Hi friends! Fortunately there hasn't been a lot going on this week, I tend to like an easy, laid back week, so I've not got much to write home about. Instead, I'm just going to give you the highlights of the last week in March according to myself. Hold on to your hats, I'm sure this will be thrilling.
1. Teen Mom 2 Finale. LOVED it! I can't help it, that show is trashy but its my favorite guilty pleasure. I was relieved to find that it pretty much ended on a happy and hopeful note, with the exception of sweet Jenelle's trip to the big house. Speaking of, let's break it down a little bit starting with Jenelle. She and her boyfriend Keiffer were arrested, her for a little B&E and possession of marijuana, and he for crack/cocaine. Jenelle got bailed out and we all held onto a glimmer of hope that she was too mad to bail out Keiffer...that lasted approximately two days, and then she missed him too much. He's just dragging you down, Jenelle! One of her dumbie friends even co-signed on the bail bond to get him out...not a good idea, champ, he's not exactly responsible or dependable. Barbara (J's mom) broke out her signature blue shirt (Thank you Lord!) and broke my heart in two. She doesn't feel like Jenelle loves her because she's always lying and causing trouble...I wanted to go straight up to North Carolina and hug ole Barb myself! Jenelle should be thankful for the 29384729347938 chances Barbara has given her to straighten up or get kicked out of the house...she always lets Jenelle come home. I really do hope Jenelle gets her act together and that she and Barbara can work things out, for themselves and for Jenelle's baby Jace. I suppose I should talk about Kailyn & Chelsea here, but they just weren't as interesting to me this season and its my blog so I don't have to. Kail & Jo got a custody agreement for their baby Isaac and Chelsea's daughter Aubree turned 1. That's about it. On to Leah! Precious Leah & Corey FINALLY tied the knot and it was precious! Leah looked stunning, as did both of her beautiful girls. As I watched them I cried like a tiny baby and found it odd that I cry so much and so often at other weddings, but I didn't at my own. It was emotional, sure, but I didn't straight up sob like I did watching Teen Mom! I know Corey & Leah are young and have way more to deal with than most newlyweds, but I'm extremely hopeful for their future. This is a pretty terrible synopsis, isn't it? Perhaps I have no future in TV recap or critique...I'm fine with that. All that to say I love Teen Mom, can't wait for the reunion show next week, and I really can't wait for another season!
2. Dance. I love my little dance girls! Even though they were a little wound up yesterday (it rained all day, so I doubt they got recess), they continued to crack me up as usual. Here are some fantastic quotes from the studio:
"Miss Hannah, do I look like Lady GaGa? Everyone keeps saying 'you look just like Lady GaGa!' but I don't even know who Lady GaGa is!" *The child looks nothing like Lady GaGa.
"When Miss Emily has her baby is it going to be in our dance class?" (Nevermind they're 7 & Emily is due in August...)
"You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit!" *Someone says this once a week at least
Love my girls even when they get a little fiesty!
3. It's a Girl! Don't worry, not me (obviously), but Miss Emily (fellow dance teacher) is having a girl! YES! I love baby girls because you can stick gigantic bows on top of their teensy heads and dress them in the cutest of girly clothes. She's already beautiful and was sucking her sweet little thumb in her ultrasound picture! I love babies!! Tyler says "Oh good a baby you can hold and love that's not mine and won't come home with us." Direct proof that he's not quite ready to be a daddy yet.
4. Books. I have finished a number of awesome books this week that I will write about eventually, but I just don't have it in me tonight. Here are some you should check out:
-Crazy Love by Francis Chan
-Heaven is Real by Todd Burpo
-Divine by Karen Kingsbury
Tomorrow I'm digging back into The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, I read it during my time in DC and LOVED it then. Time to re-visit!
5. Sweet Valley High Confidential! Remember the Sweet Valley books with Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield? Well now they're back! Francine Pascal is writting (or has written?) a book following up on them 10 years later. I'm stoked! I loved the Sweet Valley High books!
6. Grey's Anatomy. The musical version...its on now and I'm having a hard time focusing to write this. Ok, commercial break. I don't really understand all the music, but Tyler's enjoying it a little more than usual at least. I've been screeching at the TV (this is normal) because things never go exactly as I want them. Well, more on this later, I've got to focus on my favorite show ever.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Breastfeeding Doll?
Hi friends! Really quick post because we've got a jazz band concert to head to, but I found this online this morning and wanted to get your thoughts. I give you: Breast Feeding Babydoll!
My apologies, its actually called Breast Milk Baby, and apparently its quite controversial. Basically its a doll that comes with a sort of bib/bra that goes over clothing and has 2 sensors which cause the doll to suckle. Would you give your kids a breast milk baby? Is this inappropriate? Is it a sexist toy? (yes, some are claiming it is)
Personally, I don't think its inappropriate, but I also don't think its necessary. When my brother was born I was 2 1/2 years old and mimicked my mother's breasfeeding. When Trevor ate, I jacked my shirt up and "fed" my babies too. All that to say, I learned the (in my opinion) best way to feed your baby early on and my mom didn't have to pay $199 for a babydoll that makes suckle noises when held to a kid bra.
I would beyond enjoy some feedback on this, so let me hear your opinions!
My apologies, its actually called Breast Milk Baby, and apparently its quite controversial. Basically its a doll that comes with a sort of bib/bra that goes over clothing and has 2 sensors which cause the doll to suckle. Would you give your kids a breast milk baby? Is this inappropriate? Is it a sexist toy? (yes, some are claiming it is)
Personally, I don't think its inappropriate, but I also don't think its necessary. When my brother was born I was 2 1/2 years old and mimicked my mother's breasfeeding. When Trevor ate, I jacked my shirt up and "fed" my babies too. All that to say, I learned the (in my opinion) best way to feed your baby early on and my mom didn't have to pay $199 for a babydoll that makes suckle noises when held to a kid bra.
I would beyond enjoy some feedback on this, so let me hear your opinions!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Where Does the Time Go?
Hey loves! Got to keep this short and sweet as the season finale for my favorite trash television show comes on in 15 minutes! A teenage wedding AND Jenelle goes to jail...I can visibly see my anticipation!!
So, I went to the doctor today, concerned about chest pains. Turns out I'm just aging and suffering from what most folks call "heart burn," acid reflux disease. Sounds thrilling, yes? Well I tried to argue with the dear ole doc, but he said its normal for reflux to feel like a dull, achy pain or a tightness in your chest-that's to say it doesn't always "burn." He said the ache/tightness is often caused by your esophagus spasming due to the reflux. Basically, I'm aging. He wants to check my cholesterol (more aging) and thinks lowering my stress level could help (not aging, I've always been like this). We discussed my strange ocular migraine/sensory seizure and he thinks that was just a reaction due to the steroids. I should've expected all of this, but I walked away feeling SO relieved and ready to take on the world. I'M NOT DYING! (yet). I am getting my hair done, because I promised myself I would if I was healthy!
Tyler & I celebrated my not-so-decreased life expectancy with taco Tuesday (my sweet darling cooked) and then a sweet treat from Dairy Queen...I decided I'd earned it for not having a life threatening illness. We came home and I enjoyed a solid 2 hour conversation with my darling Sarah (Hot Rod from Brooklyn Sassafras). What a spectacular thing to have friends who are so funny and so easy to talk to! I devoted an entire post to her not long ago so I'll keep it brief, but she is truly an amazing friend, always uplifting and encouraging. She also saw Never Say Never (that'd be the Justin Bieber movie) three times in the theater! Tyler is not sure whether to be impressed or scared. My favorite part of our conversation was reminiscing about old times and the three months we spent together in DC living on top of one another in a closet-sized room. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but that's the name of the blog so its ok. We also rediscovered my first blog that I wrote while in DC that summer: http://hannahcsmdc.blogspot.com/ She's a friend for life and I thank God for her on the regular...what a blessing! I love you, Sass, and can't wait to see you in July...or for the night before your wedding one of these days!
Well, I've got 2 minutes to ready myself for bed (& Leah, Jenelle, Kail, & Chelsea!) so I better go.
