Saturday, April 16, 2011

Something You Might Not Know About Me

I. Love. Mail.

I check the mail repeatedly, even if Tyler has already checked it for the day. You know, just in case. I brave the busy (ha, not) road, potential villains (also called snakes), and sometimes weather all for the joy of opening the mailbox. This is serious for me. I would hate to miss something that could be waiting for me in that mysterious opaque box across the road. All that to say today was a really good mail day for me. Let me show you my stash:

It's a poor picture, my camera died so its from my phone, but let me tell you about it. First, I got a rockin Pyrex pot holder that I signed up for after reading coupon websites and finding coupons that I never use. I had completely forgotten about it and was incredibly stoked to find a puffy envelope with my name on it in the box. It also has the 4 rules for using glass bakeware on the back, complete with illustrations. SCORE!

Moving clockwise, that next little envelope is to my step-sister-in-law's college graduation! That's a mouthful, isn't it? Perhaps this should be less exciting (because grad invitations are for money after all) but it means we've legit approached full-on adulthood status. We are no longer able to add our names to our parents' when sending graduation, wedding, baby, birthday, etc. gifts. We are grown. I know I said I was excited just two lines up, but I'm not 100% sure how I feel about this. We. Are. Grown. YIKES! Might as well accept it though, right?

Moving on, the "How to Have an Affair" sign is from our church! Did you just have to read that sentence twice?? That's the series that's kicking off on Easter Sunday--next weekend! COME WITH US!!! Don't even act like that little sign doesn't have you intrigued, because I'm sure it does. Heck I'm intrigued and I halfway know what to expect. Continuing around the mail clock is another letter from the church which is related to all of the things that have happened this quarter of the church year and more on Easter. God is working in TGC & you should really come be a part of it! (PS: Why do I always say that? I'm well aware that 99% of my readers are in Chatsworth & 5.5 hours is quite a long commute to go to church for one hour!! Oh well, we'll take you to dinner/lunch afterwards! And I hold out hope that somebody around here will read it!)

Last, I got a special card from my friend Sass AKA Sarah. It was addressed to Tyler & I, and contained a precious message + $20 to see a movie on her! Before I continue: Thank you Sassafras! Few people are as blessed as we are to have such thoughtful friends. I'm in awe. Oh, and teary-eyed, but that's a given right? Hopefully you know me that well by now. Back to talking to everyone: I wish you had a friend like Sarah. More than that, I wish I could be your friend like Sarah. How much do I wish I was that thoughtful? I never even think of doing things like that just to show people I love them. New goal: be like Sass. Why? Because it matters. Tiny gestures, like a card sent "just because," mean so much! Weeks challenge: everybody send me a card like Sarah with $20 in know, so I'll know you care. Totally kidding, but why not send one to somebody else?! You could make their week! Maybe even their month/year! Sass, I'll let you know how we like Soul Surfer! Oh, Tyler says thanks too, of course!

That's it for my rockin' good mail day. Tyler got bunches of bills addressed to him...SUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!! I win! Back to work/packing/crafting/Netflix (you know I'm a busy girl!)!


PS: In case I don't blog tomorrow....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. MELISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the record show I remember your birthday without being reminded by facebook. I wish we could wire in some ponytail wigs (nevermind, you have awesome hair so you never had to do this) and do some ballet together to celebrate...perhaps you could convince Anthony to do it in my place? If so, send pictures.  Love you!

1 comment:

  1. If you like getting mail, start looking up free samples. It is great! I get random free samples of random suff all the time.

    It is slightly depressing that we don't get to tag along with gifts. That hit me at Christmas...
