I haven't blogged in months, but I can't not have a record of how my sweet miracle made it into this world, so I'm back with our birth story, the story of the happiest day of our lives. Disclaimer: this will likely get graphic, if you know me at all you know I don't sugar coat things and Im a bit of a tell-all.
Monday, October 6, 2014
0630: I woke up with a strange, but mild cramping sensation. Though uncomfortable, this cramping was far from severe and not how I imagined labor pains would feel, so I texted my mom and went back to sleep.
0930: I woke again to continued cramping, but assumed all was well...I shouldn't be able to sleep through labor, right? I texted Mom again, then Tabitha to see if she wanted to go walk with me @ the mall. I was still completely convinced it WASN'T labor, but I knew if it were true labor my pain would increase while walking. Tab agreed to meet me at 1130 for lunch and walking, so I hopped in the shower. I chose not to wash my hair, a mistake that may plague me the rest of my days, because I was planning to sweat at the mall & shower again on my return home. While showering the "cramping" continued in waves, but I remained unconcerned.
1130: always late, I left to meet Tabitha, her 2 year old, and her 3 week old. In retrospect I really shouldn't have driven myself to the mall, but I still thought all was well--I was expecting to be induced for carrying him past term, not for him to arrive 8 days early! I got the best parking spot at the Belk, a fact that seemed to negate my concern over having 3 "cramps" (I was still refusing to call them contractions) in the 20 minutes it took me to get there.
1200: Lunch at Chickfila was priority one, and I greatly enjoyed my chicken nuggets, followed by a double doozie from the cookie company...aside from cramping I felt great! Then we walked...and walked...and walked. I finally got the bright idea to use an app to time my "cramps," which were lasting 30-40 seconds at that time and roughly 3 minutes apart. I finally had one that was painful enough to force me to sit down, which is when Tabitha intervened and forced me to call my OB, who didn't answer, so I left a message.
1430: Tabitha wasn't keen on waiting for a call from my doctor, so we decided to leave...I tried to drive myself home because I had a "good parking spot," but my dear BFF refused. We loaded the kids in the car and went to pick up Tyler. In the meantime my OB nurse called & made the official recommendation that I go to the hospital to be checked, "just in case." Once at my house my sweet husband rushed out and threw everything we needed in Tabitha's trunk, before squeezing himself in between two car seats in the backseat. We were stopped by two trains on the way back to my car, but we finally arrived and were officially hospital bound!
1515: We checked in at registration to the sounds of Bruce Springsteen singing Born in the USA, a fact my husband found fascinating and I couldn't be bothered to notice as my pain had crept to roughly a 4/10. The registration desk took FOREVER, with the employees answering faxes and eating cupcakes while I labored...
1545: We finally arrived in a labor and delivery triage room to be assessed, and I was just praying I wouldnt be sent home. A sweet, new nurse checked in on me first and reported I was 3cm dilated and 90% effaced, borderline for being sent home by any standard. After her, a more seasoned nurse checked me and determined I was actually 7cm dilated and 100% effaced--WHOA! I made her repeat that so I could process it, & immediately sent Tyler to notify our parents that we were having a baby TODAY!!! My pain was intense at this point (possibly because I heard that I was 7cm) so I begged for an epidural...@ 7cm I wasn't sure I would be able to get one. I was admitted by the nurse in training who meticulously asked every single question on the admission assessment (6N nurses do you feel my pain here?!), then we were finally transferred to our room.
I want to cuddle my boy, so this one will just have to come in installments.
Blissfully Exhausted,
Hannah (aka Mommy😍)
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