Saturday, July 30, 2011


Well blogs are for self expression and getting it all out there, so here's a nice rant for yall! I'm frustrated about a lot of things, most of those being directly tied to nursing school admission.

Classes start 3 weeks from Monday and my classmates and I have still received no information regarding our admission status, scheduling, orientation, or requirements to begin school. The first time I was in college this would not have been a big deal (nor would it have ever happened). I was totally dependent on my parents, I had HOPE (most of the time), and I had student loans. This time, however, I'm independent (perhaps I should've said we're independent), all HOPE is gone and I'm still paying back those same, useless student loans, so I'd prefer not to acquire anymore.

Waiting this long to inform students of admission status affects so much and at this point its nearly impossible for me to feel confident about starting August 22nd. Assuming I found out today, here's what I would have to cram into the next three weeks:
  • orientation
  • a 2 week notice at work (program is full-time)
  • a physical exam
  • a dental exam
  • book/uniform/supply buying ($1000+)
  • immunizations/obtaining immunization records from previous colleges
  • attempt to find a part-time job (probably not going to happen)
  • CPR/AED/First Aid certification
I think that's all. No big deal, right? No big deal if I didn't have to work and had a large trust fund!

Scholarships are out of the question due to the fact that you are required to have a copy of your acceptance letter for most nursing-specific scholarships. That means with no HOPE and no other grants (we made too much money last year, please join me in an intense belly laugh at that one!), we're paying for tuition, books, uniform, shoes, supplies (stethoscope, etc) all out of pocket. Could we laugh again, or would that be over kill? Who can afford that with little to no warning?! I do admit that I've known the costs involved the entire time, but I did expect to receive some form of financial aid and have time to take a stab at scholarships. Not the case.

I'm at my wits end. Is this even the right way to go? Is this where God is leading me? When I'm already this stressed before the "super intense" program has even begun? I'm not sure it is. I'm not even praying anymore, I'm down right begging and pleading and bargaining for answers. Pray with me? And any advice/guidance/words of wisdom/motivation you may have please share! I'm just so frustrated!

Trying not to let it get me down while looking at contingency plan #482.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Photo Blog

So I'm a sucky blogger as of late. I've actually written 5 blogs in the past week but I haven't finished any of them. Serious writers block, I guess. Anyway, I've got some pictures to share from a SPECTACULAR weekend visit from my friend Sarah from Brooklyn! And a few pictures of a fun craft I made while wasting an entire day on the couch.
The best BBQ ever!

 The best calzone ever!

 The biggest oak tree ever!

 The best husband ever!
The least intimidating girls ever!

The biggest cheesy grins ever!

And now for my project! I made a flower headband from a t-shirt! It was an Easter shirt that would be slightly awkward to re-wear, so I just recycled it. I used the stitching around one of the sleeves for the actual headband and made the flower by using both sleeves of the shirt. I can probably make several more frome the same shirt. Hubby is super impressed and that makes it even better!

Pay no attention to my greasy still-wearing-sunscreen-from-a-pool-day face!

Front view! Can you tell I'm proud?

Close up of the flower. All credit to hubs for the photos.

Well that's it! I'll be in Chatsworth Monday-Wednesday, so let me know if you're there & free, friends! Pray for Tyler he'll be outside in the awful heat at least 12 hours a day this week for band camp. Blegh.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pray With Me!

Hi friends.

Just a short blog from work to ask you to pray with me for my friend Julie and her son, Eli. They began inducing her labor this morning at 9am, though she is only at 33 weeks (I think) gestation. Obviously there are a lot of risks involved with a baby so early, so please just keep them in your prayers today...and for awhile after. I will update you when I know more and I appreciate you thinking about friend today!


Friday, July 8, 2011

For Tabitha (and her beautiful baby girl!)

Hello all! This blog is specifically for Tabitha + Baby Mac, but you're all welcome to look as well. These are pictures of bows and things I've made for other babies/baby showers. Ignore my slightly greasy hair with roots that need to be taken care of.
All of my bows for Briley's shower! Some are doubled in case of pig tails:)

Felt flower with buttons in the center...look familiar Christa Faye?

Tiny ladybug clip made using handles from a gift bag--so resourceful!

LOVE this one!

A little big for baby, but she can grow into it!

Blue glitter! Makes an awful mess, but its adorable.

This one might be my favorite! Made using the ribbon from my bouquet at Tiffany's wedding!

I added this one because it gives a clearer picture of the tiny ladybug barrettes

My first diaper cake! Smaller than expected because its made from itty bitty preemie diapers! I think I'm going to add some pacifiers and maybe some sort of topper to dress it up a bit!

Baby gifts for sweet baby Eli! Hopefully Jules doesn't read this because we're not taking them to her until tomorrow!

Try not to judge, I'm a work in progress :) Excited for Baby Mac's shower & for HER to get here!

XOXO & Hopefully More Baby Crafts to Come,

Oh My CNN!

Today is a good day for my relationship with CNN. I watched the last ever shuttle launch live AND found an interesting/controversial article to share with you.

