Tuesday, January 11, 2011

25 Before 25-The List

Inspired by my dear friend Leah who is doing one new thing everyday for a year (see her blog here), I have decided to start a list of things I want to do before I'm 25. Its as well thought out as possible given all that has been going on in my life the past few days, so don't take it too seriously. As these are my own ramblings, they are subject to change, but here is the list as of now. In no particular order, I give you:

Hannah's 25 Things To Do Before Turning 25
  1. Give blood--I'm pretty sure mine's decent, so its selfish not to. Who doesn't want to save lives before 25!?
  2. Learn to knit or crochet--I know so little about either that I'm not sure which would suit me best. If you have suggestions, please share!
  3. Learn to ride a bicycle.--You think this is a joke? I tried to add a picture as proof that its not, but blogger wouldn't let me. Check my former profile pictures if you don't believe me. It's pitiful. 
  4. Run a 5-K--also a New Year's Resolution/Goal, so hopefully this will legitimately get done. 
  5. Start some kind of nursing program--can't be too specific with this one, I learned that lesson today. See previous blog if you don't know what I'm talking about!
  6. Hike the Little Grand Canyon--Tyler's suggestion and I don't see why not...just hoping there are no snakes.
  7. Send in a Post Secret card--the only question is if I'll be able to keep it to just one!?
  8. Read Gone with the Wind--Why? Because I've always wanted to and never taken the time. 
  9. Get bangs--Hubby is trying to talk me out of these and they may never happen, because we both know I never like any hair cut I ever get. 
  10. Reunite with at least ten friends I haven't seen in 6 months or more--I miss my peeps. 
  11. Take a Jazzercise class--Take it with me!! They're in Tallahassee at 8am on Saturday & I would love to have company 
  12. Take an anniversary trip with my sweet husband--because we deserve it and your marriage only turns one once!
  13. Put wedding pictures up in our house--they're super good and the house needs some life for sure!
  14. Volunteer at an organization in Thomasville--I've got several in mind, but I'm not sure what their volunteer schedules are like, so more information on this as I get it.
  15. Take a trip to Babyland General--A group of girls (including me, obviously) planned to do this years ago and I think its time! 
  16. Read the entire Bible--Distractions have prevented this long enough 
  17. Visit the World of Coke--its a shame to live in GA and never visit!
  18. Make a return trip to Washington, DC--its my favorite place in the world, after all. 
  19. Create an article of clothing--no specifics on whether said article is attractive or functional, but I'll hope for both 
  20. Get a scholarship--any kind will be great! 
  21. Move--this house is creepy and I hate the critters in the attic scaring me all the time 
  22. Send out Christmas cards--we're adults now, its time! 
  23. Dance at UGA's Homecoming game--I want to every year and I'm tired of high school football holding me back, its happening! 
  24. Get a job--any kind of job, anywhere. Suggestions? I'm open. 
  25. Increase awareness of dating violence--you can view my story here. If you read, I'm already doing #25! I plan to do more of course, as my story has already been shared on the blog where you'll read it. 
That's all I've got for tonight, friends.  I've got a headache from looking into microscopes (gross) in a lab with a stuffed rattlesnake (not ok), so I'm going to read a bit. Remember I love hearing from you:)



  1. Like these! Especially the Jazzercise class! I've always wanted to take a kickboxing or a dance/exercise class! Good luck!!

  2. This is a great list! It is also practical and able to be done :)

  3. Love this! On the crocheting or knitting part I particularly like to crochet. It is less complicated and a good stress relief. When my mom is stressed she will sit down and crochet a scarf so you kill two birds with one stone ... learn to crochet and create an article of clothing! :)


  4. I know how to crochet, and I tried to learn how to knit... knitting was hard for me... so I stuck with crocheting!
