Sunday, September 11, 2011

Random Blog

Oh hey! Did yall forget about me? It's likely since I've not blogged in at least a month. I've been BUUUUUSY! Just a quick little update of the lovely goings on in Lipsey Land since last post.

1. We're dieting. In 5 weeks (we take breaks on the weekends, so this is strictly 5-day weeks) I have lost 13.7 pounds and Tyler has lost 19 pounds!! For those of you in Dalton/Chatsworth we're doing Thrive and it is working marvelously! Unfortunately you can't really tell I've lost any weight, but Tyler's results are showing and he is looking awesome. I've lost a lot in my belly (which had taken a nice, round, pregnant'ish shape) but since I keep it covered almost 24/7 Tyler's the only one who has really been able to tell. But since I was up to nearly 150lbs (way too much for my 5'4 frame) it had to be done. I'm also happy to report that my digestive issues have completely resolved themselves and I've had no stomach pain or irritable bowel syndrome symptoms (you know what I mean) since we started. We feel great and are still losing!

2. I've started nursing school and I LOVE IT! I feel as though I've learned more in my 3 3-day weeks at SWGTC than my entire 4 years at UGA. I know this is likely due to my own interest in the subject, but I also think it is related to the nature of the hands-on, practical skills material. I would absolutely recommend a technical school education to ANYONE. At present I'm taking physical assessment, fundamentals, and pharmacology/drug calculations and the latter is my favorite! HUGE shock for the student who avoids math like the plague. It's terribly interesting and I find myself fully engaged and trying hard to get it right. This is a good thing because I have a test Thursday and if I don't make 100 on it (we have 3 tries, thank God), I'm kicked out of the program! YIKES! This is necessary when you have someone's life in your hands though. I'll take all the prayers you're willing to dish out!

3. I got a scholarship! Tuition paid as long as I agree to work at the hospital for 3 years after graduation--yes, please!

4. I love my husband. This isn't news, but God seriously couldn't have blessed me with a better one. I am so thankful for him and his support that I often find myself teary-eyed. He's just that wonderful. Try to stop gagging, I just can't help but brag on him for being so incredibly good to me. He helps me study, I've taken his blood pressure at least a million times, and he's ALWAYS here to share my joy when I accomplish something new (like filling a syringe or dressing wounds!) I LOVE MY HUSBAND! I can't wait to make tiny humans with him and I pray they turn out to be JUST LIKE HIM!

5. I'm coming to Chatsworth this weekend! If you're around I want to see you and I'm going to El Pueblito karaoke Saturday night so be there! I wish Tyler could come with me but he's got a game and a band jamboree, plus baby showers aren't his thing. I'm bringing my friend Jami Lyn who has no idea what she's gotten her little self into!

6. 9/11/11. We've hit 10 years. Today I've been unable to pull myself away from the live footage on the computer (we don't have cable) and it has truly been breaking my heart all day. 10 years ago today we had the TVs on at MCHS and watched that plane hit the second tower. I was in crafts class and remember watching in English after the class change. I remember thinking it was tragic, but I was really more caught up in the fact that my cross country meet was canceled. I was also relieved that they were far away and I was safe in Chatsworth. I had no idea the impact this day would have on my life and my generation.  Ten years later I'm struck by my own naivety (was I really just happy that my meet was canceled? and did I really feel safe?) and the fact that despite that naivety and nonchalance I can't get those images out of my head. I can still vividly picture that south tower being hit and crumbling to the ground, and all of those people jumping from the buildings to their deaths. I'm not sure my 14-year-old self could process that and accept that it was real life, maybe that's why I was so naive. It's hard to believe that terrorism and Osama Bin Laden were not even words in our vocabulary at that time. The thought makes me shudder. Governor Deal asked the public schools to hold a moment of silence in remembrance on Friday at school and Tyler was talking about how many of the kids he teaches don't remember that day. It strikes me how quickly such a tragedy can be lost on our youth...they were here, the oldest of them 8 years old when it happened, but they have no memory of how that day felt. So eerie and quiet all day long. It seems odd to me too that they don't remember a time we weren't at war. When I was young I remember thinking how far away and ancient war sounded...until we were right in the middle of one. I have no resolution for this point and I'm not really sure what point I was trying to make other than reflecting and trying to rationalize my own feelings toward that fateful day. I'm hopeful that we will never see another day like it, and thankful that this day did prove to us that heroes still exist. God bless the victims, their families, and our heroes...don't forget to keep praying for these folks, 10 years later they're still hurting.

I suppose that's all I have to say at this point. Sorry for the downer at the end, but I couldn't write this blog on this day without acknowledging it.  I miss blogging all the time but I'm running around crazy and hardly have time to think straight. I'll try to do better...I always say that and then go months without blogging, so you get what you get.


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