Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Food. Don't mention it.

Seeing today is my last official day of Christmas break, you may actually get 2 posts because I've got a lot going on. For one I'm about to go up to the school (pray there's no need for confrontation) to see if I've gotten into my classes, what I need to pay, etc. Its hard for me not to rant about school already, but since I'm sure I'll have fresh news later I won't start yet. Instead I'll rant about the diet.

My head hurts. (caffeine)

My stomach hurts. (fiber)

I've been to the bathroom a trillion times due to excessive fiber intake and water.

I'm really in need of a Dr. Pepper and a blizzard. Heck I'd even take a fruit lovers blizzard right now and in my humble opinion anything with fruit in it shouldn't count as dessert!

I think now is a good time to point out that I'm more concerned about getting healthy than I am weight loss. Luckily for me, the two should come hand-in-hand. There's something you have to know to be able to fully understand why I need a diet: this girl LOVES eating. I typically have 2-3 Dr. Peppers everyday and ice cream at least once. Fast food is obviously sprinkled throughout the day too. As a result, I'm terribly sluggish and lazy. I'm hoping that working out & eating better will lead me to feel better and be more productive. Of course the little devil on my shoulder says "You're unemployed, you don't need to be productive!" and I'm somewhat inclined to agree with him. More importantly, my beloved wants to lose weight and be healthier. I know it will be easier for him if I do it too, thus here I am. I may not be committed to this diet, but I'm committed to my husband. So I'll sulk and whine on this blog that he'll read, but I will try not to whine too much to him.

On a happier note, thank you so much for your positive comments on here and on facebook! I had a little boost in what felt like self confidence before I went to bed last night because of you! Hopefully I can keep you entertained even though I'll no longer have hilarious stories from my kindergarteners...keep an open mind though, some of the folks I'm in classes with provide for some funny quotes as well. Time to go fight the man/woman at the college!


1 comment:

  1. For my first comment... I posted it with the wrong blog. This is the correct one. haha!

    I am very proud of you. I need to take your lead and become more healthy as well.

    For your 25 list: Parasailing; one of the most amazing things I have ever done :)
