Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break & Birth Control

Well its me again and I'm on Spring Break! I remember Spring Break being a lot cooler in high school and college when I actually had a break from everything for a solid week. This time its less exciting as I'm still working a full-time job, part-time job and preparing for 2 big tests. Yuck! But at least I'm completely finished (as far as I know) with night classes! HIP HIP HOORAY! It was awfully rough being in class til 8:30 two nights a week. Next quarter I'm only taking one course online, then I have a quarter off before I start nursing school in the fall. IF I start nursing school in the fall. Trying/hoping for a teaching job in the meantime, because I miss kids (never thought I'd see the day!) and I really hate not operating on the same schedule as my hottie hubby. So we'll see! Keep praying with me! I must note here that I have managed to hang on to my 4.0 for another quarter! It could be my obsessive-compulsive notecard writing, there are literally notecards all over our house.

Anyhow, that's really all I've got going on in my happy little life right now. Work is ok, I'm quite sick of filing and using my oh-so-professional phone voice, but it pays and I get to read. Hubby and I are planning to start working out or at least doing some form of physical activity soon, but we keep putting it off until "tomorrow." Seeing as each day passes with us pushing it off on another tomorrow it has turned into a vicious cycle. The baby fever is waning slightly, but more due to the fact that sweet Tyler is adamently against procreating at this time than me not wanting to get fat and make a human. What doesn't help is that I've just learned of THREE new parents-to-be! THREE! I heard of these within 12 hours and for a moment I thought there was some conspiracy against me. You see, I hate being jealous and I was quite jealous. However, when all those babies are potty-training I'm sure I'll be glad its just Tyler and me. As usual, I'm still hoping this is all a phase. Neither of us is actually good with children (we're quite awkward, really) and we're nowhere near financially stable enough for little Lipseys.

In reproduction-related news, I have a new interest in birth control methods. Dad, stop reading now, I know how freaked out you are that I even possess reproductive organs. You might think this is inappropriate to speak of on this public blog, but I have questions and you just might have my answers! Plus we're all adults least as far as I know...still, I appreciate appropriateness and if I really thought I was toe'ing the line I wouldn't talk about this. The truth is, birth control is expensive. The other truth is that trips to the emergency room + follow up appointments are even more expensive. Thus, we're running out of health insurance funds. I'm doing a little bit of research on ovulation cycles (couldn't get enough reproductive talk in anatomy, I suppose), and how they can be used for birth control. Of course, I'm mostly finding information on how to track your most fertile days, but I'm sure I could just avoid those days like the plague and be ok! Thoughts? I know I speak a lot about my baby fever, but I truly know that we're not ready for babies right now and I'm really trying to avoid a pregnancy...I'm just also trying to avoid paying nearly $100 on the teensy pills every month. I've got a doctor's appointment Friday to beg for either generic pills or more information on tracking the ole cycle, but I love opinions from real people (doctors aren't real people are they? Kidding Dr. Melisa, in case you read this) and you guys usually come through for me! I will also add that I've read some hilarious stuff (due in part to my own immaturity) in my search for these ovulation calendars/fertility trackers, so you might want to google it and enjoy!

Heavy stuff this evening, hope I don't have you squirming in your seat! Love to hear from you as always & keep me in your prayers!



  1. i think its awesome your wanting to learn to track your cycles! its a MUCH healthier way to go then birth control. I myself have always only used a barrier method. its inexpensive and there's no nasty side effects! but tracking your cycles is the best way to go. there are several things you can do. you can check where your cervix is and monitor your cervical fluid as well. also using a basal thermometer to track your temp every morning before you get out of bed and write it down, ive also heard of the fertility friend website is great for keeping track of it and ive heard its free, but i havent used it. tracking your cycle is always better because everyones is different! Ive read little but do reccoment Taking charge of your fetility by Toni Weschler - HarperCollins Publishers would be a great way to start. that way also you dont have to worry any more about spending those $$ or the long term side effects of birth controls. I think you will be a great mom when your read. however i know how the baby fever is. it took brandon and i a year and a month to conceive and i just used to cry thinking id never have another baby. also remember you really only have around a 25% of getting pregnant every cycle.

  2. Well I can only speak from experience and also from the crazy knowledge that not everyone's body works like the book says they do. My personal opinion is that if you definitely are not ready for kids then sacrifice somewhere else to either continue the birth control or go with the old school condomns. But really who wants to use those! Something I have had to resort to for birth control (because of a blood clot from being on the pill with estrogen) is an IUD. It has been fabulous and the one I am on has no hormones in association with it. It's the Paraguard. It's for 10 years, but they can take it out whenever you want them too and you immediately are fertile. It uses copper instead of hormones. My experience money wise was that it has been overall cheaper than the monthly cost of the pills. with my insurance, I think I only had to pay a copay for inserting it. It's definitely an option to look into. I have had great results with it and several of my friends have even gotten one too. Some of them also have the Mirena, but I believe that one has some hormone in it. Anyway, that's my take on BC. Don't get rid of it if you don't want to get pregnant! Have a good week and if you have anymore questions about itI will be glad to tell you more about when they placed it etc... Just facebook me!

  3. I must say that sounds pretttty risky, but women used to do that for centuries before BC. I might agree with Jessica who says to go with an IUD. It's a one-time cost and stays effective for years.

  4. is there a reason that the doctor wont supply you with generic? i pay 20 dollars a month for mine which i think it very reasonable. that is even what i paid when i didnt have insurance.I would be careful with just avoiding the days. even though it seems logical, i feel that there is a lot of risk with that. and i know you want to be prepared when that time comes to have children. :)

  5. Just want to point out that sperm can live inside for up to 10ish days.... Really reduces your "practicing days" down quite a bit...
