Wednesday, January 5, 2011

She Bangs?

Since folks are actually reading my blog (thanks again for the confidence boost and making me feel funny), I have one, quick question for you: To Bang or Not To Bang?

I really want bangs. I don't know why, but it could be directly related to my large fivehead and hopes to at least cover it up a bit. I've had bangs before, but I didn't fully commit and ended up looking 7 at my 21st birthday party:

Now I am prepared to be more committed to the bangs and go for a thicker bang, much like Zooey Deschanel in the 500 Days of Summer (great movie if you haven't seen it!)

So, what are your thoughts? Bangs or no bangs? Comment me, facebook me, something so I can have an opinion other than my own!


1 comment:

  1. Well, I tried bangs I think three times and after the third I gave up completely. As much as I loved the idea of bangs or the way they made me look for the first week, they never worked. Either they'd grow too quickly or styling them didn't work right that day. Either way, I can see your attraction to them so if you want try one more time and after that if it fails, give up!! lol You're pretty no matter what, so don't rely on the bangs to make you feel that way!!