So, I went to the doctor today, concerned about chest pains. Turns out I'm just aging and suffering from what most folks call "heart burn," acid reflux disease. Sounds thrilling, yes? Well I tried to argue with the dear ole doc, but he said its normal for reflux to feel like a dull, achy pain or a tightness in your chest-that's to say it doesn't always "burn." He said the ache/tightness is often caused by your esophagus spasming due to the reflux. Basically, I'm aging. He wants to check my cholesterol (more aging) and thinks lowering my stress level could help (not aging, I've always been like this). We discussed my strange ocular migraine/sensory seizure and he thinks that was just a reaction due to the steroids. I should've expected all of this, but I walked away feeling SO relieved and ready to take on the world. I'M NOT DYING! (yet). I am getting my hair done, because I promised myself I would if I was healthy!
Tyler & I celebrated my not-so-decreased life expectancy with taco Tuesday (my sweet darling cooked) and then a sweet treat from Dairy Queen...I decided I'd earned it for not having a life threatening illness. We came home and I enjoyed a solid 2 hour conversation with my darling Sarah (Hot Rod from Brooklyn Sassafras). What a spectacular thing to have friends who are so funny and so easy to talk to! I devoted an entire post to her not long ago so I'll keep it brief, but she is truly an amazing friend, always uplifting and encouraging. She also saw Never Say Never (that'd be the Justin Bieber movie) three times in the theater! Tyler is not sure whether to be impressed or scared. My favorite part of our conversation was reminiscing about old times and the three months we spent together in DC living on top of one another in a closet-sized room. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but that's the name of the blog so its ok. We also rediscovered my first blog that I wrote while in DC that summer: http://hannahcsmdc.blogspot.com/ She's a friend for life and I thank God for her on the regular...what a blessing! I love you, Sass, and can't wait to see you in July...or for the night before your wedding one of these days!
Well, I've got 2 minutes to ready myself for bed (& Leah, Jenelle, Kail, & Chelsea!) so I better go.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Secret Millionaire
This is my first post after facebook and I must say it feels just fine:) Haven't missed the ole time suck yet, but we'll see come morning...I always liked to wake up while doing a little stalking. I'm hoping to convert that time into my quiet time with God which, I've been told, will make my days much better. I'll keep you updated.
So tonight I watched secret millionaire for the first time, and cried like the big baby that I am. It brought me straight back to one of my most favorite times in my life, when I got the chance to live in the beautiful Washington DC and serve the city's homeless. What an incredible experience and the perfect way to show God's love. I miss it so much and I know I will never have a job that I love as much as I loved that one. I wish there were opportunities to serve others for "work" in Thomasville. My old computer houses almost all of my pictures from that time, but here are two I snatched from facebook...they surely brought tears to my eyes, even 2.5 years later.
You will never meet anyone more deserving of your love and attention as these kids. They were always happy to see us and the teams we brought in with us. They all lived in the projects and we came in weekly to host vacation Bible schools at their playground. The second picture is of me and the little guy that stole my heart before Tyler...his name is Tajuan and I got to spend 3 solid weeks with him. He had a tough little exterior and got picked on a lot from the other kids because he didn't want to fight...he broke my heart right in two when I had to leave. I miss him and would give anything to know where he is now. I hope and pray he's still resisting the fight and "trying to do the right thing." What a fantastic kid! Pray for him with me!
All that to say my dream job is to be the secret millionaire. I wish I had the money to be able to give $25,000 to well-deserving charities. Tonight, a guy named Amin (not sure on spelling) took the shoes off his own feet to give to a guy who needed them. Amin warmed my heart and completely destroyed my mascara. What a blessing to be able to see people like this in the world today! Please, God, show me how to be one!
I have to share with you a story that happened to us last night...a way to be your own secret millionaire. And by millionaire I mean makes-$10-per-hour-aire. I debated whether telling you this would come across as boastful, but I believe its an example of God's sovereignty. Remember Tony that I mentioned in my post from yesterday? Well we met him at Waffle House last night. He was holding a sign outside asking for money/food, and we quickly walked past and attempted to avoid eye contact. Now, avoiding situations such as these completely destroy me. I was overwhelmed with guilt and could hardly enjoy my giant waffle. Thank God, Tony came in. He talked to the waitress about what he could buy for $5, which was not very much. We called over the waitress and agreed to pay for his meal...she passed the message along to Tony and he spent a whopping $5.35. Hardly enough to break the bank. Upon leaving he thanked us and talked to us a bit. I will never forget how blue Tony's eyes were and how truly gracious he looked. Can't we all be this kind of secret millionaire? It doesn't have to be 25K to make a difference! Now, I'd be lying if I said we didn't have to keep track of our finances. My job doesn't pay much and we're also paying for school, but please don't think we're hungry or anything like that. However, when we arrived home we had $100 check in the mailbox. This, my friends, is proof that the Lord is sovereign! He will meet your every need! If you think you can't give some away because you might not have enough, guess again. I told this story to a friend (actually someone who lived with me in DC) and she shared with me a message from her mom..."you can't out give God." And isn't this so true? I tell you these things not to brag on how giving we were (is $5.35 really enough to write home about?) but to give you an example of how great our God is! And to show you that the smallest gestures can make the greatest differences.
I've got 3 challenges for you this week:
1. watch Secret Millionaire, it will truly touch your heart
2. Be your own Secret Millionaire--buy somebody's cheap dinner or meet some other need. It feels awesome and glorifies God at the same time.
3. Pray for me. That's a general statement, but I need it in just about every area of my life.
Well loves, I'm tired and heading to bed. I love you all, really, I do!
So tonight I watched secret millionaire for the first time, and cried like the big baby that I am. It brought me straight back to one of my most favorite times in my life, when I got the chance to live in the beautiful Washington DC and serve the city's homeless. What an incredible experience and the perfect way to show God's love. I miss it so much and I know I will never have a job that I love as much as I loved that one. I wish there were opportunities to serve others for "work" in Thomasville. My old computer houses almost all of my pictures from that time, but here are two I snatched from facebook...they surely brought tears to my eyes, even 2.5 years later.
You will never meet anyone more deserving of your love and attention as these kids. They were always happy to see us and the teams we brought in with us. They all lived in the projects and we came in weekly to host vacation Bible schools at their playground. The second picture is of me and the little guy that stole my heart before Tyler...his name is Tajuan and I got to spend 3 solid weeks with him. He had a tough little exterior and got picked on a lot from the other kids because he didn't want to fight...he broke my heart right in two when I had to leave. I miss him and would give anything to know where he is now. I hope and pray he's still resisting the fight and "trying to do the right thing." What a fantastic kid! Pray for him with me!
All that to say my dream job is to be the secret millionaire. I wish I had the money to be able to give $25,000 to well-deserving charities. Tonight, a guy named Amin (not sure on spelling) took the shoes off his own feet to give to a guy who needed them. Amin warmed my heart and completely destroyed my mascara. What a blessing to be able to see people like this in the world today! Please, God, show me how to be one!
I have to share with you a story that happened to us last night...a way to be your own secret millionaire. And by millionaire I mean makes-$10-per-hour-aire. I debated whether telling you this would come across as boastful, but I believe its an example of God's sovereignty. Remember Tony that I mentioned in my post from yesterday? Well we met him at Waffle House last night. He was holding a sign outside asking for money/food, and we quickly walked past and attempted to avoid eye contact. Now, avoiding situations such as these completely destroy me. I was overwhelmed with guilt and could hardly enjoy my giant waffle. Thank God, Tony came in. He talked to the waitress about what he could buy for $5, which was not very much. We called over the waitress and agreed to pay for his meal...she passed the message along to Tony and he spent a whopping $5.35. Hardly enough to break the bank. Upon leaving he thanked us and talked to us a bit. I will never forget how blue Tony's eyes were and how truly gracious he looked. Can't we all be this kind of secret millionaire? It doesn't have to be 25K to make a difference! Now, I'd be lying if I said we didn't have to keep track of our finances. My job doesn't pay much and we're also paying for school, but please don't think we're hungry or anything like that. However, when we arrived home we had $100 check in the mailbox. This, my friends, is proof that the Lord is sovereign! He will meet your every need! If you think you can't give some away because you might not have enough, guess again. I told this story to a friend (actually someone who lived with me in DC) and she shared with me a message from her mom..."you can't out give God." And isn't this so true? I tell you these things not to brag on how giving we were (is $5.35 really enough to write home about?) but to give you an example of how great our God is! And to show you that the smallest gestures can make the greatest differences.
