Saturday, January 8, 2011

No Big, Just a Day on a Bus & A Tiny Reunion

In the name of love, I spent my Saturday on a bus to and from Warner Robins for All State Auditions. Please do not ask me what All State Auditions are, because all I know is that they're band-related and you get to go if you're really good at playing whatever you play. We took 23 kids on the bus with us + a couple more who met us there and I spent some quality time sitting beside my hubby, reading on my Kindle. Let me just emphasize again how much I love my Kindle (and my hubby!). Because I left at 9:00 in the morning and have just arrived home at 10:00 pm, I am exhausted and you only get a short blog today. At least those are my intentions, sometimes I get excited and just can't stop...without further ramblings, here are the highlights of the day:

1. Lots of readin' time! I didn't finish my book (probably because it's not that good, it was free after all), but I did read a significant portion & I learned how to make it read to me, meaning I didn't get sick on the bus! It also kept me quiet, so I was less annoying to the poor man who married me.
2. Lots of rantin' with a kid who needed to rant! You can't rant about your family to folks who know your family, so I was a listening ear...should I change my future career again and be a therapist? Maybe after a year of nursing when I'm tired of that. Either way, it was good for said kid and I got to do a little rantin' of my own...I know you're all surprised.
3. Ran into one of my favorite (shh, dont mention to him he's a favorite) old students. Given that I don't run into very many familiar faces, it was really nice to see this kid...even if he couldn't figure out why I was there or that I'm not "Ms. Henderson" anymore.
4. I got to see one of my all-time favorite people...JULIE J!
That's Julie & I, dressed like fools, bringing some hype to the pep rally at the school where I used to teach and where she still teaches. Now, for a short ode to Jules. I think everybody needs a friend like mine! She took me under her wing and quickly became my only friend in my new town (when I lived in Douglas, of course)--no questions asked. I most certainly needed (and still need, in fact) her and she came along at the perfect time, forcing me to smile/laugh when I was a bitter Betty and didn't want to. You need a friend like this because you can cuss, gossip, spit, yell, scream, kick, cry and quote scripture all at the same time with no judgement. Yes, I'm serious. And yes, you need to do all of those things simultaneously sometimes. Especially on days when you're unnecessarily fired from the job you despise and were going to quit anyway. I never claimed to have stopped being a bitter Betty. Now Jules, given that we're not mushy people who like to talk about things such as feelings, we don't have to discuss this blog and all of my sweet sincerity. Just know that I love you, I miss you like crazy, and I'll never find a better workout buddy (sorry Tyler and Dazzlers who accompanied me to Zumba). Can't wait for all of our catching up in 2 weeks! I'll leave you all thinking about how sweet I am. Awwww.



  1. I love the fact that you you mentioned how it was ok to cuss, scream, cry, kick, and quote scripture all at once! I am completely in agreement! As a matter of fact I have done it on so many occasions!! Today just might have been one of those days!! Thanks for reminding me I'm not crazy! :)

  2. I find myself identifing past students by what they call me. I have Ms. Keys, Ms. Brubaker, and Ms. Tiffany. Each name is with different locations. So when I hear one of my names being shouted in Wal-Mart, the first thing I do is pin point where I was when I was that name. Haha
