Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Hobbies...All at Once

Well, I'm tweeting. Or making a valiant effort, anyway. I still don't really know what's going on, but I'm moderately addicted. And following Justin Bieber. And mainly a bunch of publishers...wishful thinking? Yes. I also just love reading their top ten lists. Follow me? @hannahlipsey I find that it makes me feel a little stressed and I try to be funny on command which doesn't work, but maybe I'll get better at it. At least I can get on it at work which helps to pass the time...don't mention it though, or the barracuda filter will take it away! NOOOOOOOOOOO!

In other new things, I got a sewing machine for my birthday! So I'm sewing too! Currently just sewing straight lines because it's all I really know how to do, but I'm hoping to get some patterns, probably this weekend--yes! I understand that I sound 42 instead of 24. I'm fine with that.

I'm also making hairbows! So far I only know how to make one type, but I'm getting there. I also made terrible choices on the kind/color of ribbon to buy, so I've got to get more. Have I mentioned that we forgot to buy the actual clip/hair piece to attach the bows to? Yep. Turns out they don't hold as well if you don't attach them to anything.

Aside from selecting multiple new hobbies, I also got a sweet visit from my mom! Who bought me the sewing machine and taught me to make the bows. Didn't realize how much I missed her until she got here! To those of you who live away from home...does it ever get easier to say goodbye?? I'm fine when everybody's away and I get into a routine, but when I see them (especially my momma) I don't ever want them to leave! Of course I cried like a giant baby when she left, but we had an awesome visit. Lots of dancing, shopping, and mother/daughter bonding time. I wouldn't change a second of it! Love you Mom!

Mom & I before she left

I had my first recital as a choreographer this weekend too! I felt like a proud momma myself and loved every minute. My babies did so well! Even if they sometimes seemed to have no idea what was going on:) On the other hand, I crashed and burned in two teacher routines. Easily the worst performance of my life...I'll be glad if people aren't requesting that their kids not be in my classes next year!! Who kicked on the wrong leg in the kick line? This girl. Who didn't know the finale routine at all? This girl. Who snapped at a student post-performance because she asked how it went? This girl. (Sorry Kail) Perfect. I had a complete meltdown, which gave me perspective, and felt all better. Then I had some Taco Bell...which coincidentally also makes everything better. More to come on the meltdown later...probably.  
Dance Teachers: Miss Jami Lyn, Miss Charla, Mrs. Emily, Briley (in utero), and Mrs. Hannah

My beautiful ballerinas and sweet helper Miss Kristine

There are few things better than a baby kick line!

Well, I've rambled enough. Hoping to have more time to blog soon so I can stop doing this sporadic once a week nonsense. I'm also reading an awesome book about a woman's time in prison (Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman) and hopefully starting Quitter by Jon Acuff after...but I'm afraid I'll actually quit my job and follow my dreams after reading it. But what are my dreams? Maybe it could help me define those in the process? At present my dream is to figure out my ultimate dream. How overwhelming. Time to watch reruns of The Office, my new favorite show. I think its because my own office would make an equally hilarious (dysfunctional) show.

XOXO from Dunder Mifflin,

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well, I'm 24. It feels quite similar to 23, but I've learned a lot this year. I've had a bachelorette party, married my best friend, gone on a honeymoon, felt the panic/burden of unemployment...twice, been a substitute teacher, made less than minimum wage, gone back to college (and changed my major 3 times...for a total of 10 majors altogether), and wound up as a permanent temp. What a year!! I've learned a lot, but I've comprised a list (duh, because I love lists) of lessons learned this year.