First the shuttle launch. I almost soiled myself just watching it. So intense! There is no way you will ever ever ever find Mrs. Lipsey venturing off into space. I'm quite comfy with my feet on the ground...not even a huge fan of planes. Due to a lack of speakers on my work computer I was forced to watch the whole debacle silently, which I assume took something away from its overall intensity. Still, watching everything start to shake, smoke, and eventually blast off made my heart rate accelerate a little bit. And seeing earth in the background as the shuttle went further into space made me quite a nervous wreck too. Best of luck to the astronauts on board!

In other news via CNN, I found an article about the first lab-made organ to be successfully transplanted into a human! Read the article here. I'm totally in awe and completely amazed. If you hate reading (which you shouldn't, especially if you read my posts which are typically too long), the basic point of the article is that a trachea was constructed in a lab using polymers and stem cells, then transplanted into a man's body. SUCCESSFULLY. The patient in the article had late-stage tracheal cancer & had exhausted all other treatment options, so rather than waiting for a transplant they just made him a new one! Make sure you check out the pictures.

Some are finding this controversial due to the use of stem cells which could potentially "lead to human cloning," but I don't see how helping someone combat a fatal disease would leave you worrying about cloning. Mainly because all I can think is HOLY COW THEY MADE AN ORGAN AND SAVED A LIFE!! Seriously! And I'd be lying if I didn't admit to the thought "OMG its just like Grey's Anatomy!" I do see where the controversy is coming from though.

If you didn't gather it from the above, I'm all for constructing organs using stem cells to save a life. I'm not concerned with human cloning (maybe its lack of intellect, but that still sounds a little bizarre and distant to me), and I'm pretty sure if it were my life on the line, or the life of one my family members, I'd be all about stem-celling some polymer organs. God gave us the intelligence and tools to construct these organs, He did create all of those stem cells after all, so I hope no one argues this from a "God-complex" or "playing God" perspective. How is it any different than using other resources He has given us to save lives?

Though you might disagree with my grow-your-own-organ excitement, I want to know what you think. Is this a good idea? Would you do it? Do you think we might've taken things too far by attempting to create our own organs?

Ooooh controversy. I do see why the issue is so complex and controversial, and maybe I should've put more thought into it before throwing my opinion out there over the internet, but it is what it is.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Parenting Decisions...From a Non-Parent

Today I had absolutely no intention of blogging period (I never feel like I have much to say anymore) and certainly no intention of blogging about this, but I read another blog and found an article that stopped me dead in my tracks. The article references episode one of the new season of Teen Mom (I'm missing having cable right now because I haven't seen it yet), when Farrah has to make the decision over who will have custody of Sophia in the event that her augmentation surgery ends up being fatal. You can read the article here. Judging by the article (and her mother's slightly crazy tendencies) it seems like Farrah was hesitant to give custody of Sophia to her mom in the event of her death. Unfortunately, it also seems that her options were quite limited.

I am not a parent and I'm not sure when I'll become one, but I tried to think of who we would leave our child to in the event that Tyler and I both passed. That thought made me a little queasy. Despite the fact that my future child is not even a mature egg cell yet, I am quite attached to him. (I'm also convinced that I'm having sons.) And despite my own crazy tendencies and being incredibly neurotic, I still think I'm the only one who can be the best mother that he needs. So how can anyone who has already met their child even begin to search for a replacement mommy!?

Now, I understand that I have a while before I should think about such and I promise this is not some freaky way to break "OMG we're pregnant!" news, but it is something to think about. Who do you trust to raise your baby(ies)? This is serious business, folks. Lucky for you, I've created a list of considerations that I (as a non-parent) think you should make before you die and leave your kids to someone else. Aside: this is totally bogus and I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but if you've been reading this blog for any length of time you know my advice isn't always worth taking anyway.

1. Age: if you choose some oldie goldie (example your mom, mother-in-law, or grandma **don't tell your mom I called her an oldie goldie!)to be your baby's new mommy he might need another replacement mom later on down the line. I understand this is moderately morbid, but having his great-grandmother raise him is slightly illogical. It happens and I'm not saying your oldie goldie lady figures aren't/weren't great moms, but he will want grandparents, etc. for his own little offspring one day too. I would imagine the generation gap would be a little difficult also. Also, I read today that having someone close to your age is best for baby.
2. Location: Chatsworth folks, though I can love on your babies like crazy, I'm not the most sensible choice for being a Godmother. Why? Because I'm so far away. Not only will they be orphans, they'll also be the new kids on the block (not the hangin' tough kind--please tell me you got the NKOTB reference) in their new home. Transition is hard regardless. HUGE transitions grouped together like this sounds like torture. It's also key that they'll be around other family, if you having parents/grandparents in the greater Thomasville area, I might just be your girl.
3. Familiarity: This should go without saying, but I think the best choice would be someone your kid actually knows. For example, I think my friend Sarah would make a great mom. It helps that she's been (and will soon be again)a rockin' nanny. Unfortunately, she's doing her nanny'ing in Boston and LA. My little will probably not be very familiar with her unless I get better with skype and generally keeping in touch before he gets here. Hopefully I will, but you can see why she wouldn't be the most practical choice. If I could convince her to move to Tville, though, it would be a different story.
4. Your Spouse: His opinion counts too. Mamas don't rear children alone, and he may have a better idea than you for replacement parents. Have a conversation. Or perhaps 2938472938 of them, because this is a HUGE choice, but one that has to be made.
5. Stability: You should choose the most stable potential Godparents that you are comfortable with. By that I not only mean folks that you trust and that you know will raise your kids according to your values, etc., but also a family that can afford your children. Perhaps the Duggars are not the best choice as they have 19(maybe more?) of their own. Raising a kid is expensive and raising someone else's half-grown kid is a large financial burden to take on all at once. I'm not saying you should be shallow and quickly befriend the highest-paid aquaintance that you've got, but you don't want any extra stress added in this potential transition, for your children or they're Godparents who, I'm assuming, are your friends.