I've got 3 challenges for you this week:
1. watch Secret Millionaire, it will truly touch your heart
2. Be your own Secret Millionaire--buy somebody's cheap dinner or meet some other need. It feels awesome and glorifies God at the same time.
3. Pray for me. That's a general statement, but I need it in just about every area of my life.
Well loves, I'm tired and heading to bed. I love you all, really, I do!
Chicken Salad
It's me again.
YIKES! I think I've found some preliminary stretch marks. I'm not entirely sure they're not just marks made by my twisted up sleep shirt (I'm quite a wild sleeper) but I'm not taking any chances. I was totally panicking earlier, but I think I've still got time to stop this cycle. Also, I haven't gained any weight...so are stretch marks even possible? Is all the weight just shifting? Either way, not ok.
Of course, this blog wasn't even supposed to be aboutstretch marks. Its about chicken salad. I love chicken salad! My new favorite is chicken salad with red grapes in it! This is especially odd as I hate all kinds of fruit. Less surprised by that stretch mark comment now aren't you? I just really hate the texture of fruit and all the yucky, slimy juices that come with it. I'm gagging right now. But I think grapes are a spectacular addition to chicken salad...especially when those grapes are halved and don't over power me with juice. All of that to say, I'm looking for a good recipe. So far I haven't been able to find one that sounds delicious and contains grapes, so Tyler thought this would be the best place to look next. Can you help me friends?
And now, pray for my hubby as I am quitting cokes cold-turkey due to the possible strech marks. Bring it on, caffeine withdrawal! You've got nothing on the steroid withdrawal that I conquered!
YIKES! I think I've found some preliminary stretch marks. I'm not entirely sure they're not just marks made by my twisted up sleep shirt (I'm quite a wild sleeper) but I'm not taking any chances. I was totally panicking earlier, but I think I've still got time to stop this cycle. Also, I haven't gained any weight...so are stretch marks even possible? Is all the weight just shifting? Either way, not ok.
Of course, this blog wasn't even supposed to be about
And now, pray for my hubby as I am quitting cokes cold-turkey due to the possible strech marks. Bring it on, caffeine withdrawal! You've got nothing on the steroid withdrawal that I conquered!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Well friends I've got a ton to say and I really don't want to ramble, so stay with me. My hopes are to say what I need to say (just for you, John Mayer) and not jump from topic to topic in such a way that will cause me to be difficult to follow. Of course the way my mind jumps around I'm probably always hard to follow.
First of all, had a doctors appointment on Friday. The doc says NO to the track your cycle idea & hooked me up with a discount card that will make my BC $24 instead of $71. That will make a huge difference! She also gave me 2 months worth free to lighten the bill even more. Maybe its too soon to say after only two visits, but I love my doctor! I'm glad that she's the one who will be seeing me through the variety of woman issues that are to come. I have another appointment with a family doctor on Tuesday regarding my odd chest pain...will keep you updated.
Now onto church. We're into part 3 of the Time of Your Life series, called Compounding Minutes. As usual, I encourage you to listen here once the message is posted, which should be tomorrow. But, given that I was especially convicted and moved by this message myself, I'll give you a little more than a recommendation to listen on your own.
Whether you're a Christian yourself or have never darkened the door to a church in your life, you will still take something from this message. As the entire series is on the subject of Time, we started out discussing just that. And the first point Randy (that's the pastor) made is something we all know but dont put much thought into on a regular basis. There is a cumulative value to investing small amounts of time in certain activities over a long period. Basically (these are the notes I added) give things a little bit of time consistently and it will pay off in the end. Spend a little bit of quality time with your husband each day and it will enhance your relationship. Duh, right? But are you thinking of this when you're sitting side by side playing on your separate laptops but not actually speaking? I say that as its what T & I are doing at this very moment. Randy said that there are 2 reasons we neglect to do this: 1. there are no immediate benefits (if you exercise one day no one can tell) and 2. there are no immediate consequences for skipping it (if you skip said exercise on a Wednesday no one will know). And isn't this all terribly true? Stop and think for a minute and you'll be able to see it in your life.
His second point was Neglect is cumulative as well. Unfortunately, neglect oftentimes reaches a point of no return--once you've neglected a relationship so long, its difficult to revive it to the strength it once had. Same goes with money and your health and, as Randy painfully reminded me, your GPA. You don't think of things like GPA's being mentioned at church do you? Just one reason I love my church--it's real!
There is no cumulative value to the random things we opt for over the important things. This is when God stood up in my brain and screamed (for the 239847293847 time in the past week might I add) FACEBOOK! Whoa. Slap in the face by the Big Man Upstairs (should slang names for God be capitalized too?). What important things do you give up/neglect in order to do other unimportant things? What do you do that keeps you from your daily time with God? Of course you know what I do. I always plan to have daily quiet time with God in the morning but do I always get up in time? Absolutely not. Do I always find time in the morning to check Facebook? Absolutely. Do you wonder why I feel convicted? I hope not.
What am I willing to do about it? I am, officially, taking a facebook hiatus. I do not possess the self control to handle keeping it and staying on for a set time each day, so I am deleting it for awhile. I'll probably be back once I get my priorities in order, but I do feel this is something I need to do for my relationships as a whole...specifically those with God and my husband. I don't want to neglect those that matter most just so I can be updated on the happenings 5.5 hours away. I hope you'll keep reading and maybe shoot me a comment or an email about my posts...I really love your feedback. My email is hannahlipsey87@gmail.com and I do want to stay in contact, I've just gotten out of control on fb.
Before I go on hiatus though, I want to invite you to church with us on Easter Sunday if you don't belong to a church somewhere already! If you're out of town that's ok, we've got extra beds! If you're in Thomasville then you've got to come! Our services will be at 9am and 11am on April 24 at the Best Western in Thomasville. Please come! And if you are coming, let us know which service so we'll be at the same one! The message series that we'll kick off that day will certainly be interesting and we would love to have you be a part of it! Oh and they're giving away an iPad at each service, so come for a chance at one of those!!
Well darlings that's all for now. Send me your email address on fbook if you want to keep in touch once I get rid of mine! Please pray for us and for our Easter services and go check out the message! You'll be glad you did. I'll leave you with a link to a video we watched/listened to at church tonight which reinforces this message and is a beautiful song on its own. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJULo_zW9hA
I do have a tiny prayer request for a nice guy named Tony that we met at Waffle House on a "romantic date night" tonight. He's traveling all over going to Rainbow Gatherings and we didn't get to talk too much, but he's on my heart tonight.
Hope to hear from you soon!
First of all, had a doctors appointment on Friday. The doc says NO to the track your cycle idea & hooked me up with a discount card that will make my BC $24 instead of $71. That will make a huge difference! She also gave me 2 months worth free to lighten the bill even more. Maybe its too soon to say after only two visits, but I love my doctor! I'm glad that she's the one who will be seeing me through the variety of woman issues that are to come. I have another appointment with a family doctor on Tuesday regarding my odd chest pain...will keep you updated.
Now onto church. We're into part 3 of the Time of Your Life series, called Compounding Minutes. As usual, I encourage you to listen here once the message is posted, which should be tomorrow. But, given that I was especially convicted and moved by this message myself, I'll give you a little more than a recommendation to listen on your own.
Whether you're a Christian yourself or have never darkened the door to a church in your life, you will still take something from this message. As the entire series is on the subject of Time, we started out discussing just that. And the first point Randy (that's the pastor) made is something we all know but dont put much thought into on a regular basis. There is a cumulative value to investing small amounts of time in certain activities over a long period. Basically (these are the notes I added) give things a little bit of time consistently and it will pay off in the end. Spend a little bit of quality time with your husband each day and it will enhance your relationship. Duh, right? But are you thinking of this when you're sitting side by side playing on your separate laptops but not actually speaking? I say that as its what T & I are doing at this very moment. Randy said that there are 2 reasons we neglect to do this: 1. there are no immediate benefits (if you exercise one day no one can tell) and 2. there are no immediate consequences for skipping it (if you skip said exercise on a Wednesday no one will know). And isn't this all terribly true? Stop and think for a minute and you'll be able to see it in your life.
His second point was Neglect is cumulative as well. Unfortunately, neglect oftentimes reaches a point of no return--once you've neglected a relationship so long, its difficult to revive it to the strength it once had. Same goes with money and your health and, as Randy painfully reminded me, your GPA. You don't think of things like GPA's being mentioned at church do you? Just one reason I love my church--it's real!
