Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 2

Hi, again! I've got a loooooooooooong day of nothing but studying ahead, so you get a morning blog. I really have too much to do, so I give you Day 2: A picture of a person you have been close with for awhile.
Alex and I, Edward Cullen-faced on my wedding day. Totally inappropriate. Do you know how hard it is to limit "a person you have been close with for awhile" down to just one person? Also, I'm trying not to use the same pictures over and over again, so I had to check through all of the other days and make sure I wouldn't need to pull this out again. So, Alex and I have been close for "awhile." Awhile being since her freshman year/my senior year at UGA, but we got a lot closer once I graduated and left. Not sure why/how that is. If you don't have one, you need a BFFAEAEAE (thats short for best friend forever and ever and ever and ever) like Alex. Our friendship is terribly low maintenance and easy, and exactly how friendships should be. We see each other when we see each other, and we only talk when we want to. There's no need to have "life updates" or talk for 2.5 hours on the phone every week, and we both like it that way. Guilt-less, easy friends. Additionally, Alex is the straight shooter of straight shooters, which is exactly what I need in my life. Tell me like it is! Perhaps one of my favorite things about my dear friend is the fact that she's from Thomasville and intends to move back. "We get to be friends for the rest of our lives!" That's perfect! Fortunately/unfortunately she's got quite a few years of pharmacy school before she does make it back, but I'll take what I can get and start a countdown the day she starts pharmacy school! That being said, she is very dedicated to her school/future and would want me to hush the rambling and study like her all day. Love you, BFFAEAEAE!


1 comment:

  1. This was probably one of my favorites of your wedding pictures. :)
    Alex is a great match for you haha!
