Sunday, March 27, 2011

Secret Millionaire

This is my first post after facebook and I must say it feels just fine:) Haven't missed the ole time suck yet, but we'll see come morning...I always liked to wake up while doing a little stalking. I'm hoping to convert that time into my quiet time with God which, I've been told, will make my days much better. I'll keep you updated.

So tonight I watched secret millionaire for the first time, and cried like the big baby that I am. It brought me straight back to one of my most favorite times in my life, when I got the chance to live in the beautiful Washington DC and serve the city's homeless. What an incredible experience and the perfect way to show God's love. I miss it so much and I know I will never have a job that I love as much as I loved that one. I wish there were opportunities to serve others for "work" in Thomasville. My old computer houses almost all of my pictures from that time, but here are two I snatched from facebook...they surely brought tears to my eyes, even 2.5 years later.

You will never meet anyone more deserving of your love and attention as these kids. They were always happy to see us and the teams we brought in with us. They all lived in the projects and we came in weekly to host vacation Bible schools at their playground. The second picture is of me and the little guy that stole my heart before Tyler...his name is Tajuan and I got to spend 3 solid weeks with him. He had a tough little exterior and got picked on a lot from the other kids because he didn't want to fight...he broke my heart right in two when I had to leave. I miss him and would give anything to know where he is now. I hope and pray he's still resisting the fight and "trying to do the right thing." What a fantastic kid! Pray for him with me!

All that to say my dream job is to be the secret millionaire. I wish I had the money to be able to give $25,000 to well-deserving charities. Tonight, a guy named Amin (not sure on spelling) took the shoes off his own feet to give to a guy who needed them. Amin warmed my heart and completely destroyed my mascara. What a blessing to be able to see people like this in the world today! Please, God, show me how to be one!

I have to share with you a story that happened to us last night...a way to be your own secret millionaire. And by millionaire I mean makes-$10-per-hour-aire. I debated whether telling you this would come across as boastful, but I believe its an example of God's sovereignty. Remember Tony that I mentioned in my post from yesterday? Well we met him at Waffle House last night. He was holding a sign outside asking for money/food, and we quickly walked past and attempted to avoid eye contact. Now, avoiding situations such as these completely destroy me. I was overwhelmed with guilt and could hardly enjoy my giant waffle. Thank God, Tony came in. He talked to the waitress about what he could buy for $5, which was not very much. We called over the waitress and agreed to pay for his meal...she passed the message along to Tony and he spent a whopping $5.35. Hardly enough to break the bank. Upon leaving he thanked us and talked to us a bit. I will never forget how blue Tony's eyes were and how truly gracious he looked. Can't we all be this kind of secret millionaire? It doesn't have to be 25K to make a difference! Now, I'd be lying if I said we didn't have to keep track of our finances. My job doesn't pay much and we're also paying for school, but please don't think we're hungry or anything like that. However, when we arrived home we had $100 check in the mailbox. This, my friends, is proof that the Lord is sovereign! He will meet your every need! If you think you can't give some away because you might not have enough, guess again. I told this story to a friend (actually someone who lived with me in DC) and she shared with me a message from her mom..."you can't out give God." And isn't this so true? I tell you these things not to brag on how giving we were (is $5.35 really enough to write home about?) but to give you an example of how great our God is! And to show you that the smallest gestures can make the greatest differences.

I've got 3 challenges for you this week:
1. watch Secret Millionaire, it will truly touch your heart
2. Be your own Secret Millionaire--buy somebody's cheap dinner or meet some other need. It feels awesome and glorifies God at the same time.
3. Pray for me. That's a general statement, but I need it in just about every area of my life.

Well loves, I'm tired and heading to bed. I love you all, really, I do!


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