Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011, I'm hungry already.

Since we've reached 2011 and I find myself at least semi-unemployed, I decided blogging might be a good use of my time. Mainly because my life seems to have a lot of changes in store this new year and why not share them with the general population? By general population I realize I am mainly including my family & ten friends who may see this, but I did title the blog Life Exaggerated, so its ok to pretend I am reaching the masses.

Perhaps the biggest change that I'm enduring this year is beginning my first diet ever.  Unfortunately the rockin' metabolism I had for the majority of my 23 years seems to have disappeared and my mii on Wii fit is looking more and more like a circle everyday. And by everyday I mean the rare days when I'm not too lazy to stand up and get on it. Plus my mom is currently skinnier than me and I really hate that...sorry, Deb. I say all of that to say that my sweet hubby & I have decided to try our hand at the Thrive Diet and pray that we see the same results that so many lucky folks we know have seen. Today we began our commitment to weight-loss and sexy bods and trekked over to Publix to gather our week one supplies.

The grocery store trip was unbelievably grim and its possible that we're looking forward to this even less than we imagined. Let me set the scene for you: we're walking through Publix gathering our meager meal supplies for the week with long faces. All the while its pouring down rain outside and I can promise you they played nothing but sad, country songs while we were shopping. All the while I'm pointing out the healthy snacks that I could eat and attempting to push this diet off as a "last resort" just in case we can't handle it on our own. Hubby knows me well, thus he keeps me stuck to our bare-minimum diet. Here are the things we get to eat (or attempt to eat) this first week:
  • Double Fiber Wheat Bread (and you know what fiber makes you do...I can only imagine that DOUBLE fiber is much worse)
  • Green beans
  • Sugar-free jello
  • Sugar-free jelly
  • Peanut butter
  • Dill pickles
  • Special K Protein Plus cereal
  • Skim milk
  • Eggs, that we can only eat 1/2 of because we must disgard the yolks(the BEST part!)
  • Almonds
  • Lettuce
  • Spritzer salad dressing (one calorie per squirt!)
  • Chicken breast-only to grill, of course
  • Splenda (for coffee--I REFUSE to give up caffeine in the morning, but I will neglect my beloved Dr. Pepper, I guess.)
Doesn't all of that sound DELICIOUS?! No? I didn't think so either. All in the name of getting healthy, I suppose. I'm certain the things I'll miss most are Dr. Pepper & ice cream, and its safe to assume you'll have to hear about those struggles if you keep reading this blog & I manage to keep writing it. Time to enjoy a delicious chocolate treat since I only have one more full day to do so--the diet starts Monday.


1 comment:

  1. I eat the Special K Protein Plus too!! Try putting half a banana or some crasins in it.. Delish! and I have a pretty good and good for you recipe for green beans if you want it!