Well that's all I've got for now. Sorry for being morbid, but the thought kind of startled me and I found it blog worthy. You should also know that without talking to my husband I will gladly sign us up as your little's Godparents. He may or may not appreciate that fact. I'm kind of a basket case, but I'll have a stable job (eventually) and I'm really good at loving. Hubby's good at loving too and will provide the most stability as he is much more laid back and even-tempered than I am. I would appreciate that you tell your kids about the birds and the bees BEFORE you leave them to me though...only request.

So do YOU have Godparents? Would you become one if asked? What are your thoughts on the list (i.e. what did I miss)? I don't have Godparents, so I'm a little curious of the dynamic here. Lauren I'm looking for your opinion because I know you've got a Godmama!

XOXO & A promise of less morbid talk next time,
Hannah (potential Godmother extraordinaire)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Our First Anniversary and New Car!

Hello all! Slacker blogger back again! This blog is mostly pictures, but hopefully I can make it interesting as well. We'll see.

Three weeks ago my husband and I celebrated our first anniversary! I  cannot believe it's already come and gone, but time flies when you're having fun! Not that it's all be fun, but living with the person you love most in the whole world certainly does make life much better than it has ever been before. I've always heard that the first year is the hardest, and if that's the case it's smooth sailin' from here on out. That's not to say we haven't driven each other crazy a little bit, I still wish he'd consistently close drawers and he still wishes I would use the bathroom with the door closed, but that's all part of learning to live with someone I suppose! All in all, it has been fantastic so far and I look forward to soooo many more anniversaries! I'm one blessed girl and I'm certainly aware of that fact.

So, for the big one-year we headed to Mexico Beach for a little weekend getaway. As usual, we got completely burnt on the beach the first day so we weren't able to go out the second day! Exhibit A:
Cute right? For some reason this picture won't center, so forgive me for the awful layout of this post. Here are a few more pictures from our weekend of love:

Sun whipped, but happy to be together for 364 days! (This was June 11th, the day before our Anniversary!)

I said "hold up your one year finger and smile!" This is how he feels about spending a solid year married to me...perfect! Especially my clueless idiot expression...I had no idea he was making that face.

And, keeping with tradition, we ate year old cake for breakfast the next morning.

Precious didn't want to, but being the good man he is he went along with my shenanigans anyway. His face says it all usual.  
Freshly showered, I was slightly more eager. It wasn't delicious (obviously, it was a year old), but it wasn't terrible either. I ate more than one bite...Fatty Patty doesn't say no to dessert regardless of how old it is.

This is where things get interesting...on our way home (on our actual anniversary) Eddie the Explorer began to smoke from his hood. We pulled over at a gas station in Tallahassee and checked it out. It was quite romantic, obviously.  
Turns out Eddie shredded his serpentine belt.

So we spent the majority of our first anniversary in this lovely "Super Lube" lobby. After a small inspection by an angel named Keith (I swear he was an angel or just an awesome person, he stayed late on a Sunday to help us out and went above and beyond what his job required, simulateneously restoring my faith in humanity) we found out that the belt was shredded, the air conditioner needed to be replaced, and the power steering was jacked up. Basically, we found out that Eddie's necessary replacements/surgical procedures would cost far more than Eddie was we needed a new car.

And, after nearly 3 weeks of searching, Tyler decided he wanted this fabulous car! A 2011 Honda Fit Sport! Please note his extreme enthusiasm over taking a picture with his new ride. He's giving me a sarcastic thumbs up if you can't tell.

Here's a side view, mainly for the parents who haven't seen the Honda yet. So far we are absolutely in love with it and it gets EXCELLENT gas mileage. We also got a compliment from a sweet old man at Barnes and Noble today...and who doesn't love compliments?

All in all we had a great first anniversary! Eddie threw a wrench in our plans a bit, but I'm glad to have my sweet hubby in a safe, reliable car now!

Tyler my love, there's no one in the world I would rather have been sunburned and stranded on the side of the road with! Here's to infinitely more anniversaries and many more years of just us before cute baby Lipseys come along "messing everything up." I apologize in advance for the blog PDA, but I love you forever and truly thank God for you and the best year of my life thus far!

XOXO & Hopes for you to find your Prince Charming too,