of my favorite people in the entire world: Granny Jan! For those who don't know, she's actually Tyler's great aunt, so getting to spend time with her one on one was quite a treat...if you knew her, you'd surely understand. To be brief, I would love to be GJ when I grow up...or at least a lot like her, I'd settle for that.
Aside from the corporate world, I was pretty decent in the biology world today, too. And by that I mean I successfully completed my lab and I wasn't the last person to leave class for once(I prefer to think I'm thorough)! We did slide staining, and while its probably pretty boring to you (and me too, if I were truly honest), I was quite proud of my little slide-staining accomplishments. Even if I did find TONS of bacteria on the sample from my mouth--further confirmation that the tickle in my throat is more than just a tickle. Oh, and yesterday in A&P, I held hearts in my hands. Unfortunately they came from cows & sheep instead of humans, but they were still cool. I wish I were smart enough to have gone to med school of some kind...mainly because I am beyond fascinated with the human body and would love to explore the real deal. I'd pay it forward and donate my dead self to an A&P lab, too! I digress, all that to say I'm also loving school even if my eye lids are always heavy.
Sunday, our dishwasher started smoking out of nowhere and a screw fell out of my computer. What a day! We're now hand washing our dishes and computer shopping this weekend. My getting a permanent job is surely further proof of the Lord's sovereignty!
Speaking of the Lord, we started a community group this Sunday & I'm also very excited about that! It digs deeper into the message from every service, and I think Tyler & I both are really going to love it..plus we eat, and you can never complain about that. The group is made up primarily of other young couples and I find that to be a relief, seeing as I'm always desperately seeking friends. I'll try to keep you updated on that--on Wed-Sun when I actually have time to breathe/blog.
I almost forgot! I've started reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and it is so good. Its the first of three (yes! I love series!), and a light read, but I don't want to say more than that to avoid spoiling it. Only $5 on kindle, and worth more than that, I would say...course I'm not to the end yet, so hopefully it won't disappoint and I'll continue to feel that I got a good deal. Still working on Sybil, too, but The Hunger Games is on my kindle which is just a lot easier to take to work in my purse.
Well, this was supposed to be about a paragraph long, but luckily I'm a narcissist so you get a short story. Still looking for a Feb 18-20 visitor!:)
I got a job!! For more than 3 days! Apparently my phone voice is supreme and I got hired on! I'm excited and happy to be a contributing member of both society and my household again. Praise the Lord! Unfortunately, though, my body is hating my new schedule. Here's what it looks like: Monday & Tuesday: work 8am-5pm, then school 5pm-8:30pm, Wednesday work 8am-3:30pm, then dance 3:45-6pm...WHOA! Thursday and Friday are average workdays, 8am-5pm. Its surely not unmanageable, but it is a huge adjustment considering that last week I was sleeping in until 10am and not doing anything all day until class. I am happy, though! I was busy busy all day at work today and I love to be busy--makes time FLY by. Better still, since I'm working downtown and get an hour lunch break (so much better than working in the public school system!) I got to have lunch with one of my favorite people in the entire world: Granny Jan! For those who don't know, she's actually Tyler's great aunt, so getting to spend time with her one on one was quite a treat...if you knew her, you'd surely understand. To be brief, I would love to be GJ when I grow up...or at least a lot like her, I'd settle for that.
Aside from the corporate world, I was pretty decent in the biology world today, too. And by that I mean I successfully completed my lab and I wasn't the last person to leave class for once(I prefer to think I'm thorough)! We did slide staining, and while its probably pretty boring to you (and me too, if I were truly honest), I was quite proud of my little slide-staining accomplishments. Even if I did find TONS of bacteria on the sample from my mouth--further confirmation that the tickle in my throat is more than just a tickle. Oh, and yesterday in A&P, I held hearts in my hands. Unfortunately they came from cows & sheep instead of humans, but they were still cool. I wish I were smart enough to have gone to med school of some kind...mainly because I am beyond fascinated with the human body and would love to explore the real deal. I'd pay it forward and donate my dead self to an A&P lab, too! I digress, all that to say I'm also loving school even if my eye lids are always heavy.
Sunday, our dishwasher started smoking out of nowhere and a screw fell out of my computer. What a day! We're now hand washing our dishes and computer shopping this weekend. My getting a permanent job is surely further proof of the Lord's sovereignty!
Speaking of the Lord, we started a community group this Sunday & I'm also very excited about that! It digs deeper into the message from every service, and I think Tyler & I both are really going to love it..plus we eat, and you can never complain about that. The group is made up primarily of other young couples and I find that to be a relief, seeing as I'm always desperately seeking friends. I'll try to keep you updated on that--on Wed-Sun when I actually have time to breathe/blog.
I almost forgot! I've started reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and it is so good. Its the first of three (yes! I love series!), and a light read, but I don't want to say more than that to avoid spoiling it. Only $5 on kindle, and worth more than that, I would say...course I'm not to the end yet, so hopefully it won't disappoint and I'll continue to feel that I got a good deal. Still working on Sybil, too, but The Hunger Games is on my kindle which is just a lot easier to take to work in my purse.
Well, this was supposed to be about a paragraph long, but luckily I'm a narcissist so you get a short story. Still looking for a Feb 18-20 visitor!:)
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