There is no cumulative value to the random things we opt for over the important things. This is when God stood up in my brain and screamed (for the 239847293847 time in the past week might I add) FACEBOOK! Whoa. Slap in the face by the Big Man Upstairs (should slang names for God be capitalized too?). What important things do you give up/neglect in order to do other unimportant things? What do you do that keeps you from your daily time with God? Of course you know what I do. I always plan to have daily quiet time with God in the morning but do I always get up in time? Absolutely not. Do I always find time in the morning to check Facebook? Absolutely. Do you wonder why I feel convicted? I hope not.
"Be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore don't be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."
Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV
Powerful isn't it? What's leaving you foolish? Randy ended up the message with 3 basic questions for us to think about. Where do I begin? What's my biggest obstacle? What am I willing to do about it? And that segues into my next point...(**Before I go on, PLEASE check out the message! My sad interpretation doesn't do it justice & I think we can all benefit from better using our time!**)What am I willing to do about it? I am, officially, taking a facebook hiatus. I do not possess the self control to handle keeping it and staying on for a set time each day, so I am deleting it for awhile. I'll probably be back once I get my priorities in order, but I do feel this is something I need to do for my relationships as a whole...specifically those with God and my husband. I don't want to neglect those that matter most just so I can be updated on the happenings 5.5 hours away. I hope you'll keep reading and maybe shoot me a comment or an email about my posts...I really love your feedback. My email is hannahlipsey87@gmail.com and I do want to stay in contact, I've just gotten out of control on fb.
Before I go on hiatus though, I want to invite you to church with us on Easter Sunday if you don't belong to a church somewhere already! If you're out of town that's ok, we've got extra beds! If you're in Thomasville then you've got to come! Our services will be at 9am and 11am on April 24 at the Best Western in Thomasville. Please come! And if you are coming, let us know which service so we'll be at the same one! The message series that we'll kick off that day will certainly be interesting and we would love to have you be a part of it! Oh and they're giving away an iPad at each service, so come for a chance at one of those!!
Well darlings that's all for now. Send me your email address on fbook if you want to keep in touch once I get rid of mine! Please pray for us and for our Easter services and go check out the message! You'll be glad you did. I'll leave you with a link to a video we watched/listened to at church tonight which reinforces this message and is a beautiful song on its own. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJULo_zW9hA
I do have a tiny prayer request for a nice guy named Tony that we met at Waffle House on a "romantic date night" tonight. He's traveling all over going to Rainbow Gatherings and we didn't get to talk too much, but he's on my heart tonight.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Books and a Birthday
Hello Friends!
First off, in case I can't post tomorrow, I need to wish my very best friend Tiffany Leigh Keys Brubaker an incredibly Happy 24th Birthday! May it be full of fantastic things and completely devoid of all things negative, such as natural disasters and unplanned pregnancies. This birthdate indicates that we are approaching 7 years of mostly-delightful friendship. I can't believe we're this old! We met as timid (well, I was timid she was a little scary-outgoing at our first meeting) little freshmen who had no clue what they wanted from life and now she has grown up into a magnificent teacher and wife with all kinds of plans. As for me, I'm still timid and clueless. That's why our friendship works--she keeps me grounded! She is always there to remind me why my bad ideas are bad ideas. Including the current topic of baby-makin'. I wish I could be there to celebrate your birthday with you TK, even though celebrating to us simply involves a fancy restaurant (like Applebees instead of Chickfila) and cake! I love love love you and could not ask for a better friend/angel on my shoulder. That sounds slightly creepy. You know the ones in the cartoon with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other? That's what I'm referring to. She's always been the voice of reason. Lucky me! Happy 24, old woman!
On to books. I'm currently 92% finished with a book I started this morning (more on that when I actually finish)...yay for answering the phone being my only duty at work, but I do have a series to recommend! The first book is The Maze Runner by James Dashner, which is followed by its companion The Scorch Trials by James Dashner.
I can't give you too much without completely destroying the books for you--too many spoilers--but they are fantastic. The first starts out a little slow and you're quite confused, but I promise its worth reading if you can push through. Otherwise both are pretty fast-paced and I couldn't put them down. You'll grow to love the main character, Thomas, and his friends, and I can promise you won't stop rooting for them. These books also play with your emotions and you are sure to experience all of them while reading. DIVINE! This will eventually be a trilogy, but I have no idea when the last book will be released. I'll surely be re-reading before it comes out though! I'd easily say that if you loved The Hunger Games like I did, you will love this book. You'll also pick up interesting new vocabulary...klunk heads.
Well, I believe that's all I have for now. Keep prayin' for all the craziness that is life!
First off, in case I can't post tomorrow, I need to wish my very best friend Tiffany Leigh Keys Brubaker an incredibly Happy 24th Birthday! May it be full of fantastic things and completely devoid of all things negative, such as natural disasters and unplanned pregnancies. This birthdate indicates that we are approaching 7 years of mostly-delightful friendship. I can't believe we're this old! We met as timid (well, I was timid she was a little scary-outgoing at our first meeting) little freshmen who had no clue what they wanted from life and now she has grown up into a magnificent teacher and wife with all kinds of plans. As for me, I'm still timid and clueless. That's why our friendship works--she keeps me grounded! She is always there to remind me why my bad ideas are bad ideas. Including the current topic of baby-makin'. I wish I could be there to celebrate your birthday with you TK, even though celebrating to us simply involves a fancy restaurant (like Applebees instead of Chickfila) and cake! I love love love you and could not ask for a better friend/angel on my shoulder. That sounds slightly creepy. You know the ones in the cartoon with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other? That's what I'm referring to. She's always been the voice of reason. Lucky me! Happy 24, old woman!
On to books. I'm currently 92% finished with a book I started this morning (more on that when I actually finish)...yay for answering the phone being my only duty at work, but I do have a series to recommend! The first book is The Maze Runner by James Dashner, which is followed by its companion The Scorch Trials by James Dashner.
I can't give you too much without completely destroying the books for you--too many spoilers--but they are fantastic. The first starts out a little slow and you're quite confused, but I promise its worth reading if you can push through. Otherwise both are pretty fast-paced and I couldn't put them down. You'll grow to love the main character, Thomas, and his friends, and I can promise you won't stop rooting for them. These books also play with your emotions and you are sure to experience all of them while reading. DIVINE! This will eventually be a trilogy, but I have no idea when the last book will be released. I'll surely be re-reading before it comes out though! I'd easily say that if you loved The Hunger Games like I did, you will love this book. You'll also pick up interesting new vocabulary...klunk heads.
Well, I believe that's all I have for now. Keep prayin' for all the craziness that is life!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Spring Break & Birth Control
Well its me again and I'm on Spring Break! I remember Spring Break being a lot cooler in high school and college when I actually had a break from everything for a solid week. This time its less exciting as I'm still working a full-time job, part-time job and preparing for 2 big tests. Yuck! But at least I'm completely finished (as far as I know) with night classes! HIP HIP HOORAY! It was awfully rough being in class til 8:30 two nights a week. Next quarter I'm only taking one course online, then I have a quarter off before I start nursing school in the fall. IF I start nursing school in the fall. Trying/hoping for a teaching job in the meantime, because I miss kids (never thought I'd see the day!) and I really hate not operating on the same schedule as my hottie hubby. So we'll see! Keep praying with me! I must note here that I have managed to hang on to my 4.0 for another quarter! It could be my obsessive-compulsive notecard writing, there are literally notecards all over our house.
Anyhow, that's really all I've got going on in my happy little life right now. Work is ok, I'm quite sick of filing and using my oh-so-professional phone voice, but it pays and I get to read. Hubby and I are planning to start working out or at least doing some form of physical activity soon, but we keep putting it off until "tomorrow." Seeing as each day passes with us pushing it off on another tomorrow it has turned into a vicious cycle. The baby fever is waning slightly, but more due to the fact that sweet Tyler is adamently against procreating at this time than me not wanting to get fat and make a human. What doesn't help is that I've just learned of THREE new parents-to-be! THREE! I heard of these within 12 hours and for a moment I thought there was some conspiracy against me. You see, I hate being jealous and I was quite jealous. However, when all those babies are potty-training I'm sure I'll be glad its just Tyler and me. As usual, I'm still hoping this is all a phase. Neither of us is actually good with children (we're quite awkward, really) and we're nowhere near financially stable enough for little Lipseys.
