Saturday, May 14, 2011

And I'm a Slacker Blogger

You know why I haven't posted much this week? Because I have too much to say. Too many opinions, too many "good" ideas, and also too much to do. I finally have been given an actual assignment at work and I've been super busy! YES! Until I broke my printer, of course. After that I was less busy. So here's a little post on all of the posts I've wanted to post but haven't had time to post yet...and some that I may post in the future when/if my life slows down a little bit:

1. Happy Non-Mothers Day...a celebration of the ladies going against the 2.5 kid grain
2. My Rockin' New Job Duties...a celebration of being a wage verification specialist(not an official title)/helping dead beat parents pay child support with a bit of force (YES!)
3. Dazzler ode to not making it and finding the courage to try again
4. My Future...a typical Hannah doesn't know what she's doing with her life blog and continuing to beg you to decide for her
5. 24 Things Learned From My 24th Year...this IS happening, next Monday when I actually turn 24 and think of 24 things I've learned as I typically have to receive the same life lessons multiple times in order for them to stick
6. How to Have an Affair...a re-cap on our church's series on marriage and why, for the first time, I have my own opinion of the service and it's less than positive.
7. My Political Agenda for 2012...oh yes, the girl is into politics and a little something my favorite candidate calls a Revolution
8. To Tweet or Not To Tweet...because stalking Sarah Sassafras (and certain celebrities) is easier that way!

So, when I finish 2 papers, a multi-question essay test, 2 discussion posts, and MORE moving get ready for lifeexaggerated overload. At least I hope that will happen week I have 5 papers, 2 discussion posts, a quiz and another essay test so who really knows. Boo hoo. I miss writing to you guys though...don't forget about me:)


1 comment:

  1. You should try a video blog of you freaking out with all the stress! haha I think about it sometimes...
