Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Books and a Birthday

Hello Friends!

First off, in case I can't post tomorrow, I need to wish my very best friend Tiffany Leigh Keys Brubaker an incredibly Happy 24th Birthday! May it be full of fantastic things and completely devoid of all things negative, such as natural disasters and unplanned pregnancies. This birthdate indicates that we are approaching 7 years of mostly-delightful friendship. I can't believe we're this old! We met as timid (well, I was timid she was a little scary-outgoing at our first meeting) little freshmen who had no clue what they wanted from life and now she has grown up into a magnificent teacher and wife with all kinds of plans. As for me, I'm still timid and clueless. That's why our friendship works--she keeps me grounded! She is always there to remind me why my bad ideas are bad ideas. Including the current topic of baby-makin'. I wish I could be there to celebrate your birthday with you TK, even though celebrating to us simply involves a fancy restaurant (like Applebees instead of Chickfila) and cake! I love love love you and could not ask for a better friend/angel on my shoulder. That sounds slightly creepy. You know the ones in the cartoon with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other? That's what I'm referring to. She's always been the voice of reason. Lucky me! Happy 24, old woman!

On to books. I'm currently 92% finished with a book I started this morning (more on that when I actually finish)...yay for answering the phone being my only duty at work, but I do have a series to recommend! The first book is The Maze Runner by James Dashner, which is followed by its companion The Scorch Trials by James Dashner.

I can't give you too much without completely destroying the books for you--too many spoilers--but they are fantastic. The first starts out a little slow and you're quite confused, but I promise its worth reading if you can push through. Otherwise both are pretty fast-paced and I couldn't put them down. You'll grow to love the main character, Thomas, and his friends, and I can promise you won't stop rooting for them. These books also play with your emotions and you are sure to experience all of them while reading. DIVINE! This will eventually be a trilogy, but I have no idea when the last book will be released. I'll surely be re-reading before it comes out though! I'd easily say that if you loved The Hunger Games like I did, you will love this book. You'll also pick up interesting new vocabulary...klunk heads.

Well, I believe that's all I have for now. Keep prayin' for all the craziness that is life!



  1. The third book is due to come out this fall, I believe in October but I'll keep you posted. I'm glad you liked the books as much as I did. I'll keep sending suggestions your way :-)

  2. seriously tears... i don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being that best friend i need!
    Love you!!