24 Lessons from My 24th Year
1. The rapture is as unpredictable as it has ever been. But the end of the world date has now been moved to October 21, 2011. Get ready.
2. Teaching is not an awful job once you've gained some perspective. It's a lot easier to work with middle schoolers acting like middle schoolers than grown people who act that way. Not to mention the benefits and holidays are brilliant.
3. Too much of a good thing is still too much. This applies to many wonderful things including rhinestones and bridesmaids. Minimalism is positive.
4. Mice cannot swim. If you'd like to take care of mice on your glue traps, simply fill a small trash can with water and let him attempt a swim lesson. Certain death.
5. Having a family does not make someone an adult.
6. Happiness is truly a state of mind and a choice.
7. "Give me more work, I'm bored" roughly translates into "Take advantage of me." Remember this.
8. Sex education in the United States is absolutely inadequate.
9. Sometimes a few highlights in your hair are pure magic and will transform your self esteem.
10. All anybody has is a few contingency plans. I'm no exception. Neither are you.
11. Your wedding day will be perfect to you regardless of how it actually plays out. Stop stressing and enjoy every second.
12. A good phone date should never be considered a waste of time. These are good for your soul.
13. See an allergist. This will save tons of money in ER visits and will not hinder your beach vacations. It also limits steroid use which is almost as fun as a trip to the OB/GYN
14. There's nothing better than a Kindle. If you're considering one, buy it.
15. Heart burn does not actually burn. It consists of stinging, stabbing, radiating pain instead. You may or may not think you're having a heart attack. Do not argue with your doctor about this. He/she knows what they're talking about.
16. Paraprofessionals are both underappreciated and underpaid.
17. It's possible for your description of home to change. As cheesy as it sounds it really is where your heart is. Mine is here in Thomasville with Tyler.
18. Dance steps are often called different names in different studios.
19. No stand-up comedian will ever be as funny as 7 year old ballerinas.
20. Walking with your spouse is the best exercise. You get a little work out and a lot of bonding time.
21. Moving closer to town is completely worth it, even if it means down sizing...a lot.
22. Baby fever is a serious predicament. Specifically when you're broke and moderately unemployed.
23. You cannot be a surrogate mother if you've never had your own child. Yes I've looked into it.
24. Rules do not always apply to everyone. Get used to that. 

Have YOU learned any lessons this year?

In other news, I had a fantastic 24th Birthday! Lots of family, friends, and cake, and TONS of facebook messages (which I love)! Pictures to come soon:)

24 year old Hannah

Monday, May 16, 2011

Not Making the Team

Once upon a time there was a 13 year old girl who thought she was significantly more awesome than she actually was. She was smart (ish...if you're able to disregard math altogether), she was talented (so she was told), and, despite her oversized head and tiny body, she had quite a few friends (perhaps they were imaginary). This girl decided she wanted to be a majorette in the marching band...though she had put in minimal effort, she'd been taking baton for at least 8-9 years, and she knew she could do it. She practiced, less than she should have, and when try-outs came around she was hardly prepared.

Try-outs were rough, but she thought she'd easily made the line. Why wouldn't she? She always made everything (everything meaning cheerleading, but whatever), so surely this would be no different! She tried out on Friday with one of her closest friends and waited alllllll weekend for results to be posted on Monday morning. The math teacher came in and told the girl and her friend that just one of them had made it. GASP! That wasn't part of the plan...they were both supposed to be twirling together. The band director brought the awful truth to the girl with a "you have great stage presence, but you can't twirl a baton." She was the only one who didn't make it, and her day was ruined.

She finally got the nerve to try-out again...3 years later...for her senior year. Great success! She made it...and hated it. But that's another story for another day, the important part is the growth that came from not making the team.

Check out those 2 batons people!! And Tabitha (far left) doing the completely wrong thing. Annie (in the middle) was the friend I tried out with freshman year...that's probably why she looks like she knows what's going on and the rest of us look like the peanut gallery.

All this to say we had Dazzler try-outs on Friday. 30 girls, all beautiful and fabulous, trying out to be a part of the marching band dance/flag line/auxiliary unit. Do you know how hard it is to tell a teenage girl she didn't make the team? Is it harder because once upon a time I was the one who was told no? I think Friday was a reality slap for me, for sure.

Now, I understand life is full of disappointments. And I also don't really want to attempt to choreograph a good looking routine that anybody can do just because I don't want to cut people from the line. BUT I remember how heart-breaking this was for me, and I hate to cause a heart-break like that for another 13 year old girl. Or 17 year old girl for that matter. I know that one day, just like me, they'll look back and realize it really didn't matter at all in the grand scheme, but I know how bad today was for some girls. And that hurts me. That's also why there's a panel of judges--so the sappy mother-hen/emotional basketcase who relates too much to a situation doesn't end up taking everybody.

To the girls who made it, congratulations! You are wonderful and I couldn't be more excited about the upcoming season and especially band camp. Because I love band camp. You brought it try-out day and you all looked incredible doing that routine. Each of you deserves to be on the line and don't let this blog dedicated to the ones who didn't make it cause you to feel otherwise!

And, to the girls who didn't make it, congratulations to you too. You've failed. That's a hard thing to accept and an even harder thing to move past, but you will do it. And in a few years it won't even matter anyway. You'll be grown, married to the most fantastic man and laughing at the fact that he's a band director even though you swore you hated all band directors the day they cut you from the line. That's how life works. Don't give up. It's worth it to try again. It's brave and it's bold and it will make you a better person. You'll try harder that next time, even if  you don't want to admit it, and then victory is that much sweeter. And if you're anything like me you'll kick yourself for not letting it go the first time because it isn't all that fun anyway...I hope that's not the case for you. You are fabulous. Enjoy your first football game free from the itch of a sequined costume and without a red lipstick smear across your teeth--you won't miss those things.

