Sunday, May 18, 2014


Well we're at 18 weeks & this Mama has been an awful blogger as of late. Ooops. I'm also homeless, so you can't expect too much. Here we go!
How far along: 18 weeks, 5 days

Gender: He's a BOY!!!

Weight gain: +6lbs on the dot

Maternity clothes: Scrubs, scrubs, and scrubs. Otherwise it's mostly maxi dresses

Stretch marks: No

Belly button in or out: In, but huge and shallow. I'm thinking it won't be long till it's OUT.

Sleep: I've slept REALLY well the past few nights, but I think that's because my husband was here & I danced my little pregnant heart out at recital.

Best moment this week: Finding out my sweet little nudger is a boy, like I had known all along! Jonas Paul Lipsey is coming at you in October! The mother was right!

Miss anything: My sweet husband. This commuter marriage is getting old.  

Movement: Yes! Nothing sweeter.

Cravings: Fruit rollups. We're gross.  

Queasy or sick: No! I am blessed!
Looking forward to: My husband living here in north GA with me. Oh, and BABY SHOPPING!! And house shopping because Jonas needs an actual place to call home.
I'll try to be less absent in the coming weeks!!

Hannah & Jonas