Saturday, March 19, 2011

Twitter Quitter

Hey loves! I'm sitting here on my couch waiting my turn in the shower and figured I'd post really quick since I've not in awhile. Too long of a while.

Any how, I'm thinking of quitting facebook. I don't even have a twitter account so my title's kind of moot, but I thought it was clever and I'm always seeking to be just that. Facebook has become the ultimate time suck and I'm not getting things done because I'm trying to keep up with your life. Typically, your life is no more exciting than mine, so I'm not sure why this is necessary. Unless you are there a pregnant book I can join so that I can continue to live vicariously through those with the big round tummies that have tiny humans inside? I should create one. A website, not a pregnancy. Only that would be creepy since I'm not pregnant and don't plan to become that way anytime soon. In fact I'm hoping this "pregnancy is awesome and I wish I was pregnant" phase will pass incredibly quickly. So here's what I'm wondering, will you still read my blog if I don't consistently post links on facebook? Because I want to keep blogging...and when you tell me I'm funny/have good ideas/should write a book, well that keeps me going. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm leaning in the facebook quitter direction. I'll keep you updated...via facebook, ironically.

In other good news, my friend Julie is having a baby boy!!! YES! She's not due until September so I have to practice extreme patience (terrible at that), but I'm sure we'll make it. Ethan or Eli will be adorable and I can't wait to meet (read:steal) him!

More good news, my sweet, charming, adorable, nearly-perfect husband took his concert band to their large group performance evaluation yesterday. I am proud to announce that he got straight 1's and his band is "SUPERIOR!" Therefore, Mr. Lipsey is superior himself. I'm inclined to agree! We're currently listening to a professional recording of his band's performance and I am amazed. As someone who knows almost nothing about music (except that we in the dance world count it in sets of 8), I'm impressed that these young students can make a sound like that. I personally don't have the hand-eye coordination nor the desire to sit still that such talent requires. What an excellent teacher they must have! I'm also surprised at the difference in the sound of marching band music and concert band music. Whatever we're listening to right now is simply beautiful. And so is the man who is unconsciously conducting the recording. Hello, I'm Hannah and I'm teary-eyed because I'm so proud of my superior husband. And lucky, have I mentioned how lucky I am? Just thought you should know. Brag brag brag. I'm allowed, he's superior!

Well the time has come to prepare for the band chicken dinner (fun?) that, for reasons unknown, is happening at 10am. Bizarre, but I'm sure there's some sort of reason for this. Excited to see the kids...I didn't realize how much I'd miss angsty teenagers when I left the education world. Please, somebody hire me! They were keeping me young! Now I'm frumpy. I need a shopping trip...with someone who has better style than me. And I need my hair done. Why? I haven't had it done since December and its mid-late March. YIKES! No wonder I feel frumpy! I'm off topic...I was saying goodbye!



  1. I read your super-cute blog when I see links on facebook. Please don't leave us!

  2. I would definitely keep reading your blog. I enjoy it so :)
