Friday, October 28, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

So I've followed the blog The Little Things We Do for awhile now and she always does a fill in the blank Friday here's mine.

1.   When I was a kid I wanted to be      a nurse    when I grew up.

2.   As an adult, my dream job would be   a nurse (who knows what specialty) and a mama   .

3.  W hen I was younger I wanted to be just like  my mom mostly, with Mary Kate & Ashley ranking right up there with her for a time .

4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was  a smiley face. Mom covered 2 hula hoops with yellow fabric and put a smiley face on one of them, then connected them with ribbons on the top and sides...I thought I was SO cool, mainly because Mom made it. The unfortunate thing is that you can't sit down as a smiley face so I had to take it off everytime I got back in the car to go trick or treat at the next house .

5.  My favorite childhood toy was   Arnold the African American Gerber baby. He's still my favorite toy and he terrifies all who meet him...mainly because he's missing a finger and his eyes turn two different directions.

6.  The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I   I'm not sure, but I'm sure some of my blog friends could help me out. Most of the time I got in trouble for my smart mouth, but I never did anything too awful because I was scared of being in trouble. Except for once, when I was 15...haha. Mom and April will know what I'm referring to:)

7.  I get daily inspiration from    oh please like I have time to be inspired daily...nursing textbooks? Half the time I dress like a man and I haven't shaved my legs in like 3 wks. But I do sometimes get inspiration on Saturdays from pinterest and bloggers. I'm also inspired by my tiny dancers every Wednesday.
Just as a side note, it was Halloween costume week at dance (AHHHHH!) and in my class I had a ballerina, a witch/spider bride, a witch, a vampire, and a Mexican. Complete with sombrero and and poncho and penciled-on moustache...completely unable to dance in all that gear. A lot of the kids forgot so they weren't dressed up. I was (big shock) a nurse...can't argue with a ready-made costume. My kids thought I was a "real doctor" and when I told them I was going to be a "real nurse" they were disappointed. One shouted, "DONT BE A NURSE BE A DOCTOR! DOCTORS ARE BETTER THAN NURSES!" Her mom's a nurse. I spent a significant portion of time trying to explain how awesome nurses are, but they didn't buy it. Oh well.  

Anyway, that's all I've got! Can't get blogger to take the underline off of the above paragraph (really irritating my OCD self, but I'll live).

Ooooh I almost forgot! Clinical orientation on Monday!! I'm sooooo excited to finally get to be a legit student nurse (how long have I waited for this day?!?!?) and help real live patients! We won't actually start on Monday, but at least I'll know where I'm going and who I'll be working with. SO EXCITED! I'll try to post a picture of myself looking awesome in my all-white scrubs and sweet white shoes:) 


Monday, October 24, 2011

Yes it's breast cancer awareness month

...but it's also domestic violence awareness month and I wish we hyped it as much. Instead, we tend to brush it under the rug and look at it as a topic that should be taken care of within the privacy of the it's nobody else's business. But people don't "just know" about the warning signs of domestic violence. We don't teach them at school or pass out brochures and we certainly don't just talk about it among friends. It's a hush-hush topic and we all assume that if somebody's being abused they'll know it and run off and get help. That is rarely, if ever, the case.

I've shared my story before so I won't go into the lengthy description of what constitutes an abusive boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/significant other/lover/yougetthepoint. What I'll get into is that I had no idea that my ex-boyfriend was abusing me. None. He didn't hit me (when I first figured it out) and he didn't force me to have sex with him (quite the opposite, but that's neither here nor there), so I assumed everything was normal...or normal enough anyway.

By the grace of God I found myself trying to switch majors (for the 6th or 7th time), and ended up in 2 summer classes: Women's Health Issues and Psychology of Women. Coincidentally/by the grace of God (again), both were covering abuse issues at the same time. While in Women's Health my teacher put up a list similar to this one: list of abuse warning signs (scroll down the warning signs are about 1/4 of the way down the page) and I shook my head in horror as I realized I could say yes to nearly every single item on the list. Yes, I was scared of him. Yes, I was numb as all get out (I didn't cry for almost a year during and after this abuse/relationship). Yes, I felt like it was my fault. Yes, he threatened to out himself if I left. Yes, I was constantly humiliated. YES YES YES.  There were tears in my eyes and I knew I was in an abusive relationship...but what now?

I reached out to my psych teacher asking her how someone would get out of a relationship like this one and if that person could ever recover, but she never responded. I continued to be lost.

I went on to stay with him for 3 more long months, after which he stalked me and refused to go away, tricked those who were close to me and got them to tell him where I was. I went into hiding and stayed with a dear friend who eventually helped me to feel safe.

Healing was hard, but figuring it all out and piecing it together was harder. I had no clue this was happening to me. So, in honor of domestic violence awareness month, tell somebody. Write a blog post. Put the link on facebook. Send it out to everybody in your address book. Do whatever you have to do because you could save somebody's life.

I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't taken the class that opened my eyes to the scary life I'd been living. So share it. Talk about it. Somebody needs you. Save them from the giant, empty pit of absolute hopelessness they're living in.


**Disclaimer: Please do not walk up to your friend and start shouting in their face that you know their significant other is abusing them. People do not take this well and they could go home and tell him/her, which could make the situation worse. No one is going to leave because you think they should, trust me on that, all you can do is give them the resources that will open their own eyes so they can make this important decision for themselves. Prayer goes a looooong way too, just ask my friend Tiffany who spent many nights praying for and with me.