Friday, January 21, 2011

The 2nd Love of my Life

Hello from the Holiday Inn! Lucky for me, the kids opted out of watching an afternoon concert so I get some time to spend writing about my life (I'm narcissistic, so I like talking about me) and reading. Which brings me to my splendid topic of the day, the second love of my life (husband aside): Reading!

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live, must not know how to read a book."-Unknown

I could not agree more with this quote, and must add that getting to become someone else, at least in my head, is one of my favorite parts about reading. Just this week I have been: a profiler with the BAU (think Criminal Minds), a girl in the witness protection program who falls in love with a high-profile professional football player (GASP!), a little girl with an abusive step father, and a journalist who studies human cadavers. VERY COOL. Given my current state of unemployment and overall lack of things to do, reading has been a perfect escape. It was, in fact, a very easy escape at the high school band concert I attended last night. Now, its not that I don't appreciate music (I do! Its a high school band program that keeps me fed and clothed!), but I don't understand it or appreciate it like my husband does. So, I used the best gift ever (my Kindle) and escaped to the world of a 10 year old girl who was abused and killed by her stepdad. That sounds like an awful escape, doesn't it? Turns out you can't be picky when you're reading free books though:). And what can I say? I love a good crime drama.

Given that a lot of my friends (and possible blog readers?) are fans of books and reading as well, I thought I'd share mine from this week. First though, here's my ploy to get YOU to purchase a Kindle. I can promise if you're a reader its the best investment you'll make. Only $139 and there are so many FREE books! At the Lipsey house, our motto is "we take free things," so this is a very important aspect. It also helps that you can download books instantly so you don't have to wait around to go to B&N or Borders and get a new one. Its so small that it fits in my purse, so I literally take it everywhere I go!
 And now for my weekly reading material:
This book was divine! Its a sequel to the novel Crush (which was free) and I was sucked in from day one! I can't really tell you much without telling all, but if you like FBI/crime novels and shows like Criminal Minds, you will love it. Though the first book was free, this one was $12.99. Worth it though!

This book was a little dark but incredibly interesting. At least if you're interested in what happens to bodies donated to scientific research like I am. Mary Roach's dry humor is laced through all of the facts about said cadavers, which makes it easier to read. I found myself laughing out loud and even reading aloud to Tyler. After reading, I feel the need to share that I do intend to donate my body to science--as long as nobody sends it to The University of Tennessee.  $12.99

FREE BOOK! I got it because it was free and read it all in 2 nights (hubby goes to sleep before me, so that's how I occupy my time when I'm not tired). This is about a a girl who was formerly kidnapped and is now in the witness protection program (which makes me think of that Mary Kate & Ashley movie, not sure what it was called). She unexpectedly falls in love with a professional football player and obviously lots of drama unfolds. I couldn't put it down!  

FREE! This one is dark (I'm 49% through it) but I have high hopes. It takes place in Georgia and I really appreciate all of the city references that I can actually place. My biggest problem is that the author writes everything in an overly southern dialect that gets annoying to read. Plus, poor Lori Jean (the main character) just has a lot of tragedy in her life. I want to find her and give her a hug! I'm interested to see where it goes and I'll let you know when I finish!

Well, that's about all I've got a little lengthy, but I appreciate book recommendations so I thought you might too. Dinner with two of my favorite people in Athens tonight--one of which I haven't seen in 6+ months, so I can add her to my list! I'll let yall know how it goes!



  1. These books sound very interesting! I have lots of reading to do :)

  2. hannah, i sent you an email and i never got a response. i didnt know if you were just busy or somehow i sent it to the wrong email... also i so want a kindle all these books look great
