Sunday, May 15, 2011

Who Doesn't Love a Good Education Rant?

This was not on my list of topics to blog about, but take one for the team and read it know you miss me when I don't blog.

Allow me to start by saying I KNOW it must be terrible to have to teach a teacher. I know this is especially terrible when you're blind sided by a teacher who is, for reasons unknown, taking classes at the community technical school. I know this is unexpected, and I am very apologetic for your unfortunate set of circumstances.

I must also identify that I'm completely obsessed with spelling and grammar errors and will call you out on yours. I have been known to ignore text messages, delete emails, and certainly call the newspaper when I find errors. I can't help it. My mama made me this way. (Aside: aren't we all going to be cracked up when this ends up being full of errors? I'll probably cry, so unless your name is Tyler don't tell me--he was state spelling bee champ or something so I take it better from him). I digress. I can spot someone else's grammatical errors from a mile away, and when you make such errors you completely lose your credibility with me.

Specifically when you are my English/Literature teacher. PLEASE. For the love of all things bright and beautiful, use spell check! Microsoft does it for you! You know those wavy green and red lines?! That's what they're there for! (Please note my appropriate usage of the forms of there/they're/their) Take advantage! You're a college (despite the size and demographics) teacher! You have a Master's degree, so why are you writing things like "weclome" and "philsophy?" Yes, you lost your Hannah cred the first day by asking me to watch the "weclome video."

Now listen, I know it is entirely too easy for your fingers to get mixed up on the keys and type letters backwards. I get that. I do it all of the time. However, I also proofread my work, usually twice, to ensure that others do not get to see these errors.

Enough on spelling..."my wife and I's family" is also incorrect. Try "our family" or just "my family" or "my wife and my family" anything but that grammatical garbage. That encourages subpar work from your students, and that won't do. You already neglect to give us rubrics (Dr. Scott would never be ok with that!), so we need all of the help we can get. If I'm going to spend my time checking and re-checking my work, please provide me with the same courtesy.

*End Rant* I know this makes me sound like a complete jerk, and I'm sorry. I just find it difficult to put in much effort when my teacher does not demonstrate the level of skill that he is expecting me to exhibit. I think that's fair!

Ironically, my status was almost "I think life would be easier if we all simply encouraged one another instead of trying to compete and bring each other down." HAHAHA I should most definitely practice what I preach. BUT I did just send at least one encouraging message via facebook...perhaps that counteracts my hateful you-should-use-better-grammar blog? Whatever, I can't help how I feel, try not to judge me too harshly(correct usage of to/too/two).



  1. Bahahah! Dr. Scott would definitely not appreciate his teaching style!

    P.S. Bahaha has a red squiggly line underneath it! :)

  2. I love it! I've been termed a compulsive "grammar snob" many times for feeling the same way. It's good to know that I'm not the only one.

  3. My mom would love you! She always points out my grammar and spelling errors! I try to catch them all but the one or two that slip by me she is sure to catch...Also, I was reading this blog while in class and my teacher had 3 spelling errors on the one slide he was going over! Dental/Researcher teachers are terrible at spell check!

  4. Even though I think it is annoying too, I am the worst at checking my grammer and spelling!
