Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, friends!! Friday is really no different than any other day for an unemployed broad like myself, but it does mean a weekend of time with my hubby! That's great since I spend ~80% of my time alone at present. Not cool. Though I just said Friday is no different than any other day, I need to contradict myself. Friday marks 5 days-a full school week-of dieting! Would you like to know what we're doing in celebration of that?! QUITTING! That's right. We have agreed to stop the nonsense, and "fall off the wagon" as Tyler calls it. Am I ashamed? A little. I haven't told my mom yet, I'm sure she'll read it here, but life is too short to be miserable. And I was miserable. Mainly because of the consistent headaches and bathroom trips.

What brought on the change? Tyler consumed 800 calories yesterday. That's it. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that daily caloric intake for men never get lower than 1800. Though I haven't tracked my calories, I know I've been eating less than he, and the daily intake for women isn't recommended to go lower than 1200. No wonder we've been feeling weak! We're literally starving ourselves. How? Because we hate what we're "allowed" to eat on the diet. So sometimes I just skip it. I know thats terrible, but at least I'm not eating stuff I'm not allowed to eat, right? Wrong. No more! Tonight we're having spaghetti, it's not diet approved, but it's also not a greasy cheeseburger, and that's good enough for me! I'll try to refrain from DQ for awhile, but the only promise I make is not to go everyday.

In other news, I'll leave you with a quote from my 29th First Day of School yesterday. The teacher passed out the syllabus and reviewed a "research paper" assignment we'll be working on. It only has to be 5 pages over an ethical issue in medicine (paper topic suggestions are appreciated!) and it must be typed. Simple, right? After she says it has to be typed some precious individual says, "I'm just bein honest here, but what if you can't type?" Can you see why technical school sometimes seems like an alternate reality?



  1. America's obsession with "never give up!" "don't quit what you've started!" leads us down dangerous paths, like keeping people stuck in miserable jobs for a long time, or staying on an unsustainable diet. If it's not working for you, and you're miserable in a situation, I see no problem with getting out.

    I think, in many cases, you're better off having learned from a situation and moving on :)

  2. You ought to definitely do what makes you HAPPY. Life is too short to be miserable, and as Colby says, "as long as we love our bodies, who cares what anyone else thinks!!". Perfectly said. I know your Hubby loves everything about you, and there is no point in changing yourself because you're gorgeous just the way you are!!! :) Good for you for not falling into the hype of societal pressure. haha

  3. I think you should do a paper on assisted suicide...or what about DNR, or organ donors. I could also be off my rocker but is that any different from normal.