I believe I've gone on enough. I hope I've adequately conveyed the internal struggle that came with try-outs this year and the fact that I truly grew by being cut from the line. Heck I hope you're just still reading this line because this darn blog is so long. I'm liking feedback right now, so were you ever cut from the team? Did it cause you to grow? Why do I feel like a therapist or annoying talk show host?

Whatever. Birthday count: 7 days.

Hannah (majorette extraordinaire)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Who Doesn't Love a Good Education Rant?

This was not on my list of topics to blog about, but take one for the team and read it anyway...you know you miss me when I don't blog.

Allow me to start by saying I KNOW it must be terrible to have to teach a teacher. I know this is especially terrible when you're blind sided by a teacher who is, for reasons unknown, taking classes at the community technical school. I know this is unexpected, and I am very apologetic for your unfortunate set of circumstances.

I must also identify that I'm completely obsessed with spelling and grammar errors and will call you out on yours. I have been known to ignore text messages, delete emails, and certainly call the newspaper when I find errors. I can't help it. My mama made me this way. (Aside: aren't we all going to be cracked up when this ends up being full of errors? I'll probably cry, so unless your name is Tyler don't tell me--he was state spelling bee champ or something so I take it better from him). I digress. I can spot someone else's grammatical errors from a mile away, and when you make such errors you completely lose your credibility with me.

Specifically when you are my English/Literature teacher. PLEASE. For the love of all things bright and beautiful, use spell check! Microsoft does it for you! You know those wavy green and red lines?! That's what they're there for! (Please note my appropriate usage of the forms of there/they're/their) Take advantage! You're a college (despite the size and demographics) teacher! You have a Master's degree, so why are you writing things like "weclome" and "philsophy?" Yes, you lost your Hannah cred the first day by asking me to watch the "weclome video."

Now listen, I know it is entirely too easy for your fingers to get mixed up on the keys and type letters backwards. I get that. I do it all of the time. However, I also proofread my work, usually twice, to ensure that others do not get to see these errors.

Enough on spelling..."my wife and I's family" is also incorrect. Try "our family" or just "my family" or "my wife and my family" anything but that grammatical garbage. That encourages subpar work from your students, and that won't do. You already neglect to give us rubrics (Dr. Scott would never be ok with that!), so we need all of the help we can get. If I'm going to spend my time checking and re-checking my work, please provide me with the same courtesy.

*End Rant* I know this makes me sound like a complete jerk, and I'm sorry. I just find it difficult to put in much effort when my teacher does not demonstrate the level of skill that he is expecting me to exhibit. I think that's fair!

Ironically, my status was almost "I think life would be easier if we all simply encouraged one another instead of trying to compete and bring each other down." HAHAHA I should most definitely practice what I preach. BUT I did just send at least one encouraging message via facebook...perhaps that counteracts my hateful you-should-use-better-grammar blog? Whatever, I can't help how I feel, try not to judge me too harshly(correct usage of to/too/two).


Saturday, May 14, 2011

And I'm a Slacker Blogger

You know why I haven't posted much this week? Because I have too much to say. Too many opinions, too many "good" ideas, and also too much to do. I finally have been given an actual assignment at work and I've been super busy! YES! Until I broke my printer, of course. After that I was less busy. So here's a little post on all of the posts I've wanted to post but haven't had time to post yet...and some that I may post in the future when/if my life slows down a little bit:

1. Happy Non-Mothers Day...a celebration of the ladies going against the 2.5 kid grain
2. My Rockin' New Job Duties...a celebration of being a wage verification specialist(not an official title)/helping dead beat parents pay child support with a bit of force (YES!)
3. Dazzler Tryouts...an ode to not making it and finding the courage to try again
4. My Future...a typical Hannah doesn't know what she's doing with her life blog and continuing to beg you to decide for her
5. 24 Things Learned From My 24th Year...this IS happening, next Monday when I actually turn 24 and think of 24 things I've learned as I typically have to receive the same life lessons multiple times in order for them to stick
6. How to Have an Affair...a re-cap on our church's series on marriage and why, for the first time, I have my own opinion of the service and it's less than positive.
7. My Political Agenda for 2012...oh yes, the girl is into politics and a little something my favorite candidate calls a Revolution
8. To Tweet or Not To Tweet...because stalking Sarah Sassafras (and certain celebrities) is easier that way!