In reproduction-related news, I have a new interest in birth control methods. Dad, stop reading now, I know how freaked out you are that I even possess reproductive organs. You might think this is inappropriate to speak of on this public blog, but I have questions and you just might have my answers! Plus we're all adults here...at least as far as I know...still, I appreciate appropriateness and if I really thought I was toe'ing the line I wouldn't talk about this. The truth is, birth control is expensive. The other truth is that trips to the emergency room + follow up appointments are even more expensive. Thus, we're running out of health insurance funds. I'm doing a little bit of research on ovulation cycles (couldn't get enough reproductive talk in anatomy, I suppose), and how they can be used for birth control. Of course, I'm mostly finding information on how to track your most fertile days, but I'm sure I could just avoid those days like the plague and be ok! Thoughts? I know I speak a lot about my baby fever, but I truly know that we're not ready for babies right now and I'm really trying to avoid a pregnancy...I'm just also trying to avoid paying nearly $100 on the teensy pills every month. I've got a doctor's appointment Friday to beg for either generic pills or more information on tracking the ole cycle, but I love opinions from real people (doctors aren't real people are they? Kidding Dr. Melisa, in case you read this) and you guys usually come through for me! I will also add that I've read some hilarious stuff (due in part to my own immaturity) in my search for these ovulation calendars/fertility trackers, so you might want to google it and enjoy!
Heavy stuff this evening, hope I don't have you squirming in your seat! Love to hear from you as always & keep me in your prayers!
Anyhow, that's really all I've got going on in my happy little life right now. Work is ok, I'm quite sick of filing and using my oh-so-professional phone voice, but it pays and I get to read. Hubby and I are planning to start working out or at least doing some form of physical activity soon, but we keep putting it off until "tomorrow." Seeing as each day passes with us pushing it off on another tomorrow it has turned into a vicious cycle. The baby fever is waning slightly, but more due to the fact that sweet Tyler is adamently against procreating at this time than me not wanting to get fat and make a human. What doesn't help is that I've just learned of THREE new parents-to-be! THREE! I heard of these within 12 hours and for a moment I thought there was some conspiracy against me. You see, I hate being jealous and I was quite jealous. However, when all those babies are potty-training I'm sure I'll be glad its just Tyler and me. As usual, I'm still hoping this is all a phase. Neither of us is actually good with children (we're quite awkward, really) and we're nowhere near financially stable enough for little Lipseys.
In reproduction-related news, I have a new interest in birth control methods. Dad, stop reading now, I know how freaked out you are that I even possess reproductive organs. You might think this is inappropriate to speak of on this public blog, but I have questions and you just might have my answers! Plus we're all adults here...at least as far as I know...still, I appreciate appropriateness and if I really thought I was toe'ing the line I wouldn't talk about this. The truth is, birth control is expensive. The other truth is that trips to the emergency room + follow up appointments are even more expensive. Thus, we're running out of health insurance funds. I'm doing a little bit of research on ovulation cycles (couldn't get enough reproductive talk in anatomy, I suppose), and how they can be used for birth control. Of course, I'm mostly finding information on how to track your most fertile days, but I'm sure I could just avoid those days like the plague and be ok! Thoughts? I know I speak a lot about my baby fever, but I truly know that we're not ready for babies right now and I'm really trying to avoid a pregnancy...I'm just also trying to avoid paying nearly $100 on the teensy pills every month. I've got a doctor's appointment Friday to beg for either generic pills or more information on tracking the ole cycle, but I love opinions from real people (doctors aren't real people are they? Kidding Dr. Melisa, in case you read this) and you guys usually come through for me! I will also add that I've read some hilarious stuff (due in part to my own immaturity) in my search for these ovulation calendars/fertility trackers, so you might want to google it and enjoy!
Heavy stuff this evening, hope I don't have you squirming in your seat! Love to hear from you as always & keep me in your prayers!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hello friends! Real quick post before I hit the hay because I'm exhausted from a day FULL of studying for my anatomy final tomorrow (yucky). Please say a little prayer..I need a 64 on the final to make an A in the class, so as long as I stay level headed (quite a task) I should be good to go.
I want to post about our incredible message at church today, but as usual I don't want to ramble too much and completely ruin it for you. We discussed prioritizing and how we should (obviously) put God first. He used an awesome metaphor with rocks and a vase (you kind of had to see it), but the main point was that your God rock should come before your other rocks. And your other rocks should be prioritized as well...for example, your spouse rock should come before your facebook rock. He talked about how you spend the most of your time doing what you put first...I felt as though I'd been smacked with a giant rock myself(not funny). The point for mebeing, I spend way too much time on fbook. I knew it already, but sheesh it hit home today. He mentioned that putting God first could/should include spending time with Him first thing in the morning. I felt hugely convicted with that because my morning is not complete without a little face-stalking. So, though I've officially been talked out of a complete facebook hiatus, I am trying to cut back. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? It's not that I'm that interested in what you're all doing (although a large portion of you are having babies), I just use it as a procrastination/time-wasting tool...prevents productivity and I've become quite lazy. I digress, as always, check out the message here.
I've received all kinds of fabulous news from my best friends this weekend, but as its not my story to tell I'll have to wait til they come public with it all to share it with you. But I have to give a big hooray and praise the Lord for all of His blessings on them!
If you'd like to check out my wonderful hubby and his band, check my facebook wall and he'll be there 3 times conducting his little heart out. I realize you may not be into band or perhaps you're like me and don't understand it, but I'm a so proud of him, so I have to share anyway!
I believe that's it, aside from a bitter rant about taxes because I'm not getting money back, but perhaps I'll save that for another day or let it go. Say a prayer for my final!
I want to post about our incredible message at church today, but as usual I don't want to ramble too much and completely ruin it for you. We discussed prioritizing and how we should (obviously) put God first. He used an awesome metaphor with rocks and a vase (you kind of had to see it), but the main point was that your God rock should come before your other rocks. And your other rocks should be prioritized as well...for example, your spouse rock should come before your facebook rock. He talked about how you spend the most of your time doing what you put first...I felt as though I'd been smacked with a giant rock myself(not funny). The point for mebeing, I spend way too much time on fbook. I knew it already, but sheesh it hit home today. He mentioned that putting God first could/should include spending time with Him first thing in the morning. I felt hugely convicted with that because my morning is not complete without a little face-stalking. So, though I've officially been talked out of a complete facebook hiatus, I am trying to cut back. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? It's not that I'm that interested in what you're all doing (although a large portion of you are having babies), I just use it as a procrastination/time-wasting tool...prevents productivity and I've become quite lazy. I digress, as always, check out the message here.
I've received all kinds of fabulous news from my best friends this weekend, but as its not my story to tell I'll have to wait til they come public with it all to share it with you. But I have to give a big hooray and praise the Lord for all of His blessings on them!
If you'd like to check out my wonderful hubby and his band, check my facebook wall and he'll be there 3 times conducting his little heart out. I realize you may not be into band or perhaps you're like me and don't understand it, but I'm a so proud of him, so I have to share anyway!
I believe that's it, aside from a bitter rant about taxes because I'm not getting money back, but perhaps I'll save that for another day or let it go. Say a prayer for my final!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Twitter Quitter
Hey loves! I'm sitting here on my couch waiting my turn in the shower and figured I'd post really quick since I've not in awhile. Too long of a while.
Any how, I'm thinking of quitting facebook. I don't even have a twitter account so my title's kind of moot, but I thought it was clever and I'm always seeking to be just that. Facebook has become the ultimate time suck and I'm not getting things done because I'm trying to keep up with your life. Typically, your life is no more exciting than mine, so I'm not sure why this is necessary. Unless you are pregnant...is there a pregnant book I can join so that I can continue to live vicariously through those with the big round tummies that have tiny humans inside? I should create one. A website, not a pregnancy. Only that would be creepy since I'm not pregnant and don't plan to become that way anytime soon. In fact I'm hoping this "pregnancy is awesome and I wish I was pregnant" phase will pass incredibly quickly. So here's what I'm wondering, will you still read my blog if I don't consistently post links on facebook? Because I want to keep blogging...and when you tell me I'm funny/have good ideas/should write a book, well that keeps me going. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm leaning in the facebook quitter direction. I'll keep you updated...via facebook, ironically.
