So, I went to the doctor today, concerned about chest pains. Turns out I'm just aging and suffering from what most folks call "heart burn," acid reflux disease. Sounds thrilling, yes? Well I tried to argue with the dear ole doc, but he said its normal for reflux to feel like a dull, achy pain or a tightness in your chest-that's to say it doesn't always "burn." He said the ache/tightness is often caused by your esophagus spasming due to the reflux. Basically, I'm aging. He wants to check my cholesterol (more aging) and thinks lowering my stress level could help (not aging, I've always been like this). We discussed my strange ocular migraine/sensory seizure and he thinks that was just a reaction due to the steroids. I should've expected all of this, but I walked away feeling SO relieved and ready to take on the world. I'M NOT DYING! (yet). I am getting my hair done, because I promised myself I would if I was healthy!
Tyler & I celebrated my not-so-decreased life expectancy with taco Tuesday (my sweet darling cooked) and then a sweet treat from Dairy Queen...I decided I'd earned it for not having a life threatening illness. We came home and I enjoyed a solid 2 hour conversation with my darling Sarah (Hot Rod from Brooklyn Sassafras). What a spectacular thing to have friends who are so funny and so easy to talk to! I devoted an entire post to her not long ago so I'll keep it brief, but she is truly an amazing friend, always uplifting and encouraging. She also saw Never Say Never (that'd be the Justin Bieber movie) three times in the theater! Tyler is not sure whether to be impressed or scared. My favorite part of our conversation was reminiscing about old times and the three months we spent together in DC living on top of one another in a closet-sized room. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but that's the name of the blog so its ok. We also rediscovered my first blog that I wrote while in DC that summer: She's a friend for life and I thank God for her on the regular...what a blessing! I love you, Sass, and can't wait to see you in July...or for the night before your wedding one of these days!
Well, I've got 2 minutes to ready myself for bed (& Leah, Jenelle, Kail, & Chelsea!) so I better go.
I am still very glad you are not dying and through that experience we learned that you and jos are kindred spirits. haha.