So, when I finish 2 papers, a multi-question essay test, 2 discussion posts, and MORE moving get ready for lifeexaggerated overload. At least I hope that will happen anyway...next week I have 5 papers, 2 discussion posts, a quiz and another essay test so who really knows. Boo hoo. I miss writing to you guys though...don't forget about me:)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Related to Yesterday

Hello all! This blog will actually be super short. I promise. I know I say that often and then get started on a ramble like I am so close to doing now, but I just wanted to share a quote with you that is related to yesterday's Osama bin Laden madness.

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Such  a powerful statement which rings so true in this situation, at least for me. MLK Jr. had quite a way with words...I wish we could've been friends. Feel free to disagree, but I'm with Dr. King on this one. LOVE until it hurts then love some more. Love when its the hardest thing you could possibly do. Love when you're in a  bad mood--maybe you'll get lucky and it'll draw you out of your mood. Being hateful is exhausting anyway. Practice what you preach! (That was me talking to me, because I'm not always the best lover, either).


Monday, May 2, 2011

I want to talk about ME!

You're welcome for that shout out Toby Keith. So I've recently come under some scrutiny due to the fact that I only blog about myself. I would dispute such claims, but they are true. I'm not sorry. Instead, I've made a list of the top 5 reasons I blog about me...because it's all about me and I love lists.

The Top 5 Reasons Hannah Only Blogs About Hannah
By: Hannah
5. I am an expert. I know everything there is to know about me, which makes me an easy subject for me to write about. I can write about me alllll day long, because I can come up with an endless array of things to say. But I won't.
4. I can make fun of me all I want to. If I talked about how frumpy and gray-headed you are you would get angry and fuss at me. I don't typically fuss at me, thus I can say all of the mean things I want to about myself. For example, I'm currently telling myself how ridiculous this post is...but I don't care.
3. This is the easiest way to update my friends/family that are far away with the goings on of my life. I hate talking on the phone, thus I don't want to be on the phone with 43 different people each week updating them on my less-than-exciting misadventures, so I blog the nonsense instead. Everybody's happy. (Unless they could care less about my goings on in which case why are you here?)
2. The only other things I care enough to blog about are controversial and I'm not interested in an internet argument. I also feel led to blog about things such as social injustices that upset me, but I don't blog to feel upset...I blog to feel better. SO I'm not interested in a heavy-heart or defending my sometimes controversial points of view.
1. This is my blog and I do what I want. Including blog about me. People keep reading it, which just encourages me to continue. So quit reading, haterz.

Just for kicks, I have also compiled a short list of things I would blog about if I did not blog about me. This is the controversial part. I should warn you that I am more than a little bit liberal. If this upsets you, discontinue reading. If you choose to keep reading, remember you are reading my blog, which you were warned about, so you really cannot complain.
Sad or Controversial Things Hannah Would Blog About if She Weren't too Lazy to Fight or Cry
1. Osama Bin Laden. I cannot for the life of me bring myself to feel victorious about his "boom boom" shots to the left side of his head. The loss of a life, regardless of how that life was lived, is a tragedy in my book. Could we not have captured him and put him in a cell? Solitary confinement is supposed to be pretty rough, would that not have been enough? I am now aware of the fire fight that took place and the fact that his death may have been unavoidable in this circumstance. However, I am heart broken at the behavior of the American people who were celebrating his death. Shame on you. Yes, I am relieved that such a threat is gone. Yes, I remember 9/11 and the HUGE number of tragedies that occured that day. Yes, I believe that justice should be served. But no one should be celebrating the death of another person. Period. He said "Thou Shalt Not Kill." He did not give a list of exceptions.
2. Today, a sweet man with a dirty, ripped backpack walked into my office. What did he want? To clean the windows. That was it, a simple request, and I'm sure he would not have charged much. Did he get to earn that money? Of course not. This may sound absurd to you, but your girl here was almost in tears. How is it that we can't let one humble man wash three windows but we can pay a pretty little white girl to answer the phone full-time even though anyone can do it? Don't get me wrong--I am beyond grateful for all of my jobs, but I also feel guilty that someone else may not have the same opportunities. Injustice has always been around, I know I'm not the first person who has ever had a heavy heart due to circumstances beyond my control. But I just hate it. It makes me want to be the Secret Millionaire...again...

Ok, that's all I've got. Now I'm sad, mad, and selfish! And ready to catch up on my show!


PS: I got my hair done today & I am looking so much less frumpy! I'll post a picture when I find my camera again...it may or may not be lost in the move...