In other good news, my friend Julie is having a baby boy!!! YES! She's not due until September so I have to practice extreme patience (terrible at that), but I'm sure we'll make it. Ethan or Eli will be adorable and I can't wait to meet (read:steal) him!
More good news, my sweet, charming, adorable, nearly-perfect husband took his concert band to their large group performance evaluation yesterday. I am proud to announce that he got straight 1's and his band is "SUPERIOR!" Therefore, Mr. Lipsey is superior himself. I'm inclined to agree! We're currently listening to a professional recording of his band's performance and I am amazed. As someone who knows almost nothing about music (except that we in the dance world count it in sets of 8), I'm impressed that these young students can make a sound like that. I personally don't have the hand-eye coordination nor the desire to sit still that such talent requires. What an excellent teacher they must have! I'm also surprised at the difference in the sound of marching band music and concert band music. Whatever we're listening to right now is simply beautiful. And so is the man who is unconsciously conducting the recording. Hello, I'm Hannah and I'm teary-eyed because I'm so proud of my superior husband. And lucky, have I mentioned how lucky I am? Just thought you should know. Brag brag brag. I'm allowed, he's superior!
Well the time has come to prepare for the band chicken dinner (fun?) that, for reasons unknown, is happening at 10am. Bizarre, but I'm sure there's some sort of reason for this. Excited to see the kids...I didn't realize how much I'd miss angsty teenagers when I left the education world. Please, somebody hire me! They were keeping me young! Now I'm frumpy. I need a shopping trip...with someone who has better style than me. And I need my hair done. Why? I haven't had it done since December and its mid-late March. YIKES! No wonder I feel frumpy! I'm off topic...I was saying goodbye!
Any how, I'm thinking of quitting facebook. I don't even have a twitter account so my title's kind of moot, but I thought it was clever and I'm always seeking to be just that. Facebook has become the ultimate time suck and I'm not getting things done because I'm trying to keep up with your life. Typically, your life is no more exciting than mine, so I'm not sure why this is necessary. Unless you are pregnant...is there a pregnant book I can join so that I can continue to live vicariously through those with the big round tummies that have tiny humans inside? I should create one. A website, not a pregnancy. Only that would be creepy since I'm not pregnant and don't plan to become that way anytime soon. In fact I'm hoping this "pregnancy is awesome and I wish I was pregnant" phase will pass incredibly quickly. So here's what I'm wondering, will you still read my blog if I don't consistently post links on facebook? Because I want to keep blogging...and when you tell me I'm funny/have good ideas/should write a book, well that keeps me going. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm leaning in the facebook quitter direction. I'll keep you updated...via facebook, ironically.
In other good news, my friend Julie is having a baby boy!!! YES! She's not due until September so I have to practice extreme patience (terrible at that), but I'm sure we'll make it. Ethan or Eli will be adorable and I can't wait to meet (read:steal) him!
More good news, my sweet, charming, adorable, nearly-perfect husband took his concert band to their large group performance evaluation yesterday. I am proud to announce that he got straight 1's and his band is "SUPERIOR!" Therefore, Mr. Lipsey is superior himself. I'm inclined to agree! We're currently listening to a professional recording of his band's performance and I am amazed. As someone who knows almost nothing about music (except that we in the dance world count it in sets of 8), I'm impressed that these young students can make a sound like that. I personally don't have the hand-eye coordination nor the desire to sit still that such talent requires. What an excellent teacher they must have! I'm also surprised at the difference in the sound of marching band music and concert band music. Whatever we're listening to right now is simply beautiful. And so is the man who is unconsciously conducting the recording. Hello, I'm Hannah and I'm teary-eyed because I'm so proud of my superior husband. And lucky, have I mentioned how lucky I am? Just thought you should know. Brag brag brag. I'm allowed, he's superior!
Well the time has come to prepare for the band chicken dinner (fun?) that, for reasons unknown, is happening at 10am. Bizarre, but I'm sure there's some sort of reason for this. Excited to see the kids...I didn't realize how much I'd miss angsty teenagers when I left the education world. Please, somebody hire me! They were keeping me young! Now I'm frumpy. I need a shopping trip...with someone who has better style than me. And I need my hair done. Why? I haven't had it done since December and its mid-late March. YIKES! No wonder I feel frumpy! I'm off topic...I was saying goodbye!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Teach Me to Number My Days
Hi friends! Its been so long (almost a week) since I've posted, so I wanted to make sure you knew that I have not passed on, just been extremely busy! A quick update(which is a lie, because my updates are never "quick" I'm a rambler):
I have not yet been to the doctor, nor have I heard anything from the doctor's office I am trying to go to. Apparently I'm trying to go to an elite doctor (the one hubby goes to) which required me to fill out a new patient packet and wait 5 days to schedule an appointment. Good thing whatever is going on isn't life threatening! At least not that we know of...in all seriousness I've had no more episodes of temporary vision loss/crazy spots/etc. Praise the Lord for that!
In other news, Tyler and I worked audio/visual at church Saturday & Sunday, and I must tell you I walked away humbled with a lot to think about. The new message series is called Time of Your Life, and we're talking about how we spend our time and how, in the grand scheme of things, our lives are tiny and insignificant.
Randy started off talking about how much time we spend wondering what time it is, and estimated most people look at the clock about 20 times a day. Immediately things started hitting home. I'm pretty sure God was cracked up and had good reason for me listening to this message three times (with no cheat notes so I had to pay close attention), because I'm an extreme clock watcher. I have looked at the clock THREE times since starting this blog post. I watch minutes slowly tick by on a regular basis. This series is for me. Just looked a fourth time. Anyway, the basis of the message this week is that we're only here for a brief, tiny second and we shouldn't waste it. We should spend our time furthering God's kingdom and living out His purpose for our lives--not our own. "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12, was the memory verse of the week and sums it up pretty well. I never want to tell too much on here, because I always want you to go listen for yourself! This week's message and notes are posted here, so please go check it out! You won't be sorry. I do want to share the prayer that Randy encouraged us to share and to pray everyday:
I have not yet been to the doctor, nor have I heard anything from the doctor's office I am trying to go to. Apparently I'm trying to go to an elite doctor (the one hubby goes to) which required me to fill out a new patient packet and wait 5 days to schedule an appointment. Good thing whatever is going on isn't life threatening! At least not that we know of...in all seriousness I've had no more episodes of temporary vision loss/crazy spots/etc. Praise the Lord for that!
In other news, Tyler and I worked audio/visual at church Saturday & Sunday, and I must tell you I walked away humbled with a lot to think about. The new message series is called Time of Your Life, and we're talking about how we spend our time and how, in the grand scheme of things, our lives are tiny and insignificant.
Randy started off talking about how much time we spend wondering what time it is, and estimated most people look at the clock about 20 times a day. Immediately things started hitting home. I'm pretty sure God was cracked up and had good reason for me listening to this message three times (with no cheat notes so I had to pay close attention), because I'm an extreme clock watcher. I have looked at the clock THREE times since starting this blog post. I watch minutes slowly tick by on a regular basis. This series is for me. Just looked a fourth time. Anyway, the basis of the message this week is that we're only here for a brief, tiny second and we shouldn't waste it. We should spend our time furthering God's kingdom and living out His purpose for our lives--not our own. "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12, was the memory verse of the week and sums it up pretty well. I never want to tell too much on here, because I always want you to go listen for yourself! This week's message and notes are posted here, so please go check it out! You won't be sorry. I do want to share the prayer that Randy encouraged us to share and to pray everyday:
"Heavenly Father, teach me to number my days that I might gain a heart of wisdom and fulfill your purpose in my life. Teach me to number my days that I might gain a heart of wisdom, that I might think about my time differently, use my time more wisely, and fulfill your purpose for my life."
