Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's Official.

The Lipseys are moving to town!! Take that $3.70 gas prices!! Take that armadillos, mice, snakes, possums, squirrels, and lizards (all of which live with us, or dangerously close, at present)! I. Can't. Wait. We're moving to a little townhome in Tville that's much smaller than the ole farmhouse, but I think we'll both like it better. There's even a one-car garage!! YES! Obviously my sweet martyr of a husband will let me use said garage. We move in May 1st! HIP HIP HOORAY!

We're home from Valdosta now and hubby is packing playing video games while I do some work blog. We're really good procrastinators. Oddly enough, I'm procrastinating my return to facebook too. I want to get back on and I've started to do so about 5 different times, but for some reason I can't make myself. Probably because I know the monster I'll unleash when I log in just once!! Yikes.

Well, time for said work to be done, more later!!


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