Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ranty Rant.

Hello strangers! Been busy, as usual, and to be honest, I couldn't blog last night because I was straight up mad. Mad enough to cry. Being afraid of cussing on the internet or something far worse, I kept it to myself and let my husband make me happy with a little mouse chase. Seriously.

Yesterday was a pretty good day on the whole, I aced my respiratory test (just in case you need to know the parts of your respiratory system, I'm your girl) and the day went by quickly even though Tyler has hijacked my kindle (to read the Hunger Games I've been raving about). It was for the best, of course, otherwise I couldn't tell you all that you ever wanted to know about mucus. I digress. However I should've expected a rough day as I was greeted by a baby mouse while sitting on the porcelain throne first thing yesterday morning, and due to this scare, not all contents made it where they were supposed to. More on little mouse later.

 Let me start with the fact that I've been emailing my advisor for approximately 2 wks in a desperate attempt to set up an advising appointment. I work a full-time job, a part-time job and I go to school full-time, so its necessary for me to complete such tasks as early as possible. After calls and emails, I get no response. Monday (Feb. 28) is our early registration day for spring AND summer, and all students will be on campus fighting to see their advisor and register on that day. Sound like a nightmare? It does to me. Early bird gets the worm. Unless said bird is a student at my college where all of those who are not currently employed eat up all of the worms while we're stuck with the maggots or plague-infested fleas. No, I am not bitter. All that to say, I emailed another advisor literally pleading for help, only to get a one-liner back telling me to show up on Monday. Does this plan sound at all efficient to you?!?! Oh how I miss UGA where I could be advised 3 months ahead of time if my studious heart so desired! The worst part is I don't even know if I have any classes left to take (thanks to the overall lack of access to my own transcripts and transfer credits), so meeting with me would take approximately 5 minutes. However, if I try to go on my lunch break Monday I can assure you there will be a line out the door just like there was when I went to pay my bill that was already paid but they hadn't recorded before this quarter started. BOO INEFFICIENCY! I think they should hire me and my wealth of organizational skills so I can put together a sensible advising/registration plan. Anyway, Bitter Betty will just have to get advised after my anatomy class that ends at 8:30pm on Monday. Pray for me, and whatever poor soul does end up getting stuck advising me, because I'm sure I'll be epically pleasant after an 8 hour work day and 3.5 hour class period. They should be so glad that I've already completed and submitted my "student satisfaction survey!"

On to the mouse. When I got home, there appeared my slightly disheveled knight in shining armor with a broom in hand, rubber gloves and plastic bags. Why? Mouse hunt. Poor Tyler chased that baby mouse all over the living room, into corner after corner, only to get him to places where Tyler couldn't reach. It really was a valiant effort, but to no avail. Little mouse had one last night of fun-filled house-roaming (and pooping, says Tyler).

This morning, Tyler woke me to inform me that I needed to stay in bed a little longer (oh darn) because he had something to take care of. This would've been nice had he left the last part out and let me go back to sleep. Thanks to baby mousey's overall lack of cognitive ability, he managed to scale the toilet brush and take a dive into the trash can. Unfortunately for him, he had no way out of said can. Tyler found him trapped and jumping this morning--victory was our's! But what do you do with a live mouse jumping around in a trash can?? We knew we couldn't let him live; we'd done that once before and the mouse we spared came back. So Tyler filled a tiny recycling trash can 1/2 way with water and plopped the worn-out-from-jumping baby mouse inside. He promptly drowned.

When the mouse debacle had ended, Tyler also informed me that we are going to the beach this weekend!! Best husband ever! Unfortunately I have a test Monday and a test Tuesday, but I've already done a lot of studying for this very reason! I cannot wait and hope to have pictures for you.

Well friends, the time has come to choreograph for my sweet dance babies in preparation for tomorrow's classes. I'll be a better blogger from now on, I hope. Keep praying for us and my future job situation please!



  1. We had a mouse problem about a year 2 years ago so much that I told Chad I was moving home with my mom until he got rid of them. We ended up having to call the exterminators and they came and set out LOTS of poison and when they left I never saw another one! It was well worth the $65. Just a thought!

  2. Maybe you should propose the idea of you taking over at the school. Then you can do whatever you want :)

  3. When I was an RD at college, I had two rats living in my apartment (this was basically 3 dorm rooms converted to an apartment for a live in director). No, not mice... rats.. OMG THEY WERE HUGE! And, to beat it all, no one believed us until they had to pay an exterminator $6,000 to get the mutated things out of our apartment... (and, thankfully, the exterminator, knowing how stress we were about our gophers, promptly brought the dead rats and sat them on the maintenance head's desk- ha!- payback at its best!).
