Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh the weather outside is...anything BUT frightful.

Well, I very rarely feel homesick, but now is one of those time. Chatsworth is supposed to get 6 inches of beautiful, white snow!! I'm sure the shelves are cleared of milk and bread (I still don't know why) and everyone is tucked in at home nice and snug. Though I'm wearing my Snuggie and could easily be called snug as well, we are getting nothing  in the way of weather here. We're expecting rain tomorrow, really cold, but not cold enough to freeze and let me keep my sweet hubs at home. I'd pitch a major fit, but I'm seriously doubting it would do any good. Despite my bratty little "life's not fair" mood, I'll share my favorite snow pictures from Athens 2 years ago when we got snow and Chatsworth didn't!

 Snowed in at my then-boyfriend's apartment? I guess that's ok! Look at our lovely winter wonderland!

 Tyler's first big snow--he was so pumped! I had the flu, and being responsible as ever, played outside anyway.

It appears my hair was also a legitimate, unnatural shade of orange. I clearly had no friends and a slightly fashion-challenged/maybe color-blind boyfriend because that let that ugly nonsense slide! GROSS, people! If you see me looking like a giant creamsicle, clearly the polite thing to do is mention a color change.

So here I sit. Watching hubby play his new Modern Warfare Black Ops game (super interesting) and begging the Lord for just a teensy bit of freezing rain--enough to keep him here playing said game tomorrow! Not too much to ask, right?

In other non-snow-related news, we had an incredible church service today! Coincidentally it was related to how you have to try to make friends. Of course that wasn't the entire message (you can listen to it here), but your girl surely felt convicted about that part since I am sitting around waiting on the to-be friends to come knocking down my door. Granted its kind of worked thus far, I have at least started making dinner plans via facebook (nearly impossible with my horrific school schedule + busy weekends), but we're working on it! People want to hang out with me! YES!

We also had a spectacular dinner at Olive Garden (much thanks to Christmas gift cards) and drank water to make us feel like we've not completely ruined our "diet" and overall wellness.

Anatomy & Physiology 2 starts tomorrow and, because I'm a giant nerd, I'm stoked! I loved A&P 1 and I'm completely fascinated by the way my body works. A&P 1 was just over cells, tissues, bones, muscles and nerves (not the most interesting and mainly just memorization) but in A&P 2 we get to approach my favorite body-related topic: reproduction! I cannot get over the fact that I have the ability to grow a baby inside of my body. Not to mention a baby that is 1/2 me and 1/2 Tyler. Though I don't want to do so anytime soon, I am both excited and fascinated by the process. One day you'll have to read about that and I'm sure, raging hormones and all, it will be interesting for you too! I'll leave you with the thought I'm left with after every venture in anatomy: how can anyone believe there is no God when looking at the intricacies of the human body?



  1. sooo should I have Noah get on Xbox and beg Tyler to play Black

  2. i was gonna say the same thing chris just started on xbox live and needs friends :)

  3. I think the snow in Athens was the best snow ever! It was a lot of fun.
