Thursday, April 14, 2011

When Thursday Feels Like Friday

I hate it when this happens! Here I sit, ready for an awesome weekend...and then I realize its only Thursday. One more work day left. I'm in Valdosta tonight, the rockin' female chaperone for an All-South Band trip (do I know what All-South is? No. Irrelevant.) and I'm counting down the seconds until the kids have to be in their rooms and I can catch some Z's. I'll be commuting 45 minutes to and from work tomorrow, but its totally worth it. Let the record show my husband teaches some great kids.

Speaking of great kids, I heard from one of my old ones today. They're in Athens at FCCLA state competition and they thought of me! Actually, the sweet child I'm talking about wanted me to know that they made it to state and I wasn't even there to do their project for them! Haha...last year I kind of got stuck doing the project (not ok and not my idea) but this year they made it without me. Awww my babies are growing up! I do miss them!

In other news, I passed my nursing entrance exam!! I am SO relieved! They stressed me out for no reason at all. I'm also proud to announce that I made 100 on the grammar part. All these years of grammar policing have paid off! Maybe anyway...still have to apply and hope to get in. However, if I don't get in with passing scores and a 4.0 I might need to pitch a little fit. Wouldn't be the first time I did that at the school! Even better--my friend who has struggled through A&P and Algebra with me passed too! Here's hoping we get to muddle through the program together.

Well, its lights out time (one minute past actually) and time to go check on the precious little darlings to make sure they're in their rooms.

XOXO & a sigh of relief,

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