Saturday, March 5, 2011

Don't feel neglected...

Hey loves!

I'm coming off my steroid "high" if you can call it that, so I've got nothing much to say. Feeling pretty awful and trying to stay awake, but at least I know now that I have re-gained the capability to sleep! YES! I managed to sleep all night last night, and here I am at 2pm longing for my comfy bed again! I've can also hear from BOTH ears now and have been to potty. Other than the sleepy fog, life is good...I feel like a new woman! Hoping this all wears off tonight/tomorrow so I'll feel up to work/school/life in general come Monday. And I promise when I am back to myself I'll give you a decent, sensible post.

Also a Happy Engagement Party wish to my sweet Christa Faye & cousin Cody!! I wish I could be there & I love you both!

Hannah the ultimate sleepy head

PS I've spent at least 1/2 the day thinking about wanting to do something new to my hair. ALWAYS open for me?

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