Monday, March 14, 2011

Teach Me to Number My Days

Hi friends! Its been so long (almost a week) since I've posted, so I wanted to make sure you knew that I have not passed on, just been extremely busy! A quick update(which is a lie, because my updates are never "quick" I'm a rambler):

I have not yet been to the doctor, nor have I heard anything from the doctor's office I am trying to go to. Apparently I'm trying to go to an elite doctor (the one hubby goes to) which required me to fill out a new patient packet and wait 5 days to schedule an appointment. Good thing whatever is going on isn't life threatening! At least not that we know all seriousness I've had no more episodes of temporary vision loss/crazy spots/etc. Praise the Lord for that!

In other news, Tyler and I worked audio/visual at church Saturday & Sunday, and I must tell you I walked away humbled with a lot to think about. The new message series is called Time of Your Life, and we're talking about how we spend our time and how, in the grand scheme of things, our lives are tiny and insignificant.

Randy started off talking about how much time we spend wondering what time it is, and estimated most people look at the clock about 20 times a day. Immediately things started hitting home. I'm pretty sure God was cracked up and had good reason for me listening to this message three times (with no cheat notes so I had to pay close attention), because I'm an extreme clock watcher. I have looked at the clock THREE times since starting this blog post. I watch minutes slowly tick by on a regular basis. This series is for me. Just looked a fourth time. Anyway, the basis of the message this week is that we're only here for a brief, tiny second and we shouldn't waste it. We should spend our time furthering God's kingdom and living out His purpose for our lives--not our own. "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12, was the memory verse of the week and sums it up pretty well. I never want to tell too much on here, because I always want you to go listen for yourself! This week's message and notes are posted here, so please go check it out! You won't be sorry. I do want to share the prayer that Randy encouraged us to share and to pray everyday:

"Heavenly Father, teach me to number my days that I might gain a heart of wisdom and fulfill your purpose in my life. Teach me to number my days that I might gain a heart of wisdom, that I might think about my time differently, use my time more wisely, and fulfill your purpose for my life."

On a lighter note, between studying the reproductive system and having approximately 35% of the people I know pregnant, I have myself a serious case of baby fever. The odd part of my predicament is that I'm much more interested in being pregnant than actually having a tiny human for myself. I think there is nothing more fascinating than being pregnant. Before you tell me your horror stories about morning sickness and labor pains, take a moment to think of what a miracle it truly is. Everything has to happen perfectly for you to even find yourself with child. The egg has to be swept into the uterine tube and the sperm has to enter at just the right time (the egg is only viable for ~24 hours after all). They have to meet in the tube, but travel all the way to the uterus, which has to be ready, to implant. Then that tiny mass of cells has to turn into a legitimate human being in less than 9 months. THAT IS COMPLETE INSANITY! First you can't tell me there's no God, as otherwise this would certainly not happen, and you can't tell me that's not the coolest thing you've ever heard. Our microscopic cells meet each other, fuse together, and make PEOPLE! Tiny people! And despite all of this, our little bitty uteruses(not even sure that's a word) get enormous and our organs shift around and our belly buttons stick out and because of hormones we MAKE MILK! What a miracle! I cannot wait to participate in this miracle myself! I'm teary-eyed! Just think about it--reproduction, pregnancy, and anatomy in general are incredible and we are blessed to play a role in it. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) pregnancy always produces a tiny human that grows into a teenager and takes all your money, time, energy, love, attention, etc. for 18+ years. Now, I can't wait to give all of those things to Little Lipsey, but I'm also not finished taking up all of the Mister's money, time, energy, love, attention etc! Kidding, I'm mainly not ready for parenthood as I have no stable career and am terribly irresponsible on the whole. Perhaps I'll finish school and love nursing and buy a car and a house and then Duggar it up and have some babies. Probably not 20, maybe 10. KIDDING, Tyler love! I suppose this is enough rambling about my unhealthy obsession with pregnancy? Maybe now you just know who to call should you need a surrogate??

Ok, I've run out of energy & its time to go watch our new favorite show--Dead Like Me--on Netflix. Its terribly dark and everyone on it has an incredible potty mouth, but Mandy Pantinkin (Inigo Montoya/Agent Jason Gideon)is in it and I'm slightly in love with him. I love his voice and dry sense of humor. The rest of the characters are pretty great too. I digress.




  2. Josh and I are currently doing a study together. "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. We are really enjoying it. It comes with the book, study guide and dvd. It is broken up on what to do each day and they are short. Yall should look into it :)
