Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Odd Pod

IS IT SERIOUSLY JUST WEDNESDAY!??! This has been the longest week of my entire 23 year, 9.5 month life! No more steroids, please!!!! I'll never eat shellfish or fish at all again...I promise!! Let me tell you what's been going on in my lovely, dramatic, spastic, totally off-kilter life.

Oh wait.

I can't tell you because I have no idea. I'm seriously walking around in a funky haze because I can't focus. At least not for long. But I am wired/crazy/jittery enough to have made 100 on my microbiology test! ROCKSTAR!

Otherwise I've been hearing these types of comments for the past three days:
"I cannot believe how hyper you are."
"Will you please just let me get some sleep??"
"Would you like some Benadryl??"
"I cannot believe how wired you are."

You get the picture. I'm out of control and I'm getting highly annoying. Not to myself, I'm totally care free and at ease even though I'm incredibly tired. However, here is a list of some less than pleasant side effects (because even though I'm totally whacked out on drugs, I still love lists):
1. I'm exhausted (duh).
2. I can't shut up.
3. People have stopped responding to my incessant text messages.
4. I'm so sweaty I woke up with my hair completely soaked this morning.
5. I haven't gone to the bathroom (you know, #2) since Sunday. SUNDAY!
6. I was craving Mexican food at approximately 8:30 this morning...30 minutes after breakfast.
7. I can't hear out of my right ear.
8. I'm dizzy.
9. I'm twitchy/shaky.
10. I've bitten off all of my nails because of all of the aforementioned symptoms.

MISERY! Somebody free me from the bonds of this medication!! Perhaps that is a bit melodramatic, but it is rough and overall I feel terrible. Unfortunately you'd never know from talking to me because I'm crazy hyper and loud. EEK!

So, dance today. I was a little nervous because I thought the old 'roids might send me into a rage if my kids were wild. Luckily they were great! They had all kinds of questions when I told them what was up (had to explain my lack of hearing ability) such as: "Are you going to die Mrs. Hannah?" "Do you see blurry?" "Did it hurt?" and, my favorite, completely unrelated question during the hospital Q&A "Did you know its Dr. Seuss's birthday today!?" Hahaha I love my dance babies! Even when they're wild and test my patience. They did a great job today & are starting to catch on to everything themselves--they'll be doing the routines at the recital without me for sure! Great progress!

Today, one of the little sweeties who reminds me SO MUCH of a younger version of one of my Dazzlers (same impromtu/made up dance moves and all) asked if my iPod was called an odd pod! There's no way its as funny here as it was then, I know because I was there then and am now reading this, but we were totally cracked up. By we I mean myself and my incredibly helpful and fabulous ballet and tap assistant, Kristine, whom I owe tons of thanks for coming in especially to help me out today. I certainly needed her!

I was a little sad today though because I had to give my sweet 6 & 7 year olds a chat about being nice to people because they were being mean. I remember mean dance kids and I don't like that in my class! It breaks my heart to see these tiny little girls being so rotten to each other with all of the eye-rolling and bad attitudes! We had a little talk where they added things like the definition of respect (my girls are smarties!) and the golden rule, then I gave them costumes because they made a group pinky promise to be respectful. Of course they were getting the costumes anyway, but I'm still hopeful the talk helped. We'll see.

Last thing, I promise. I also teach an 8th & 9th grade jazz class and one of my girls complimented my hubby today! She said (without knowing he's mine), "Mr. Lipsey is so nice! He helped me!" To which I responded, "Mr. TYLER Lipsey? The band director??" I love him and I really love hearing good things about him. I was just proud as punch when she said that!! In all seriousness, I'm terribly proud of the job that he does and how much he puts into it...he doesn't want you to know that he works hard or that he loves it as much as he does, but I assure you this is the case. He has the kind of job satisfaction that people (me, especially) dream about. I'm jealous, but my heart is swelled with pride and I get a little teary-eyed just thinking about it. What a good man I have been blessed with! I mean, he hasn't left me yet even though I'm insane with the steroids....

That's all I've got--a serious case of the rambles.



  1. It is great how easily kids can make your day. They are hiliarious!

    PS: I also knew about Dr. Seuss's birthday... totally lame...

  2. haha I can totally grasp how jittery you feel through the tone of this post. Love it! :) Hope you feel better soon, Doll!
