Monday, January 3, 2011

Hungry, Hungry HIPPO!

Well day one of the diet and, as the title suggests, I'm hungry. I had cereal for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch, neither of which sounds bad, but the thought of ALL the things I can't have is making me crazy. Here's hoping I'll stop obsessing about food (fat chance-no pun intended) and just get the job done. After a day of gorging myself full of deliciously unhealthy goods, I talked myself into weighing last night. 140 pounds. Most definitely the biggest I've ever been and that sets my goal at 125 pounds, which coincidentally leaves me thinking I should attempt 120 instead of 125, but we'll see.

On a happier note, we did darken the doorway of the gym today & I managed a whopping 20 minutes on the elliptical, then 12 minutes on the treadmill! I've definitely got a long way to go on my workout, but I'm impressed I even drug myself over there after a full day at home. I have to put in a plug for my dear hubby here because he did an awesome job on the treadmill, running much faster and much longer than I. I'm proud! I also think I'm going to try out a Zumba class tomorrow--here's hoping I don't either oversleep or talk myself out of going because I'm scared.

For a complete subject change, after reading the Stuff Christians Like blog from a while back, I'm considering making a 25 before 25 list...25 things I want to do before I turn 25. Jon, the blog's writer, created a list of 40 things to do before 40. Some of the things on his list are a little intense for me, so I decided I might need to start such a list NOW. So, if I ever post a link to this blog publicly, I'd like your input on things I can do before 25. The one rule? DO NOT include "have a baby" on your suggestions for this list. If that happens by the time I'm 25 I can assure you it will be an "uh-oh miracle" so it won't need to be on the list.

I believe that's it for tonight, time to cook a teensy bit of food for a diet-tastic dinner!



  1. Good luck Hannah with the weight loss!! If it makes you feel any better I haven't seen 140 in years! Like probably 13 years!! Sad I know! Maybe you will be some motivation to me! I'm glad you are blogging! I am an avid reader of blogs and a blogger too( Glad you are doing good!

  2. I am very proud of you. I need to take your lead and become more healthy as well.

    For your 25 list: Parasailing; one of the most amazing things I have ever done :)