On a lighter note, between studying the reproductive system and having approximately 35% of the people I know pregnant, I have myself a serious case of baby fever. The odd part of my predicament is that I'm much more interested in being pregnant than actually having a tiny human for myself. I think there is nothing more fascinating than being pregnant. Before you tell me your horror stories about morning sickness and labor pains, take a moment to think of what a miracle it truly is. Everything has to happen perfectly for you to even find yourself with child. The egg has to be swept into the uterine tube and the sperm has to enter at just the right time (the egg is only viable for ~24 hours after all). They have to meet in the tube, but travel all the way to the uterus, which has to be ready, to implant. Then that tiny mass of cells has to turn into a legitimate human being in less than 9 months. THAT IS COMPLETE INSANITY! First you can't tell me there's no God, as otherwise this would certainly not happen, and you can't tell me that's not the coolest thing you've ever heard. Our microscopic cells meet each other, fuse together, and make PEOPLE! Tiny people! And despite all of this, our little bitty uteruses(not even sure that's a word) get enormous and our organs shift around and our belly buttons stick out and because of hormones we MAKE MILK! What a miracle! I cannot wait to participate in this miracle myself! I'm teary-eyed! Just think about it--reproduction, pregnancy, and anatomy in general are incredible and we are blessed to play a role in it. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) pregnancy always produces a tiny human that grows into a teenager and takes all your money, time, energy, love, attention, etc. for 18+ years. Now, I can't wait to give all of those things to Little Lipsey, but I'm also not finished taking up all of the Mister's money, time, energy, love, attention etc! Kidding, I'm mainly not ready for parenthood as I have no stable career and am terribly irresponsible on the whole. Perhaps I'll finish school and love nursing and buy a car and a house and then Duggar it up and have some babies. Probably not 20, maybe 10. KIDDING, Tyler love! I suppose this is enough rambling about my unhealthy obsession with pregnancy? Maybe now you just know who to call should you need a surrogate??
Ok, I've run out of energy & its time to go watch our new favorite show--Dead Like Me--on Netflix. Its terribly dark and everyone on it has an incredible potty mouth, but Mandy Pantinkin (Inigo Montoya/Agent Jason Gideon)is in it and I'm slightly in love with him. I love his voice and dry sense of humor. The rest of the characters are pretty great too. I digress.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Well that was interesting.
Hey friends, going to detail my day a little bit while attempting to keep it short and sweet, because I'm in serious need of REST.
Today I had my first seizure. And I'm not actually sure it was a seizure. If you have any input on the situation I am about to present, please divulge. Please make sure its legitimate input though, as I have had enough people say things that completely frighten me today. Here's how it went down:
Sitting at my desk and its been a perfectly normal day...very typical, did some filing (no problem) and other various and sundry office tasks. Then I picked up my beloved kindle. In the lower right corner there was a weird bright/fuzzy spot, like I'd been staring at a light for a long time. Fairly normal, until it didn't go away. It was distracting to read so I put the book down and stared out the window...the spot was still there. Picked the book back up and realized the spot had grown. I thought it was only in my right eye, so I covered it only to find it was in both--the lower right side of my entire field of vision. Reading was difficult, so I went back to the window staring and found the spot was larger still and now edged with strange psychadelic colors that seemed to pulsate/vibrate. I was in a complete panic. I stood and went to the bathroom--no other side effects, no dizziness or trouble walking, etc., and looked to see that both pupils were dilated. I came back, frantically looking around at everything (not sure if I was completely losing vision or what) and gradually the pulsating slowed and everything came back into focus. I had a weird feeling afterward--a light, airy, out-of-body kind of feeling, but otherwise I've been perfectly fine. Tiny headache, but I'm sure that's from straining to see.
I couldn't get in to see a doctor and my last ER experience was horrendous, so Tyler looked it up online (some credible sources, some not) and it appears to be a simple partial sensory seizure. It is also said that it can be caused from drug withdrawal....could the steroids really still be harassing me?? After talking to a pharmacist its possible, because I was not weaned off the medication properly. I went from 2 a day to none a day, and most often the dosage follows a 3 pills for 3 days, 2 pills for 2 days, then 1 pill for 1 day pattern. No wonder I'm screwed up. I'm still waiting to receive a packet of information that Tyler's family doctor requires me to fill out BEFORE they'll schedule an appointment, so it appears to be a waiting game until then. Oh, and my micro colleagues seem to think that TIA (transient ischemic attack) aka mini-stroke is a possibility...this "possibility" continues to increase the chances of reoccurence as my blood pressure sky-rockets when I think about it. However, my BP is usually low, I'm under 55, I'm female, I exercise, I have a healthy body weight, and I don't smoke, so this seems unlikely. The only risk factor I've got is poor diet.
I'm completely freaked out, if you're curious. So, I'm asking for you input if you're medical-related personnel and not just trying to scare me. If you're not in the medical field I'd appreciate your prayers, both for my health and my sanity. Have I mentioned I'm freaking out? Had a good cry, which was nice, but I need a good old fashioned doctors appointment & a little talk with Jesus.
Here's to a better tomorrow.
Today I had my first seizure. And I'm not actually sure it was a seizure. If you have any input on the situation I am about to present, please divulge. Please make sure its legitimate input though, as I have had enough people say things that completely frighten me today. Here's how it went down:
Sitting at my desk and its been a perfectly normal day...very typical, did some filing (no problem) and other various and sundry office tasks. Then I picked up my beloved kindle. In the lower right corner there was a weird bright/fuzzy spot, like I'd been staring at a light for a long time. Fairly normal, until it didn't go away. It was distracting to read so I put the book down and stared out the window...the spot was still there. Picked the book back up and realized the spot had grown. I thought it was only in my right eye, so I covered it only to find it was in both--the lower right side of my entire field of vision. Reading was difficult, so I went back to the window staring and found the spot was larger still and now edged with strange psychadelic colors that seemed to pulsate/vibrate. I was in a complete panic. I stood and went to the bathroom--no other side effects, no dizziness or trouble walking, etc., and looked to see that both pupils were dilated. I came back, frantically looking around at everything (not sure if I was completely losing vision or what) and gradually the pulsating slowed and everything came back into focus. I had a weird feeling afterward--a light, airy, out-of-body kind of feeling, but otherwise I've been perfectly fine. Tiny headache, but I'm sure that's from straining to see.
I couldn't get in to see a doctor and my last ER experience was horrendous, so Tyler looked it up online (some credible sources, some not) and it appears to be a simple partial sensory seizure. It is also said that it can be caused from drug withdrawal....could the steroids really still be harassing me?? After talking to a pharmacist its possible, because I was not weaned off the medication properly. I went from 2 a day to none a day, and most often the dosage follows a 3 pills for 3 days, 2 pills for 2 days, then 1 pill for 1 day pattern. No wonder I'm screwed up. I'm still waiting to receive a packet of information that Tyler's family doctor requires me to fill out BEFORE they'll schedule an appointment, so it appears to be a waiting game until then. Oh, and my micro colleagues seem to think that TIA (transient ischemic attack) aka mini-stroke is a possibility...this "possibility" continues to increase the chances of reoccurence as my blood pressure sky-rockets when I think about it. However, my BP is usually low, I'm under 55, I'm female, I exercise, I have a healthy body weight, and I don't smoke, so this seems unlikely. The only risk factor I've got is poor diet.
I'm completely freaked out, if you're curious. So, I'm asking for you input if you're medical-related personnel and not just trying to scare me. If you're not in the medical field I'd appreciate your prayers, both for my health and my sanity. Have I mentioned I'm freaking out? Had a good cry, which was nice, but I need a good old fashioned doctors appointment & a little talk with Jesus.
Here's to a better tomorrow.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Don't feel neglected...
Hey loves!
I'm coming off my steroid "high" if you can call it that, so I've got nothing much to say. Feeling pretty awful and trying to stay awake, but at least I know now that I have re-gained the capability to sleep! YES! I managed to sleep all night last night, and here I am at 2pm longing for my comfy bed again! I've can also hear from BOTH ears now and have been to potty. Other than the sleepy fog, life is good...I feel like a new woman! Hoping this all wears off tonight/tomorrow so I'll feel up to work/school/life in general come Monday. And I promise when I am back to myself I'll give you a decent, sensible post.
Also a Happy Engagement Party wish to my sweet Christa Faye & cousin Cody!! I wish I could be there & I love you both!
Hannah the ultimate sleepy head
PS I've spent at least 1/2 the day thinking about wanting to do something new to my hair. ALWAYS open for suggestions...help me?
