Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I promise I'll make a decent post...eventually...

Hey friends! I still need to give you more details on my Athens trip & seeing friends, but at the moment I'm filling out so many job applications that I can't see straight, and I'm a little stressed about dance. I know that sounds ridiculous, but here's a cry for help. I need recital music. And I can't seem to think of anything. I've sat on iTunes for seriously hours at a time and googled all I can think to google, but I keep coming up empty handed. So I'm begging for your help. Even better part? I really need to start my routines today. So, to give you maximum time to think, here's what we're working with. The theme is Country Mouse/City Mouse. Now, I need songs with city names in them & songs about the country, but not actual country songs. Does that make sense? I have a ballet class & tap class ages 4-7, and I have a 7-8 year old jazz/hip hop class. So...suggestions? I'm literally making myself sick about it, I seriously have to get started ASAP. Any help would be supreme! And don't feel like today is the deadline...I doubt I'll come up with all of the music before classtime. Thank you!


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