Monday, May 2, 2011

I want to talk about ME!

You're welcome for that shout out Toby Keith. So I've recently come under some scrutiny due to the fact that I only blog about myself. I would dispute such claims, but they are true. I'm not sorry. Instead, I've made a list of the top 5 reasons I blog about me...because it's all about me and I love lists.

The Top 5 Reasons Hannah Only Blogs About Hannah
By: Hannah
5. I am an expert. I know everything there is to know about me, which makes me an easy subject for me to write about. I can write about me alllll day long, because I can come up with an endless array of things to say. But I won't.
4. I can make fun of me all I want to. If I talked about how frumpy and gray-headed you are you would get angry and fuss at me. I don't typically fuss at me, thus I can say all of the mean things I want to about myself. For example, I'm currently telling myself how ridiculous this post is...but I don't care.
3. This is the easiest way to update my friends/family that are far away with the goings on of my life. I hate talking on the phone, thus I don't want to be on the phone with 43 different people each week updating them on my less-than-exciting misadventures, so I blog the nonsense instead. Everybody's happy. (Unless they could care less about my goings on in which case why are you here?)
2. The only other things I care enough to blog about are controversial and I'm not interested in an internet argument. I also feel led to blog about things such as social injustices that upset me, but I don't blog to feel upset...I blog to feel better. SO I'm not interested in a heavy-heart or defending my sometimes controversial points of view.
1. This is my blog and I do what I want. Including blog about me. People keep reading it, which just encourages me to continue. So quit reading, haterz.

Just for kicks, I have also compiled a short list of things I would blog about if I did not blog about me. This is the controversial part. I should warn you that I am more than a little bit liberal. If this upsets you, discontinue reading. If you choose to keep reading, remember you are reading my blog, which you were warned about, so you really cannot complain.
Sad or Controversial Things Hannah Would Blog About if She Weren't too Lazy to Fight or Cry
1. Osama Bin Laden. I cannot for the life of me bring myself to feel victorious about his "boom boom" shots to the left side of his head. The loss of a life, regardless of how that life was lived, is a tragedy in my book. Could we not have captured him and put him in a cell? Solitary confinement is supposed to be pretty rough, would that not have been enough? I am now aware of the fire fight that took place and the fact that his death may have been unavoidable in this circumstance. However, I am heart broken at the behavior of the American people who were celebrating his death. Shame on you. Yes, I am relieved that such a threat is gone. Yes, I remember 9/11 and the HUGE number of tragedies that occured that day. Yes, I believe that justice should be served. But no one should be celebrating the death of another person. Period. He said "Thou Shalt Not Kill." He did not give a list of exceptions.
2. Today, a sweet man with a dirty, ripped backpack walked into my office. What did he want? To clean the windows. That was it, a simple request, and I'm sure he would not have charged much. Did he get to earn that money? Of course not. This may sound absurd to you, but your girl here was almost in tears. How is it that we can't let one humble man wash three windows but we can pay a pretty little white girl to answer the phone full-time even though anyone can do it? Don't get me wrong--I am beyond grateful for all of my jobs, but I also feel guilty that someone else may not have the same opportunities. Injustice has always been around, I know I'm not the first person who has ever had a heavy heart due to circumstances beyond my control. But I just hate it. It makes me want to be the Secret Millionaire...again...

Ok, that's all I've got. Now I'm sad, mad, and selfish! And ready to catch up on my show!


PS: I got my hair done today & I am looking so much less frumpy! I'll post a picture when I find my camera may or may not be lost in the move...


  1. I. Love. You. Agreed- we blog about ourselves because we don't want to fight or cry--- if you aren't interested, leave :)

    And the little man with the backpack thing broke my heart. I would much rather read about Tyler serenading you to "Jar of Hearts" in the kitchen.

  2. I really don't even know why I read anybody else's blogs since I am so completely self-involved. I really only want to talk about myself and my meaningless journey to improve my home decor.

    Just kidding. <3

  3. Lindsey--I love you too. I'm glad you prefer to hear about Lipsey Land (I still, for reasons unknown, love to call our life that) and can relate to my breaking heart with the backpack man.

    Tabitha--You are a jerk. And perhaps deserve a suckerpunch for somehow unintentionally drawing me into drama! Love you!

  4. Please don't change anything about your blog! I literally was just about to change my entire blog the other day because I felt like it was totally lame and boring!!! I even wrote a post about how I was going to try and post about more intimate things because I liked reading those so much better than my own!! But then I made my blog private because I don't have time to be a better blogger, and I felt real bad. :( please don't change it!

  5. Morghen K, I think I missed something and could perhaps owe you an apology. Could you email me? I'm not finding you on facebook and your blog is private so I don't know how to contact you!, please mam! And Happy Military Spouse Appreciation day--go get yourself something delicious to eat!!

  6. I love reading about you... period :)
