Monday, April 18, 2011

Rejoining the Ranks

Well friends, I've rejoined the ranks of my social networking counterparts. Feels good. I'm glad I can now stalk your lives and see what I've been missing. Here are a few things I discovered or re-discovered upon my re-entry to the facebook culture:

1. My life is average and that's ok.
2. My brother has a girlfriend. (Ok so I already knew that, but I didn't know it was fbook official!LEGIT)
3. The majority of my old girlfriends now have hyphenated names.(who are you people?! yikes!)
4. I miss my hometown a little more than I thought. (Out of sight, out of mind maybe?)
5. Babies are taking over the world. (Seriously, where are they all coming from?!?! Reproduce a little slower, people)
6. Some people are engaged or married to people they didn't even know when I left. (This is crazy. How do you switch boyfriends/lovers/fiances/spouses in 3 weeks?)
7. Somebody (Kayleigh) likes my poopie earrings! YES! I'll make you some girl...just in a better color.
8. People love me and are excited about my return! (This makes me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy. Sending tons of love your way)
9. There are even more moms on facebook...and dads.
10. My husband knows almost all of the words to Karma Chameleon. (I didn't learn this on fbook, but I learned it about 30 minutes ago in my kitchen & I wanted an even top 10 list...PS: Should I laugh or cry about this??)

Here is a list of 10 things that have changed in my life since the fbook exodus:
1. We're moving!! (HIP HIP HOORAY!)
2. I'm rockin it in my online tech school English course. (a little ego boost)
3. I've begun crafting and I love it, even though I'm bad at it.
4. I have a significant amount of gray hair that I keep swearing to color but I don't have the nerve.
5. I passed my nursing entrance exam! (now I seriously have to decide if I want to go to nursing school)
6. I learned to crochet! (kind of related to #3, but we'll take it)
7. I went to Valdosta for some kind of band function. (not exciting, but I'm running out of things to write)
8. I'm not pregnant!! (but one of my best friends is!! you'll have to look back a couple posts to see who!)
9. I'm keeping my same spouse!! (He's shaking his head no...kidding! I love my hubby!)
10. I put on pajamas at 6:00pm today! (I'm running out of things to write, obviously)

Well, as you can see, things have been pretty darn exciting boring around here. I like boring though, I really do. Feel free to catch up on posts you have missed and leave me all kinds of adorable and loving comments. Now on to my new favorite show: Prison Break! Should've put that on the list because it is surely worth mentioning.

XOXO & lots of lists,


  1. Yes, BABIES ARE EVERHYWHERE! Not sure what is in the water!

  2. I am glad that you are back :)
    There is also no problem with PJ's at 6 (sometimes i am in them even earlier)
