Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Exciting News!

I have delayed but exciting news, which you have likely already heard about it you've looked at facebook anytime since Saturday, BUT I was accepted into the registered nursing program at my school! And, despite my obvious distaste of the slow flow of information, I am stoked! Ready to get started and so relieved to finally have the end in sight!

Since receiving my acceptance letter I've done all kinds of fun things which include:
  • My 4th background check in 3 years (yay teaching jobs!)
  • A moderately intense physical which required 2 minutes of jogging (gross!)
  • A drug test
  • A tuberculosis skin test (which will be read tomorrow)
  • A syphilis test (still not sure why this is necessary) 
  • Frantically begging for my immunization record to be released to my mom (got it!) 
  • Scheduled a dentist appointment (today at 11:30)
  • Scheduled a CPR class (wishing I would've maintained my health occ certification) 
  • Stalked my school's registration website (I still don't have my schedule) 
  • Turned in my 2 week notice (goodbye filing paper cuts!)
  • Started my 6th FAFSA (I should seriously be better at doing them by now)
  • Filled out scholarship forms like a mad woman
I think that may be it. But I'm running around crazy at this point trying to get everything finished. I'm excited and terribly nervous at this point, but soooo ready to do this thing! Tabitha gave me some sweet scrubs while I was in town last week and I got excited enough to try them on when I got my acceptance letter, but it turns out they're size extra-extra-small. XXS! I need her maternity scrubs at that rate! I managed to pull the XXS pants to my thighs where they promptly stopped budging...which is depressing considering they are elastic waiste AND have a draw string! But I can wear the tops and I can always pass along the skinny pants to other poor, struggling nursing students. Haha thanks though Tab! The ill-fitting pants provided plenty of laughs for Tyler! And eat a freaking chocolate, carb-loaded sandwich skinny! Totally kidding. I did do a happy dance when (with the help of an intense sports bra) I was able to wear the XS tops! Success! And I've played dress-up at least once a day since then...have I mentioned I'm excited!?

Well friends, thanks for praying with me, but please don't let the prayers end there! I still have to pay for it (YIKES--books alone are $1200 this semester) and make it through the program! Any advice is super helpful! HUGE shout out to Jessica for the comment on my last blog--blogger won't let me comment back for some reason, but I really appreciate your advice on loans and all that. I appreciate even more that you were willing to take the time out of your crazy busy schedule and write all that out for me!



  1. I just laughed my butt off. You are ridiculous! YAY for nursing school!!!! You're finally getting there.

  2. Congrats!!! It sounds so exciting!! I am applying this December and hope to get in August 2012!!

  3. First of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I have a huge respect for nurses and awesome nurses that really care about their patients! Second, you are very welcome for the advice! I had to figure it out the hard way so I don't want anyone else going through that again! Good luck and let me know if you need anything else. Also get your book list and look on and also for cheaper books. You may already know this I'm sure, but just wanted to throw it out there! Also, some of the other nursing students I'm friends with borrowed their books from the class above them. Don't know how things will be there but it's an idea! Good luck!!