I'm coming off my steroid "high" if you can call it that, so I've got nothing much to say. Feeling pretty awful and trying to stay awake, but at least I know now that I have re-gained the capability to sleep! YES! I managed to sleep all night last night, and here I am at 2pm longing for my comfy bed again! I've can also hear from BOTH ears now and have been to potty. Other than the sleepy fog, life is good...I feel like a new woman! Hoping this all wears off tonight/tomorrow so I'll feel up to work/school/life in general come Monday. And I promise when I am back to myself I'll give you a decent, sensible post.
Also a Happy Engagement Party wish to my sweet Christa Faye & cousin Cody!! I wish I could be there & I love you both!
Hannah the ultimate sleepy head
PS I've spent at least 1/2 the day thinking about wanting to do something new to my hair. ALWAYS open for suggestions...help me?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Odd Pod
IS IT SERIOUSLY JUST WEDNESDAY!??! This has been the longest week of my entire 23 year, 9.5 month life! No more steroids, please!!!! I'll never eat shellfish or fish at all again...I promise!! Let me tell you what's been going on in my lovely, dramatic, spastic, totally off-kilter life.
Oh wait.
I can't tell you because I have no idea. I'm seriously walking around in a funky haze because I can't focus. At least not for long. But I am wired/crazy/jittery enough to have made 100 on my microbiology test! ROCKSTAR!
Otherwise I've been hearing these types of comments for the past three days:
"I cannot believe how hyper you are."
"Will you please just let me get some sleep??"
"Would you like some Benadryl??"
"I cannot believe how wired you are."
You get the picture. I'm out of control and I'm getting highly annoying. Not to myself, I'm totally care free and at ease even though I'm incredibly tired. However, here is a list of some less than pleasant side effects (because even though I'm totally whacked out on drugs, I still love lists):
1. I'm exhausted (duh).
2. I can't shut up.
3. People have stopped responding to my incessant text messages.
4. I'm so sweaty I woke up with my hair completely soaked this morning.
5. I haven't gone to the bathroom (you know, #2) since Sunday. SUNDAY!
6. I was craving Mexican food at approximately 8:30 this morning...30 minutes after breakfast.
7. I can't hear out of my right ear.
8. I'm dizzy.
9. I'm twitchy/shaky.
10. I've bitten off all of my nails because of all of the aforementioned symptoms.
MISERY! Somebody free me from the bonds of this medication!! Perhaps that is a bit melodramatic, but it is rough and overall I feel terrible. Unfortunately you'd never know from talking to me because I'm crazy hyper and loud. EEK!
So, dance today. I was a little nervous because I thought the old 'roids might send me into a rage if my kids were wild. Luckily they were great! They had all kinds of questions when I told them what was up (had to explain my lack of hearing ability) such as: "Are you going to die Mrs. Hannah?" "Do you see blurry?" "Did it hurt?" and, my favorite, completely unrelated question during the hospital Q&A "Did you know its Dr. Seuss's birthday today!?" Hahaha I love my dance babies! Even when they're wild and test my patience. They did a great job today & are starting to catch on to everything themselves--they'll be doing the routines at the recital without me for sure! Great progress!
Today, one of the little sweeties who reminds me SO MUCH of a younger version of one of my Dazzlers (same impromtu/made up dance moves and all) asked if my iPod was called an odd pod! There's no way its as funny here as it was then, I know because I was there then and am now reading this, but we were totally cracked up. By we I mean myself and my incredibly helpful and fabulous ballet and tap assistant, Kristine, whom I owe tons of thanks for coming in especially to help me out today. I certainly needed her!
I was a little sad today though because I had to give my sweet 6 & 7 year olds a chat about being nice to people because they were being mean. I remember mean dance kids and I don't like that in my class! It breaks my heart to see these tiny little girls being so rotten to each other with all of the eye-rolling and bad attitudes! We had a little talk where they added things like the definition of respect (my girls are smarties!) and the golden rule, then I gave them costumes because they made a group pinky promise to be respectful. Of course they were getting the costumes anyway, but I'm still hopeful the talk helped. We'll see.
Last thing, I promise. I also teach an 8th & 9th grade jazz class and one of my girls complimented my hubby today! She said (without knowing he's mine), "Mr. Lipsey is so nice! He helped me!" To which I responded, "Mr. TYLER Lipsey? The band director??" I love him and I really love hearing good things about him. I was just proud as punch when she said that!! In all seriousness, I'm terribly proud of the job that he does and how much he puts into it...he doesn't want you to know that he works hard or that he loves it as much as he does, but I assure you this is the case. He has the kind of job satisfaction that people (me, especially) dream about. I'm jealous, but my heart is swelled with pride and I get a little teary-eyed just thinking about it. What a good man I have been blessed with! I mean, he hasn't left me yet even though I'm insane with the steroids....
That's all I've got--a serious case of the rambles.
Oh wait.
I can't tell you because I have no idea. I'm seriously walking around in a funky haze because I can't focus. At least not for long. But I am wired/crazy/jittery enough to have made 100 on my microbiology test! ROCKSTAR!
Otherwise I've been hearing these types of comments for the past three days:
"I cannot believe how hyper you are."
"Will you please just let me get some sleep??"
"Would you like some Benadryl??"
"I cannot believe how wired you are."
You get the picture. I'm out of control and I'm getting highly annoying. Not to myself, I'm totally care free and at ease even though I'm incredibly tired. However, here is a list of some less than pleasant side effects (because even though I'm totally whacked out on drugs, I still love lists):
1. I'm exhausted (duh).
2. I can't shut up.
3. People have stopped responding to my incessant text messages.
4. I'm so sweaty I woke up with my hair completely soaked this morning.
5. I haven't gone to the bathroom (you know, #2) since Sunday. SUNDAY!
6. I was craving Mexican food at approximately 8:30 this morning...30 minutes after breakfast.
7. I can't hear out of my right ear.
8. I'm dizzy.
9. I'm twitchy/shaky.
10. I've bitten off all of my nails because of all of the aforementioned symptoms.
MISERY! Somebody free me from the bonds of this medication!! Perhaps that is a bit melodramatic, but it is rough and overall I feel terrible. Unfortunately you'd never know from talking to me because I'm crazy hyper and loud. EEK!
So, dance today. I was a little nervous because I thought the old 'roids might send me into a rage if my kids were wild. Luckily they were great! They had all kinds of questions when I told them what was up (had to explain my lack of hearing ability) such as: "Are you going to die Mrs. Hannah?" "Do you see blurry?" "Did it hurt?" and, my favorite, completely unrelated question during the hospital Q&A "Did you know its Dr. Seuss's birthday today!?" Hahaha I love my dance babies! Even when they're wild and test my patience. They did a great job today & are starting to catch on to everything themselves--they'll be doing the routines at the recital without me for sure! Great progress!
Today, one of the little sweeties who reminds me SO MUCH of a younger version of one of my Dazzlers (same impromtu/made up dance moves and all) asked if my iPod was called an odd pod! There's no way its as funny here as it was then, I know because I was there then and am now reading this, but we were totally cracked up. By we I mean myself and my incredibly helpful and fabulous ballet and tap assistant, Kristine, whom I owe tons of thanks for coming in especially to help me out today. I certainly needed her!
I was a little sad today though because I had to give my sweet 6 & 7 year olds a chat about being nice to people because they were being mean. I remember mean dance kids and I don't like that in my class! It breaks my heart to see these tiny little girls being so rotten to each other with all of the eye-rolling and bad attitudes! We had a little talk where they added things like the definition of respect (my girls are smarties!) and the golden rule, then I gave them costumes because they made a group pinky promise to be respectful. Of course they were getting the costumes anyway, but I'm still hopeful the talk helped. We'll see.
Last thing, I promise. I also teach an 8th & 9th grade jazz class and one of my girls complimented my hubby today! She said (without knowing he's mine), "Mr. Lipsey is so nice! He helped me!" To which I responded, "Mr. TYLER Lipsey? The band director??" I love him and I really love hearing good things about him. I was just proud as punch when she said that!! In all seriousness, I'm terribly proud of the job that he does and how much he puts into it...he doesn't want you to know that he works hard or that he loves it as much as he does, but I assure you this is the case. He has the kind of job satisfaction that people (me, especially) dream about. I'm jealous, but my heart is swelled with pride and I get a little teary-eyed just thinking about it. What a good man I have been blessed with! I mean, he hasn't left me yet even though I'm insane with the steroids....
That's all I've got--a serious case of the rambles.
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